Anyone have some good Antarctica documentaries or readings on plausible conspiracies of what’s actually going on down there? I hear about world leaders going down there, satellite footage being scrubbed, potential pole reversal destination, even some of the German “hidden world” submarine maps, etc but haven’t found a good source of info to get a good idea of the best theories. Thanks.
Guy even shows his dads medals and certificates of service.
I'm sorry fren I dont have the link to the 4chins long post. But I promise I will deliver. Like the jews delivered a payload right into the U.S.S Liberty
Its all military. You take a schooner unannounced they will kill you. I cant find it but there is a news article about a guy 2010-16ish? that took a boat from Argentina and started getting close to Antarctica so they either, arrested or killed him. Cant recall sorry fren.
Anyone have some good Antarctica documentaries or readings on plausible conspiracies of what’s actually going on down there? I hear about world leaders going down there, satellite footage being scrubbed, potential pole reversal destination, even some of the German “hidden world” submarine maps, etc but haven’t found a good source of info to get a good idea of the best theories. Thanks.
There's a long post on 4chins.
Guy even shows his dads medals and certificates of service.
I'm sorry fren I dont have the link to the 4chins long post. But I promise I will deliver. Like the jews delivered a payload right into the U.S.S Liberty
Bonus its friday night.
Enjoy Buzz Aldrin Pyramids Start of thread, Alien bug in snow center of img. Headcrab Conquest for wasteland LOLWUT? Obelisk Why Cant We Visit? Screencap
Its all military. You take a schooner unannounced they will kill you. I cant find it but there is a news article about a guy 2010-16ish? that took a boat from Argentina and started getting close to Antarctica so they either, arrested or killed him. Cant recall sorry fren.
I decided to include 4chins post. Enjoy king.
Maybe Truman Knew?
Heck yeah thank you