Heh. Thanks!
At first I thought you were making it up. But it's a thing!
Bought some just to try it out.
Looks like this refers to vitamin K2.
This is fair.
Yup. Accelerated dementia (Alzheimer's is a form of it), cancer, diabetes all hit my mother at the same time like a few months after the double jab.
She's dead now of course.
You guys should watch the movie, "The Ritual", on Netflix.
And you die with a big red smile on your face.
This is a circular argument.
Please be bird flu. Please be bird flu. Please be bird flu.
I do not want to die bleeding out my eyes.
You should get another booster, just to be safe.
This joke is claw-ying.
Been a long time gone for Constantinople.
Probably avian flu but yeah ebola is always out there somewhere ready to make everything more pleasant for everyone.
Bonny Henry is a piece of garbage.
This is pretty much correct except it's not antimatter. It is biophotons/mana/chi. You can learn to move energy through your system.
The more positive energy moving through your system, the more synchronicities, manifestations and that kind of stuff happens. Also health, peace of mind etc.
All tied to using your imagination in a positive way.
This is the correct interpretation I think.
Lookup Reality Shifting on reddit.
You may be white.
Reality shifting. No. Do a google search.
There are like 5 million national parks in the bahamas. Maybe it's just map inaccuracies.
"The other main factor is polarity of the ectrostatic medium, also known as aether."
Could you explain this sentence a little bit more? Not being sarcastic, actually curious.
Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?
User name checks out.
So you're saying when they were trying to play the soccer game where they kick the ball in the air and the person who drops it gets sacrificed because pause dramatically "the Sun!" or whatever, it's all just a bunch of handicapped people?
This is actually pretty funny in a dark Monty Python sorta way.
I very much like this rundown of articles that you do.