Low Phosphorus shit? Do you get enough Vit d from the sun? Sun with sweat and exercise?
Chickens will destroy a sprouting garden. So if you want a garden and chickens in a limited amount of space, they are tough to deal with..
Also, don’t feed them the corporate scratch feed. You won’t get healthy quality eggs if you do. You have to provide. a balanced diet for them if you want them to produce well rounded nutritional eggs.
If you can do that, chickens are 100%(700% with inflation?) worth having.
Berg has a short video on it. Blue seems worth checking out.
He described them as “rude” also. Obviously he is referring to jews.
Zionism extends to the whole world. The jewish zionist openly say they want to rule the world from Jerusalem… Ukrainian goals appear to have been mostly completed. They eliminated the white nationalist military powers we saw at the beginning of the conflict. They thinned out the non jewish population and they made a lot of areas of Ukraine safe jews to move in. I don’t know if you’ve seen all of the human trafficking and organ harvesting that has been uncovered in Ukraine? Top Ukrainian military officials have recently talked about what they ran into while conducting operations. Typical jewish human trafficking.. kids in cages. Kids being cut open while still alive… raping… they use every conflict to do these activities..
It is a conspiracy by the jews to prop trump up as an idol over the western nations. The verses the jews quoted are prophecy that applied to Jesus.
The jews are playing multiple sides of the field with this conspiracy. For the jews, they have a talmudic prophecy of 2 messiahs. 1 for them and 1 for the goy, many people believe this treatment they keep giving trump proves he is their messiah for the goy… personally, I believe the jews are just using him to fulfill their agendas while propping him up as a false Anti-Christ. Trump is only a little anti-Christ figure like so many before him. The big A Anti-Christ. The big A will come out of the fake Abraham bloodline, everything out him will be a fake deceitful version of the real thing, which was Jesus the Christ.
They always do a dumb pointless pardon when handing out pardons. It lets the news push out the controversy of why did this person get a pardon while we never talk about the jew criminals who were pardoned at the same time. Like when trump pardoned Jonathan pollards *handler. No other spy hurt America as much as pollard did, at least according to Americans who worked in the intelligence community when it happened.. Jonathan pollard should have gotten the death penalty and trump pardoned his co conspirator... https://www.military.com/history/jonathan-pollard-was-one-of-most-damaging-spies-us-history.html
This guy analyzed the video footage released for October 7th and found a lot of errors typical of AI generation. The ones that stood out to me- in all the scenes he showed, all the “destroyed cars” are the same color, likely to cover up anomalies. They really look like video game cars once you notice.. peoples bodies & objects rubber banding in a way that can’t be explained by frame generation..
another obvious thing in hindsight, the jews had a lot of video ready to roll from the perspective of the “attackers” as soon as it happened. Some of the videos are even supposedly mirrors/happened at the same time from opposing sides.. the only time that much information is pushed that hard & that fast is if it’s propaganda. Think of recent events like Las Vegas or the trump ear shooting, it took a few days for some of the relevant & informative videos to ever reach public awareness..
Putin is the same as trump. Russia never left the control of the bolvsheviks. They are just called oligarchs now. America is under the firm control of the Rothschild banks… the only thing we really fight over is which jewish oligarchs gets control of each territory/resource while they achieve their main goals..
jews were kicked out of different countries over a 1000 times for a good reason. The only mistake those countries made, they only “kicked” them.. it’s crazy how and why the expulsions happened have been wiped from our collective history and consciousness..
You can really tell the intelligence of a person by the content they choose to consume with their limited precious time.
I think he meant chicken or organ meat. I guess he must be Dutch.(original- Swedish.which country eats balls?. The French??)
Here’s a tip for bread making success, the yeast and flour you use are both equally the most important parts in creating enjoyable & delicious bread.
Finding a decent flour you like will take some trial. Finding a good yeast is not too hard. There is a guy/company that sells some good sourdough strains on Amazon. You 100% need to start your bread making journey with a decent yeast. The fermentation smell & taste profile will permeate in every bite. Don’t make the mistake I made and get the cheap quick rise yeast you can find everywhere. That stuff will make you give up on making delicious bread everytime..
For your benefit only. Documentaries like these are beneficial for all theorist. They help summarize and clarify our internal dialogue on the subject of, “why are so many fellow Americans retarded when it comes to the clear and present danger of israel/jews?”
I doubt this documentary will change any npcs mind. Between the fluoridation & poisoning via the food supply & vaccines, most npcs are so cognitively damaged they would still get a covid death jab even when everyone directly in front of them is seizing to death on the floor & bleeding out after receiving that same shot…
Is the 2022 update in the video? Or did you cover all of the updated info in this post?
“His Spirit speaks to my Spirit”.
👍 this is something churches / Christian’s don’t teach anymore. Most people don’t understand that we even have a spirit let alone what it actually is. Not understanding spirit leaves people susceptible to foreign spiritual influences. Which when negative leads to physical problems…
Honestly this teaching should be fundamental to all Christian teachings. It’s right there in the beginning of the Bible. “In his image he created them”…. Instead churches ignore it and wonder why they have members who fall pray to physical humanitarian ideologies such as evolution which corrupt minds & spirits..
Greenland is like Australia? A possible refuge and rebuttal of their jewish noahide new world order. They want to ruin it like Australia?
As I said. The bun and sauce are always potentially more detrimental than the meat itself. Even if you have a good piece of meat. Your body will only be able to absorb and use ~3-5% of what it normally would if you eat meat with poisons that block the enzymatic processes. This is the exact reason why most Americans who try to eat healthy, end up feeling like crap, they are always hungry and rarely see improvement. It is also why keto/carnivore diets work when they are not really necessary..
But that being said. I doubt your dietary choices deviated greatly when you relocated. You have allergies?🤧 it’s not uncommon for libido to be effected by immune disturbances.. I won’t be convinced your libido was compromised by emf unless you provide more evidence. You could Go back and see if it happens again(bring your own water and food…) check birth rates year over year in the area…
You know maybe God didn’t want you to find a wife there or even now. Have you ever considered that possibility?
When you change location, you change diet. Even if you eat at the same franchise. you get a different supply chain, food prep….
What are healthy burgers to you? Grass fed, grass finished & organic? The bun being clean is even more important. And the sauces.. between the bun and the sauce you could have been eating an estrogen zinc blocking bomb.. a real cock block.
A cat? Or a walking std?
Do you take zinc supplements? Zinc depletion will cause low libido. Respiratory infections will use your zinc reserves quickly if you are already low. An easy way to know if you are low on zinc- when you were sick did you lose your sense of taste/smell or were they off from their norm?
I’d honestly blame the food of a place before emf. Food & water are always 90% of a societies problems. The old saying is true - “you are what you eat.”
How many resolutions and bills in support of israel did her israeli handler sign in her name while she was missing?
Yeah, I think I figured out his deal. He tells a lot of truth with a lot of deserved vitriol. But all of his documentaries have had random unneeded speculation in them. Example - jews own and run the banks which push all of the problems we see on society like porn, transgender gay stuff, school curriculum. And then they add - are jews alien lizard people..
I figure his videos are good to watch. I usually learn something new. But they are not so good to share since they are obviously designed to turn normies off..
The sad thing about this claim, it’s true, but “her” “hacks” are more than likely misdirection. It’s the same thing they are doing with “gluten” and “seed oils”. The answer is not that you have to cut them out, or only eat them with certain nutrient meal profiles(example - separating carbs and fats into different meals…)
The real answer is you have to get clean foods not contaminated mainly with pesticides or production facility fillers. I used to do all the health tricks, until I finally figured it out. Now I eat sugar and gluten everyday and don’t put on any weight. The only secret to my trick? all my food is organic.. also, I’ve learned to trust my gut when trying new products/brands.. not all organic quality is equal.. truly organic foods should leaving you feeling good and energized, even if it’s a “heavy” meal, you should feel good after eating it.. also, FYI there are zero/none/nada real organic chips made in the USA. The reason carnivore and keto diets work for everyone - they by their nature avoid food products filled with pesticides.. but they are still not enough to really restore gut and full body health if you the meats and foods you eat on keto are not grass fed and organic..
Why organic? By my personal estimates, organic will help you avoid 80% of pesticides. Pesticides like glyphosate destroy your gut microbiome, when you are missing certain probiotics and enzymes it’s leads to a chain reaction of not being able to break down carbs, fats and proteins which leads to weight gain, mental diminishment like lower IQ and dementia, diabetes and cancer…. Pretty much all health problems.
The sooner you realize that you are literally being attacked every single day via the food you eat, the simpler the solution becomes to accept.
Stew peters has a new video coming out in a few days called “Occupied”. It’s about jewish control over America.
All of the “Catholics” in trumps admin make me think this will be the fall guy team.. jews do it all the time with corporations, they take over, take out a bunch of loans, launder the money and then put a white guy in charge of the company a few months before it files for bankruptcy….
Here, I’ve been wondering about this and figured you might want to know as well. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-omega-3-eggs-as-good-as-eating-fish/
Feed your chickens flaxseeds. Organic flax is cheap and easy to get. I’m sure it helps the chickens in the winter as well. I pretty much only eat these omega 3 balanced eggs anymore.. I used to get sick & tired of eating eggs everyday. But not anymore, with these omega 3 eggs my body craves them every time. I’ve learned to listen to my body like ancient times, if it makes you feel good and your body craves it - it’s healthy. If you feel worse after or get sick - it’s poisoned by the jews..