Not necessarily, often out of state corporations use resident agents to do business in other states or show a business address without actually having an office there... very common.
With privacy features it's pretty hard for mortals to really know who owns a domain. Even then only investigation via where the payment is coming from is the only true way.
Determining who owns it by where it's being hosted is also difficult to pin down. Often sites are hosted on foreign servers, but that doesn't mean it's foreign owned. Many us domains have foreign servers to improve response Into that area.
Sometimes you can get clues from the site code. If the developers are morons sometimes they will add Comments to the code that aren't removed before publishing.
A "degree" in computing gives you skills that have been useless technically for many many years, those that are self taught have skills that are more immediately relevant to today's needs.. with the added benefit of no college level indoctrination.
I'd love to meet them.. its so frustrating...
I remember when I was a child a painting that depicted Christians in the Roman coliseum being surrounded by lions, and they were just praying... it always struck me as odd. That they didn't even try to physically resist. A lifetime of Sunday school and church didn't clarify it.
In the last few years I understood.. there just isn't any situation where they will take up arms to defend their OWN nation.. they just pray harder...
I've had many conversations with them about this...
I got banned from nearly all the Q boards by simply reminding people of occams razor. They went berzerk, mods wanted me to watch proof vids and answer questions was nuts. Essentially in times of desperation people cling to anything that gives hope, no matter how ludicrous.
What did it?
confirmation bias was / is at nutty levels
the whole numerology, date comms "proof" thing is ridiculous.
When I stood back and looked at it, it looked more like a pacification program more than anything.. "you don't need to do anything, just hang out we got this.." then it's too late to do anything.
- final straw? was that Q stopped when the election was over and trump lost... when does a game end? When you've won...
What to do now?
- read your own primary sources from across the spectrum. Alex Jones to Mother Jones.. you get a better idea of what's happening, then make your own plans in your life.. no one is rescuing you, but you..
"Flip" every decade? Century maybe... I've been tracking magnetic variance for ultra accurate magnetic to true North declination for about 20 years.. its accelerating rapidly, but not that fast. Normally the World Magnetic Model is updated every 5 years, they started 6mo updates a couple years ago..
Long gone are the days of a printed declination diagram on the bottom of a map being remotely accurate.
I think 10 years is a stretch
Do we think that scalia would have sat by and let everything they pushed down our throats since then just happen? He might not have been able to stop it due to Roberts and the other libs, but he would not have been quiet..
Wait... she wrote the book matrix was made from or wrote a book based on the matrix?
LOL then a 6ft tranny comes out on stage!!!
Can confirm ^^^^^
Activation signal??
"The chair is against the wall.. the chair is against the wall"
I think there are multiple levels here...
the give everyone cancer angle sounds palusible, particularly when you consider the population numbers defined in the GA guidestones..
Additionally, they really don't care who dies. In other color revolutions it's the early dissidents who helped throw over the government that are killed by the new government. "If they did it once, they will donit again".. granted it's not over, but my point is bodies dont matter to them
Pharma saw a chance to use the pop as guinea pigs, this is why when you went for a shot they had to check "the system" to see what batch you would get. Then they could later track results.. death records are easily searched.
Ultimately i think it was a let's try and see, with multiple goals.
Of just to cull out 10-20% of the population.
Population reduction is def a goal they have. Its def not the only goal, but an important one.
The Georgia Guide Stones were actually a "guide" for all this..
Didn't this happen years ago (also?) I recall?
Common genetic development from similar base dna?
Omg... awesome...
Just noting that the dudes shirt is not dirty where it should be if they killed him shortly after. Now it's possible he changed his shirt with one the same color but not his pants. It's more likley the second image is after the first
Not to mention we have caught on film Palestinian crisis actors getting up or moving after filming the "atrocity"
Israel is not blameless in all this, they got plenty to answer for..
Shirt looks.cleaner when he's dead?? No stains on the arm? Mirror image on top?
If the statue falls forward the nose is likley the first to hit the floor.
Religion was devised my man to control man. Beliefs are individual and ones relationship with God is personal. If you taking your queues from another man, pastor or pope, then you are a sheep.. period...
Yea because they existed in bodies before the vax... oh wait...
You know this is a conspiracy board right??