Hitler was only the tool that the jews used as controlled opposition. You can learn what was happening in Germany before the world wars, so you can understand.
Hitler was very useful:
Creating himself as the bad figure at the end of the war, so the jews can make themselves as the victims.
Influenced Europe with the generation theory, focusing on the supremacy of the Aryan race.
Created conflicts in Europe, so the following wars will destroy the majority of Christians.
Staged his own suicide. He was a member of the secret society known as Thule, which today holds the name "Skull and Bones".
As long as people will figure out that the jews are the opposition, they will immediately back the nazis, confirming the jewish plan works even now.
He wasn't a military strategist, nor a scientist. He was a painter. With a talent for details and beauty, he got to be a great orator. I have heard many of his speeches and he is very focused on the emotion of the listener. His speeches remain unequal in regards to motivation based on emotional distress. Perhaps that's why they don't translate them in many sources.
Controlled opposition is created so the lower level researches can immediately buy the opposition of the known enemy - "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", right? But what if the enemy of your enemy is also created by your enemy? :D
High level researchers question their own assumptions. Jumping in the team that screams your current opinion is a game of politics - they seem friendly until people give them power.
Sorry, but a contrary opinion deserves examination, not an upvote.
Hitler was only the tool that the jews used as controlled opposition. You can learn what was happening in Germany before the world wars, so you can understand.
Hitler was very useful:
Controlled opposition is created so the lower level researches can immediately buy the opposition of the known enemy - "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", right? But what if the enemy of your enemy is also created by your enemy? :D
High level researchers question their own assumptions. Jumping in the team that screams your current opinion is a game of politics - they seem friendly until people give them power.
Sorry, but a contrary opinion deserves examination, not an upvote.