TallestSkil -1 points ago +3 / -4

Two more waiting just keep weeks.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +4 / -3
  1. To make it financially impossible for anyone but their most controlled puppets to own a car
  2. To make it physically impossible for their puppets to ever escape puppeteering, because all cars going forward will be required to have systems that draw charge from them and give it to others.
TallestSkil -2 points ago +2 / -4

So don’t comply. Stop complying. Just don’t do it. It’s not that hard to comprehend.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

No. Learn thermodynamics.

by DrLeaks
TallestSkil 0 points ago +4 / -4

Oh well. Doesn’t matter. Guns will be stolen from people and no one will resist.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +4 / -5

Zehain is my spirit animal (though glow-fag)

He exists solely as a westaboo boomer-whisperer. His entire script is “Don’t worry, boomers. Everything you did in life will magically keep happening when you’re gone. Don’t feel any guilt or shame for the utter destruction and destitution and rape and erasure of your children… because it’s not happening!” Despite this having absolutely no grounding in reality.

Everyone is going to lose in the depop as deglobalizatiin plays out.

Au contraire. Whites will be in a better position than ever if “global depopulation” magically occurs, because only whites worth living will survive and there’ll be fewer nonwhites to exterminate.

WWIII will never happen. It’s not what jews want.

My read, the real strategy at play is that they're sabotageing the other players into making bad decisions:

What other players. It’s literally all them.

Fighting just hastens the losses.

Fighting stops the losses from getting worse than they already are…

TallestSkil -2 points ago +3 / -5

Well, this is what they want, and they’re going to get it because no one will fight back. They have 200 years to do it, too, so there’s no rush.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +6 / -5

Andrew “I worship chinks whores” Anglin thinks there won’t be one at all. Since the genocide of 2 million dune coons and the global pariahship of Israel would be good for us, I tend to agree that it won’t happen.

TallestSkil -4 points ago +3 / -7

Gotta kill the issuers to kill the debt, though. As long as that doesn’t happen, it’s immortal.

TallestSkil -5 points ago +2 / -7

I definitely agree the numbers there don’t reflect reality, and therefore they’re not very useful.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +7 / -8

There is more than one dollar of debt in existence for every dollar in existence.

That’s the only debt clock you need. It’s literally the only information you need. It is physically impossible to repay the debt on the US dollar, by design, because the dollar is the property of a private organization lent to the government at interest.

Kill everyone involved in this process or absolutely nothing will ever change.

TallestSkil -6 points ago +5 / -11

I hate weather engineering and manipulation.

But that’s not happening. They’re simply lying about the weather.

TallestSkil -6 points ago +4 / -10

“There was no fraud. Case dismissed with prejudice.”

There, I just saved you months of waiting. Also your link is broken.

TallestSkil -2 points ago +6 / -8

The first psychological operation (“PsyOp”) was covid.

Was this guy born in 2019 or something.

The desired result is the same as the covid PsyOp – depopulation and chaos.

Except that would be a good thing, which is why they don’t want it.

the Israeli deep state – the intelligence services – allowed the appalling Hamas attack on Israeli citizens on 7 October to happen.

Okay, and?

First global IQ test targeted believers in “science,” using the covid PsyOp, fear and demanded obedience to vaccines.

And everyone obeyed without question because ’science’ means ’sophistry.’

Second global IQ test targets Christians with another PsyOp (in Israel), using psychological terror to demand a Holy War.

And everyone will obey without question because there aren’t any Christians on Earth anymore.

Depopulation globalists

They don’t want that, though.

have many clever ways to deceive people on the Left and the Right

Such as making people believe ‘left’ and ‘right’ exist.

to push global genocide against humanity.

Just whites. Then the rest.

If Gaza is attacked with a ground assault, the IDF will experience devastating losses.


US military bases will be attacked across the Middle East.

Yes, and?

Energy prices will skyrocket, causing inflation and famine worldwide.

Good. And?

The USA unleashes massive money printing to fund a 3-front war: $1 trillion a week.

Good. And?

Treasury yields skyrocket as the world rejects the debt of the failing US empire.

Good. And?

Israel is the first to launch a nuclear attack as Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Turkey... threaten Israel’s borders.

Yes, they would. And they’d blame it on others.

and Russia

You’re retarded.

Nuclear retaliation could strike US aircraft carriers, providing perfect justification for the USA to enter world war.

That’s just fucking stupid. Why would Israel irradiate their own water and air? Just USS Liberty the carrier groups.

Israel will likely be nuked in retaliation, then completely overrun.

Good. And?

Global supply chains collapse; economies grind to a halt.

Good. And?

US dollar collapses, US banks fail, and eventually the US government defaults and collapses.


Savings, investments, stocks and pensions are all nearly wiped out.


US cities erupt with violence and lawlessness, and “warlord” mode activated.


US states declare independence and launch their own currencies.


I see nothing wrong with this, which is why none of it is going to happen.

TallestSkil -3 points ago +4 / -7

Perhaps don’t draw pictures of children being raped. Sane people don’t do this. It’s not a complicated concept. It doesn’t even enter the minds of the sane.

The only things wrong with that list are numbers 3, 7, 11, 12, and 13. There’s no argument whatsoever for the rest.

TallestSkil -8 points ago +2 / -10

What Jewish hoax?

Literally ever word Q-LARP has said.

They banned me at great awakening for covering other topics.

Yeah, can’t have anyone questioning or redefining the cult.


Jews, got it.


No, they always were.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +8 / -6

Fun fact: There’s a massive decrease in the chance of survival if your donated blood comes from the opposite sex.

Not even race! Just sex!

TallestSkil 0 points ago +5 / -5

Pretty sure I was mean to someone. Hang on, I’ll look it up.

Ah, yep. “Advocating violence” (which I literally didn’t do). Just mean to someone who was objectively wrong.

TallestSkil -3 points ago +2 / -5

Aww, I remember SaidIt. Might still use it if I hadn’t been banned.

They’ll erase the note by tomorrow morning.

TallestSkil -4 points ago +2 / -6

every country is the United States

Neocon moment.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +2 / -3

Independent verification would be nice. I support a false flag an order of magnitude larger than the USS Liberty. Nothing will ever change as a result of it and no one will wake up or fight back, but the ZOG’s biggest golem will be slightly neutered for a bit, so the fake wars can start up a bit sooner.

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