TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happening in my family too with a very similar justification “oh everything’s bad for you, might as well enjoy what I eat” :( sorry to hear that. It’s a full fledged addiction. Anyone have good advice when it comes to breaking through a lifelong shitty food/beverage addiction?

TheChillConservative 3 points ago +3 / -0

Click on the links of these “family friendly” perverts headlining this midsommer fest. What kind of sick person signs off on this and then promotes it as family friendly? A grown ass disgusting fat man who wants to dress as a woman, put makeup and sparkles on and lure kids in as his hobby to get his rocks off… and people will subject their kids to this?? This is literally worse than the “hey kids, you want some candy” guy in a van driving down the street- it’s PROMOTED and in broad daylight at a supposed cultural festival.

TheChillConservative 8 points ago +8 / -0

Anyone have some good Antarctica documentaries or readings on plausible conspiracies of what’s actually going on down there? I hear about world leaders going down there, satellite footage being scrubbed, potential pole reversal destination, even some of the German “hidden world” submarine maps, etc but haven’t found a good source of info to get a good idea of the best theories. Thanks.

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Super eerie particularly after reading up on that bill gates/Microsoft patent 060606 that was posted the other day embedding sensors into the body and being rewarded automatically with cryptocurrency when the body does whatever is instructed by the “server”… too accurate

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree completely. The mental clarity while waking up every day is shockingly noticeable (and addicting). Anxiety gone, brain fog gone, increased focus… I feel like everything is just “clicking” on a personal mindset and work performance level.

The refueling process has me hyper conscious about what I’m putting in my body following the fast. Real, whole foods only (broth, then eggs, then fruit and meat) and even after 100 hours my refuel time is pretty low compared to what I’ve read- typically have a cup of grass fed bone broth, then 2 pasture raised eggs about an hour-2 later, some bites of banana/berries, then some ground beef/steak and cheese within 6 hours of breaking the fast. I try to use the best quality available to me but I’m on a budget so I’m not always as good as I’d like to be.

As for the extended fasting, After the 3 day marker, the hunger subsided almost completely. I returned to eating after the 4.5 day mark mostly due to boredom (water only) and wanting to workout again. I have been reading some material that encourages working out during the fast but obviously muscle fatigue sets in much more rapidly. Going to try next time.

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

Replace seeds and nuts with fruits and dairy and that’s the golden ticket to health imo after years of trial and research

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ditch anything “low fat” asap. But definitely stick with the meat and fruit, add whole fat products (satiate the body properly) and zero added sugar. Anyone else here subscribe to Paul Saladino aka carnivore MD (2.0 after getting the boot off Instagram/media platforms for bashing the vax and encouraging critical thinking)?

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never really thought of it this way but makes sense. Just think of those instances where you you over indulge or after a full meal in general. That’s when you’re lazy complacent, and content with rotting on the couch watching propaganda until your hunger returns. For most people, it is a difficult trap to break out of.

TheChillConservative 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do the same and have worked up to over 100 hours now. The “reborn” sentiment is very real. As is the appreciation for food when you come back. The mental clarity is astounding and the biggest reason I keep doing it periodically. During the work week I practice intermittent fasting, eating within a 4-8 hour window everyday - sometimes one meal/day. On weekends I’m more lax depending on what’s going on. I STRONGLY suggest everyone implements fasting into their life.

TheChillConservative 8 points ago +9 / -1

Have any supporting evidence for this quote being real? Of course you type “Ben Franklin Jews” into google and are met with thousands of articles claiming this to be nazi propaganda.

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep that’s my train of thought. All day long these emf’s being sent into one side of our bodies, especially for people connected to their phones. I’ve been trying to be conscious of this and use speaker/airplane mode/ not keep it on me when possible. Not quite sure how much damage is being done but would rather be overly cautious.

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been hearing more and more about emf exposure from our phones and devices potentially causing issues so I’m curious if there’s a correlation between where people hold/use/store their devices and where tumors tend to appear (right or left side depending on handedness).

Sorry to hear about your problems up in Nova Scotia. I too have lost faith in the medical and all institutions but the bright side is that by doing so we can learn how to best look out for ourselves and one another knowing that a government or corporation isn’t. I’m using some heavy biologic medicine that I’m trying to get off of (or be prepared to be off of in the event I can’t access it for any reason) via diet and lifestyle. Have noticed huge improvements with a carnivore/ancestral diet of primarily beef/red meat, some dairy, lots of butter, and fruits. Grass fed/organic/local when the budget allows.

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had never seen this until today. One of the more powerful, undeniable pieces of evidence I’ve seen when it comes to 9/11 conspiracy

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

And put it where… under the mattress to continue losing value? Real estate? What are you suggesting? (Not that I don’t agree with the sentiment, just that simply pulling it out will do no good)

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is the context of this video?

TheChillConservative 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe it. Living on a small farm now and the price of feed is out of hand. She described the underlying issue perfectly. That combined with distribution is making it impossible/impractical to continue sticking our shelves the way we have been accustomed to.

TheChillConservative 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly, why would they leave it up in the first place let alone protect and investigate an unowned, unclaimed statue. Who would and how could they even press charges on anyone? If I erected some blocks in a field and someone knocked them over would the fbi have my back?

TheChillConservative 0 points ago +2 / -2

Would love to pass this around as well with proper sauce

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just watched for the first time. As someone who was at least aware that they are grossly overhyping man’s effort effect on our climate -at best, this has a lot of great insight and perspective that made it well worth the watch. Thanks

TheChillConservative 3 points ago +3 / -0

This happens to me far too often. It is legitimately scary and leaves me disbelief. How could so many be brainwashed into believing that thinking for themselves and questioning authority is a bad thing or wasted effort

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