SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could you please explain that hashtag?

SuicideTruthbomber 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idea for a new U.S. Constitution aims to change a lot more than this. It will fundamentally usher in one-party rule.

SuicideTruthbomber -1 points ago +1 / -2

Link post to orginal: https://conspiracies.win/p/1994kH3u2S/

Smoke&Mirros is a throwaway account set up to make sure things like this don't go viral.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +2 / -1

We see this pattern often: discredit people who don't support the preffered side.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you are talking about Thomas Sowell. That quote does not come up when I search for it. In any case, why did you leave this comment? It seems completely off-topic. I'll bet you're just a bot spouting black propaganda.

Black propaganda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_propaganda

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Much of it was eye-opening, and I learned a lot as well. He's a gifted speaker.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're not wrong about that.

I recently had a conversation with a refugee who couldn't understand why the people he encountered were so against him being in their country when it was their tax money that helped fund the war in his homeland. I had to explain how ignorant those people are about that sort of thing.

SuicideTruthbomber -1 points ago +1 / -2

Note to others who actually continued reading this until now, look at how nothing in this conversation is about my lies getting called out or the institutional rape of children.

SuicideTruthbomber 0 points ago +1 / -1

It doesn't bother me who you want people to vote for. This is not about the Democrats winning.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is a journalist who worked with whistleblowers. You are describing trumped-up charges. The guilty plea was to avoid being kept in jail for the rest of his life awaiting trial.

You can add u/Assas8 to the propaganda accounts here.

EDIT: Julian Assange was no more persecuted by the West than Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by the "Arab world."

SuicideTruthbomber -2 points ago +1 / -3

No. Shills work in teams. One human uses multiple accounts, and the teams use tools to collaborate. The lone individual account getting dogpiled is not the shill.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought you were talking about me directly. My apologies.

SuicideTruthbomber 1 point ago +1 / -0

What? Where are you getting this two weeks stuff?

Ohh, you just used the word "grifter." No real person uses that word. This ties into why his photo was added to that propaganda poster of "deceivers" that was posted a little while ago.

SuicideTruthbomber -2 points ago +1 / -3

Look at how they all swarm like a hive of bees when I keep posting what they hate.

SuicideTruthbomber -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can actually search my history and see them use this exact pattern in the past.

SuicideTruthbomber 2 points ago +3 / -1

That is not what I am doing.

One of the tactics employed by TPTB is to suppress content they do not like by copying it onto a throwaway account and then sending shills out to repost screenshots of the copies, often adulterated to make it difficult to find the original. The metaphor they use when employing this strategy is "Don't give it oxygen."

Not only is the creator is deprived of view and page hits directly, thereby making it less likely to appear as recommended or in search results, but the abilities to like, share/retweet, subscribe/follow/friend and comment all vanish when they use this method to suppress things. That things are the fuel that powers effective social media, and that's what these creeps are working so hard to eliminate.

When you choke off the oxygen like that, the people who work hard to create the things that TPTB want to suppress will give up because it appears to them that their work is having less of an impact than it actually is. It is a backdoor means of demonetizing them, effectively pirating their content so that it does not go viral.

That method of suppression also makes it difficult for the conspiracy community and researchers by stripping away the ability to copy and paste text for sharing and search engines. It also eliminates the hyperlinks that are in the original material that help us find more information on a topic. If a source that is censored by search engines is obfuscated, that can be a dead end for us.

I want people who make good things for us to know that their work has been seen and is appreciated so that they can create more. I want to be able to find out where to see what they create in the future. I am willing to spend a little time to help the community do that.

Regarding news items, the shills not only do what I listed above, but also give it a false title which makes searching for the article in this forum impossible. That means that nobody can research what the commenters here have written about the story, including links to more and better information and context, which is sometimes crucial.

Another terrible thing they do to the news items, and possibly the most damaging of all, is that the titles they choose are a mess of misdirection, bad takes and spin that infect our own thinking on the matter if we aren't careful. This is because of a cognitive bias called the anchoring effect:

Anchoring effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchoring_effect

The anchoring bias, or focalism, is the tendency to rely too heavily—to "anchor"—on one trait or piece of information when making decisions (usually the first piece of information acquired on that subject).

I would rather be presented with a link to a news article with the correct title and judge it for myself. Posting the link for everybody else's benefit doesn't take that much time.

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