Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then that piece of inserted propaganda ruins this meme.

Only mainstream fox news tells you that universities are full of HAMAS supporters. Supporters don't even claim to be pro-HAMAS. They're pro-Palestine if anything. So that piece of this meme is false too. This is propaganda. Might want to delete this meme and replace it with a better one.

The part about dyed hair teachers promoting LGBTQ, drag queens and transgenderism is true but see that implicates jews since transsexualism dates back to jewish kabbalah. Jews invented the idea of multiple genders and they are the ones who push this sin. Teachers are often just hyper emotional women desperate for some empathetic charitable cause to take up. Unfortunately, that good female energy to want to be nuns and saints gets hijacked by satanic jewry, which is just more reason we need a final solution. To just let them flee and refortify in another nation is to just let termites move their nest right outside your fence-line.

Vlad_The_Impaler 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why are they welcomed as arrivals then? Deport them.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

The pictures of Whitney Houston with Clive Davis make me sad.

I wonder if the P Diddy shit has something to do with Clive Davis.

Also i think Jay-Z was fucking underage women including foxy brown and beyonce. Also Jay-Z toured with R Kelly and they were probably banging underage girls.

What is strange is that everyone knew R Kelly was banging underage girls and even married aliyah underage i think

Where there's jews there is always scandal

p diddy must have done some sick shit for Craig Mack to go full Christian. Also Mase went full faith Christian after hanging out with p diddy. Something about hanging out with the diddler makes you seek the Lord afterward.

Craig Mack Testimony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR1IEw-a7Qw

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly, the people in power who rule over the world or at least try to do believe in eugenics and population control and do use methods to regulate the desired populations to some degree. Abortion, birth control, methods of reducing sperm count or sterilizing people gradually or slowly over time or sooner in age, trying to destroy institution of marriage, reduce perceived value of children and family, pornography and asexual stimulation or abstinence or condoms or even shots now that prevent pregnancy or morning after pills.

I think family is wealth. Better to have children than to have a large bank account and be childless. That's why i suggest having children even if you are risking future divorce or breakup or are scared about the relationship or marriage lasting. Just prepare yourself for a possible custody battle or divorce but don't let fear of it make you avoid the prospect of having children. My advice at least.

I think chemtrails is probably mostly just weather control / modification, making sure agriculture insurance doesn't have to pay out for drought or flooding. With its disadvantages of course. Seems too good of an opportunity for ZOG to not utilize it for some nefarious means.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +3 / -1

Someone else claimed royalty were all jews because they all get circumcised by rabbis

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a recent podcast, Crrow777 and Christopher Gardner discuss how to boil vinegar and clear the sky from above your location of these chemtrail gas layers.

“Celestial Dynamics” w/ Crrow777 https://www.bitchute.com/video/S1P6O5mfYz9J or https://zn21g5kls-n995.bitchute.com/lNScjrZpQQJn/S1P6O5mfYz9J.mp4

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you think they do it? There's many theories. Which one do you think is most valid?

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Jews DID run the United States Government, what would they be doing differently than now?

LOL great brain exercise.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

His wife played larry david's wife for many years on curb your enthusiasm. LOL what a cuck

Every day RFK jr's wife goes to work to pretend to be a jew's wife. And this goes on for years. HAHAHhaa And his first wife he murdered and faked her suicide. RFK Jr. is a fuckin' monster and deserves to be impaled.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depression is not about anything physical.

It's about emotional feelings about self worth, self respect, self esteem, one's purpose and relation with the world, society, his own community, peers. None of this relates to what you eat or a pill you took. It's not something fixed with chemicals.

It requires prayer, introspection, fostering loving relationships with other people who genuinely care about you, etc.

You could eat the most exquisite dinner and dine in the most fancy restaurant and still be depressed.

RFK Jr. needs to stop with this nonsense bullshit and ban fluoride like he said he would. What a jackass.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just grabbed some eggs out of the coop this morning. Packing up a six pack for a customer now. I barter eggs and some labor for cash, which i trade in for gold or silver coins once per month (averaging my gold)

I will also barter some work on my friend's boat in exchange for a day of fishing out at sea. Of course it takes some accumulation of my labor but when i help him solve engine or hydraulics problems he's so happy he pays for the fishing trip a week or two out.

I'm not good at marketing. If i were, i think i could subcontract most jobs instead of doing them myself.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep they have to disguise inflation which will now be 4% per year instead of 2% per year.

Also the central banks around the world are hoarding gold. They've been hoarding gold for three years straight. The price of gold is not reacting normal to other economic variables. This means that trust in fiat currencies is dropping and faith in the USA currency is falling. USA must now engage in more wars or help Israel complete the Greater Israel Project so that USA and ZOG can take over the Suez Canal and use the power of that trade route to prop up the Federal Reserve Note longer.

The jews will crash the currency and try to make off with the gold.

Also the price of shit becomes astronomical before a currency crash. This is why you see ridiculous inflated values of fake digital crypto currencies and people desperate looking for investments and something to buy with their fiat dollars. People calling your grandma 10 times a day making cash offers for her house.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +2 / -1

Perkins Coie is law firm, so they do their crimes secretly under guise of attorney-client privilege, which Trump and Giuliani and Cohen never get to exercise. Only democrats get attorney client privilege, you see.

Then these two jews, marc elias and michael sussman, contract with fusion gps which leads to the steele dossier which the corrupt fbi pretends to take 100% seriously to get warrants

Another infographic should be done to figure out more about who is behind fusion gps. Probably jews, heh? LOL

Keep in mind that this perkins coie firm defends clintons and maybe the bidens and obamas or harris and so forth. I think they are jew law firm that protects and handles cases for these powerful democrat politician stooges.

Remember in an old post i showed you the jew lawyers that coached christine blasey ford in her fraudulent testimonies.

What you find is that a bunch of lying dirty jews run the court system.

Why can't TrumpTards figure this out?

Arthur Engoron jew judge trying to destroy Trump

Susan Hoffinger jew prosecutor trying to destroy Trump

Susan Necheles jew defense attorney playing theater role in defending trump or getting him to agree to jewish blackmail

adam schiff jew

jerry nadler jew

your fake whistleblowers ciaramella jew

Vindman jew

Avril Haines

Rod Rosenstein

Andrew Goldstein

Aaron Zelinksky

Andrew Weissmann

Chuck Schumer

and on and on i can keep listing them. How can you follow Trump and see all these jews trying to set him up and blackmail him not only as prosecutors and fake whistle blowers but also as his defense attorneys and as the judges then you must realize it is all a grand scale jew kabuki theater. At this point you must name the jew or become delusional and cognitively dissonant.

Even Theo Von and Candace Owens name the jew. https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/19AduTNL8K/theo-von--candace-owens-name-the/c Mark Dice names the jew. If you consume any right wing media that isn't jewish controlled and jewish filtered then you should have been exposed to some truthful information how jews are complicit in the globalism and deep state which plague your once great White nation.

Vlad_The_Impaler 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have impaled thousands of people. But they were bad people.

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump really is the new Dick Cheney for jews, isn't he? But less bureaucratic and political experience. Maybe with Trump jews get to cut out more of the contractors?

I'm just disappointed to see so many White guys who SHOULD be my allies falling for boomer tier Pam Bondi Kash Patel Marco Rubio RFK jr. nonsense. These guys are all obvious frauds. Plus the new treasury guy looks like a faggot and probably is. There's closeted faggots in the republican power structure.

There needs to be some kind of new LITMUS test for real Conservatives. For one you have to openly state that you wish to keep America a majority White nation. If you can't say that out loud, on record, or in public then you're a bitch and you are disqualified.

Also, A white Christian Conservative Political party should not have jews, blacks, women, or others dictating to us or lecturing to us our politics. I don't need jews like Ben Shapiro to pundit my politics to me. No thanks. I am a supreme White man. I know the way. You don't, jew boy.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +4 / -2

Basically the globalists who you claim to be against now are going to build golden statues over the dead bodies and ruins in GAZA and Trump is going to help jews completely fuck over the native Ukraine population so jews can build resorts and synagogues over their dead bodies and ruins.

Trump just comes in and gets to play real estate rebuilder after jews bomb and destroy and genocide and ethnically cleanse and throw White bodies into meat grinder fake wars.

And people keep falling for it. Now republicans support money to Ukraine. LOL what?

Vlad_The_Impaler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is exposed.

Trump will STILL send money to JEWkraine . But now he has to remarket it again to try to sell it to his base.

Zelensky knows he can argue and talk shit with Trump and Vance on live tell-lies-vision and those zionist cucks are still going to send him his money because he's a jew and Trump is only a wannabe jew.

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

In other words, RFK jr. is wasting our time. Another bad pick by Trump.

RFK jr. = Fraud

Pam Bondi = Fraud

Kash Patel = Fraud

Marco Rubio = jew owned Fraud

MAGAtards don't get tired of this shit? How many dr. oz, scaramuccis, britney spears bondis and little marco jew cucks can you tolerate?

Vlad_The_Impaler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lost three chickens last week to a big raccoon. Once i set the trap i got the raccoon next morning and shot it and showed it to the surviving chickens as relief that the predator was exterminated and that I'm the top predator on the farm. Then i skinned the raccoon. I did not cook the raccoon meat because by the time i got the fur off i was spent and went in for the night.

I went to buy some more baby chicks to re-up but they were completely sold out at the farm. egg prices have more people buying up all the chickens! I hope i can score some more baby chicks today or tomorrow.

I will look into your flax seed recommendation. Thank you for sharing.

I ate a frozen pizza this weekend and it made me feel gassed and poisoned afterwards. That's what i get for eating a goyslop meal full of preservatives.

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