TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except Israel rejected the plan and assassinated the white man who proposed it. The dune coons had zero choice from the beginning.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

you won't allow yourself to discuss it

Such as how you’re incapable of answering the simple questions asked about flat Earth, which you quite obviously support until you’re directly cornered by it?

You can't read

Correct; you said nothing. You’ve admitted gravity is a measurable and immutable force and that the Earth isn’t flat. You have added nothing to this or any other conversation on the matter.

Your "argue/insult your way to truth” approach

Descriptions aren’t insults. You manifestly refuse to prove your claims while parroting them every day after being disproven. You’ve nothing.

[more mental illness]

You’ve admitted gravity is a measurable and immutable force and that the Earth isn’t flat. That’s all.

unable to list even one claim actually made by the person

You’re incapable of answering the simple questions asked about flat Earth, which you quite obviously support until you’re directly cornered. You do this every single fucking time. When someone with crippling memory loss is still even able to remember you doing something over and over, that’s a fucking tell, paid shill.

I sincerely hope it is because you are a bot and so literally incapable of doing any better. The alternative is too horrible.

Reported for spam. Your bullshit isn’t allowed here.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are misunderstanding that hitchens quote

I’m not quoting anyone. You have nothing to present. I’m dismissing your mental illness as the objective fraud that it is. Get the fuck over it, shill.

But can a discussion that never began ever be over?

Yep. You said nothing. I said truth. No discussion. You lose.

Who said it was?

Thanks for admitting Earth isn’t flat.

Who said it didn’t?

Thanks for admitting gravity is a known constant.


You’re done, shill.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +7 / -5

Just fucking stop, Qultist. It should be extremely telling that your psychosis is forbidden here and has its own containment board, but apparently you don’t get the fucking hint.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Proof is subjective

Thanks for admitting there is no proof for your claims. Presented without evidence = dismissed without evidence. Discussion over. Earth is not flat. Gravity exists.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

it can with war.

Oh, good! Okay, yeah. Total reorientation of my thoughts. I’m glad you understand the necessity of physical violence in order to change anything. Cheers.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

why have we never openly expressed en masse that we want the dissolution of US policy and congress?

Because that’s meaningless and does absolutely nothing. Also we have. They ignored us.

because that is what we want -- a wholesale replacement of every seat in congress, the end of US policy and a new taxation structure which taxes former congressmen and business owners that utilized lobbying 100% of physical assets and liquid ones to tax them into starvation poverty

Right. And we will never get this. So what’s your plan?

what else can you do but TAKE it from them

That’s illegal, though.

for example, Tesla and microsoft can be split up into multiple smaller companies

No, they can’t. You have no power to do that.

totally against the constitution but fuck it

How about you NOT do what your enemies have done and instead do what they won’t do?

the utilization of socialist tactics to undo social engineering and undo the effects of bad policy followed by a strict hands-off laissez faire approach

But then that instantaneously hands control back to your enemies...

so by taking everything away and giving it to random strangers

That’s just a terrible idea. If you simply kill your enemies instead, everything they had naturally–rather than communistically–disperses to where it should be.

let china lead the world order and create a set of axis powers to oppose the "allies" in a reversal of WW2.

But China isn’t an enemy of the IMF.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Action is illegal. Whites don’t break the law. Thus there is no action. Only people who support the ZOG would ever act against the ZOG.

It’s that simple, as proven by the responses from admitted paid shills already in this thread.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

[lol wow how dare you tell me to prove my theories]

[no i won’t provide any evidence; you’re wrong because i say so]

Thanks for admitting Earth isn’t flat and gravity is an immutable measured constant.

this is a violation of rule #1 here.

What, gravity? No, no. Gravity is rule number 4 of the Universe itself. You can’t violate it. You’re powerless.

Those that can't attack the thought, attack the thinker

So stop attacking me, you worthless piece of shit, and start proving your claims.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good. Hopefully there’s no election at all.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

History is meaningless. Modern conditions are literally unprecedented. The world has never been like this before. There is no pattern. Never in history have things occurred this way.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

On what Planet would Israel jeopardise that

The one where their holy book says only jews are human and that you don’t have to tell the truth to anyone but a jew. Fuck the hell off if you’re not going to provide any reason to believe your delusional narratives, please. No one has to put up with your pontificating.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last century and a half of complete and total subservience.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

In science we have to prove it does exist first, but that isn't what happened with gravitation.

Unironically jump off a cliff, paid shill.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

Translation: Israel used its controlled opposition to murder foreigners, claim they were jews, and use that as casus belli to bomb Iran and Palestine.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +4 / -0

The true position is “fuck them both; wipe the land clean, repopulate with white Christians.”

by Chaorro
TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

But that’s perpetual power in and no ability to remove any of it for work.

by Chaorro
TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0


Friction slows this. Even the gravitational differential of the planet slows this. It is physically impossible to have a system without energy losses, and it is physically impossible to draw energy out of this system for useful work without reducing the total energy in the system. There is no perpetual motion and can never be.

TallestSkil 10 points ago +10 / -0
  1. It literally isn’t. Did you even bother to check your source? None of the words in question are in there.
  2. Notice where it says “second edition printed in 1957”? How about you find me an actual source from the actual era you claim it’s from, hmm?
TallestSkil 8 points ago +9 / -1

Nope, because “Nazi” didn’t exist as a word then. None of the alleged “sources” contain this text at all. It’s just a hoax and always has been.

TallestSkil 12 points ago +13 / -1

Why are people still repeating this hoax? None of this shit was ever written until after WWII.

by Chaorro
TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

It can’t be.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

they really don’t

You were already linked to proof you’re lying.

Israel does not have

If jews tell the us to launch nukes, the us will launch nukes. It’s a simple concept to grasp.

Apply the same principle to intelligence. What went wrong you goof

Nothing went wrong. They purposely told their own organization Hamas to purposely attack foreigners in their borders so that they would have an excuse to kill Muslims.

On that basis it is clearance, protocol, and briefings.

Imagine being dumb enough to think that jews have to ask permission from the goyim to see the data they want.

Stop being a dumbass.

Go away, coward. You’re too scared of reality to even think about truth.

There is no point in the rest of your spam.

Thanks for admitting everything I said is objectively true, cited and sourced.

Have the fucking decency to separately quote what you’re replying to, by the way.

It is autism. It does not grasp the basics. It lives in a World of fantasy.

The fucking irony.

You also have alternative agenda. The blame. Why is this. It deflects.

It’s the jews, dipshit.

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