The sad thing about this claim, it’s true, but “her” “hacks” are more than likely misdirection. It’s the same thing they are doing with “gluten” and “seed oils”. The answer is not that you have to cut them out, or only eat them with certain nutrient meal profiles(example - separating carbs and fats into different meals…)
The real answer is you have to get clean foods not contaminated mainly with pesticides or production facility fillers. I used to do all the health tricks, until I finally figured it out. Now I eat sugar and gluten everyday and don’t put on any weight. The only secret to my trick? all my food is organic.. also, I’ve learned to trust my gut when trying new products/brands.. not all organic quality is equal.. truly organic foods should leaving you feeling good and energized, even if it’s a “heavy” meal, you should feel good after eating it.. also, FYI there are zero/none/nada real organic chips made in the USA. The reason carnivore and keto diets work for everyone - they by their nature avoid food products filled with pesticides.. but they are still not enough to really restore gut and full body health if you the meats and foods you eat on keto are not grass fed and organic..
Why organic? By my personal estimates, organic will help you avoid 80% of pesticides. Pesticides like glyphosate destroy your gut microbiome, when you are missing certain probiotics and enzymes it’s leads to a chain reaction of not being able to break down carbs, fats and proteins which leads to weight gain, mental diminishment like lower IQ and dementia, diabetes and cancer…. Pretty much all health problems.
The sooner you realize that you are literally being attacked every single day via the food you eat, the simpler the solution becomes to accept.
Stew peters has a new video coming out in a few days called “Occupied”. It’s about jewish control over America.
All of the “Catholics” in trumps admin make me think this will be the fall guy team.. jews do it all the time with corporations, they take over, take out a bunch of loans, launder the money and then put a white guy in charge of the company a few months before it files for bankruptcy….
To show they will eat their own?
These old news articles are hard to find now.. this study at least touched on the subject and showed they indeed found human dna in a Mc hamburger.
You have to log in if you want to see the thread?
A private vpn would do what people think a vpn should do. But yes, all of the public ones are very likely purposefully compromised to collect information.
“P.S. wtf is that 4th top keyword lmao“
His search history must have been collected some how.
Or, those are the people who find this website by accident. I guess that would be a good way to increase traffic… what was she watching when she was “caught” - “Jews did 911….”, “why israel assassinated JFK….” “atrazine & other estrogen mimicking chemicals aren’t only turning the frogs gay….”(I don’t think anyone wants to watch this last one)..
You would have to use AI to add the good stuff in since all the jew porn producers & distributors would never add it in themselves.
When and why was your blood pressure at 200/160? You got the Covid death shot? Those are stroke numbers:/
Keep up the good work. No “jew” goes unnoticed here.
The greatest jew? Was he your rabbi at the luba vitch center?
He already eats matza balls, so…..
Israel has no alliance agreement with the United States. At least not one that I’ve been able to find. Actually, Israel has no declared allies. Israel only has business trade agreements. Why would Israel make actual alliances with other countries? Would you make alliances with a bunch of cows in a field you are waiting to slaughter when the times right? No, you wouldn’t. You only transact with the cattle…
A while ago I was trying to find any documentation that Israel is actually an ally of the USA. I could not find anything. Maybe I was just not looking correctly? All I found was a declaration by the US congress from the 80’s that says the USA will act as ally, but there is no signed agreement from Israel. The U.S. congress was obviously retarded to do such a thing after the USS liberty attack by Israel..
I went on a short rabbit hole, looking for any evidence on congressional websites. The only things I could find were misleading drawn out pages about how we give Israel lots of money and have been doing so for a long time.. They all imply that Israel must be a real ally, why else would we give them so much of our stuff…..
Here’s one I found just now -
Just read through that a bit and remind yourself halfway through that there is no mention of any actual declared alliance. We’ve just “cooperated” with the terrorist for a long time.
If they aren’t banned to the corners of the internet, then bring your thinking caps and be ready for their views to change…
Max igan from the crowhouse. Find his videos on bitchute.
Adam Greene, he always brings an interesting perspective. He takes reasoning to its logical conclusion if your one who doesn’t believe in Jesus being the Christ.
Mike Adam’s has a lot of good info on a variety of topics. He’s finally calling out satanic zionist, but he’s still slow on some important things.
I’d wager your on the right track, but the Obama are not involved. It’s more likely a couple of gay mossad guys to hold them down while a rothchild does his thing.. they pay a visit when they aren’t happy because someone acted on their own without getting approval first.. “get, back, in, line….”
It’s definitely a humiliation ritual.
Winning or losing a war depends on your perspective of the sides and intended objectives.
The jews have been at war with humanity ever since they adopted a false god. Even more so since the time they put the real God to death.
The jews war has to be viewed on a long time scale. The jews have lost the war now just as much as they lost it in ww2. People woke up to their depravity and crimes and booted them out of Germany.. They obviously bounced back and took over other host countries via the banking systems to an even greater extent since then. Their objectives are still being completed to a great extent today. Have you seen they are going to sacrifice the red cows? You know what comes next right? They sacrificed a lot of “goyim” with the shots just this year even… look at all the brown and black people taking over Europe and the USA, is the calergi plan failing or succeeding?
I will believe they have lost the war when all of their central banking power has been removed from all major world powers and they have been expelled for their depravities.
Prediction - the next major ff will be on the mosque where the jews want to build their temple. Iran or some one else will “accidentally” blow it up with one of their 20 mph drones. They will hit in the vicinity and cause “irreparable” damage.. At least that will be the story,
I’m guessing this new bill is targeting vpn type traffic. Traffic truly encrypted from end to end. Most of the big vpn services are likely already compromised on the host server side. But private routers if they are set up correctly can offer some anonymity. This law would provide them sweeping regulation to cut most of your networking options off at the feet.
Also any services like signal messaging and proton mail will lose their ability to truly offer end to end encryption. It basically defeats their core doctrines. I don’t really trust signal or proton mail, especially proton mail, that’s why I say “like” them. Technology companies that are truly guided by the same principles of offering privacy on the internet..
Time travel doesn’t exist. If her story is true, a more plausible explanation would be that someone played a “prank” on her.. but perhaps her perception of time passed is horribly inaccurate. Or more likely, she’s a woman, like most women she is notoriously bad at directions and gets turned around/lost a lot.
Any form of acceptance of modern day judaism is any capacity is an acceptance of evil into one’s life. The talmud’s teachings leads to murder, sexual perversion and thievery. Even if they loosely/lukewarmly partake in its practices, their underlying principles are built on a of a premise of evil teachings.
A simple comparison would be to look at Christianity, even the lukewarm participants understand the golden rule of “treat other people well,” which itself is built on the 10 commandments.. how far a person takes that teaching depends on the person, but in general they will not go out muring other people… their bigger outer actions will be guided by that simple principle.
Well said, I’ll refine his closing statement. Any actual so called good jew, would actually have to renounce all modern day judaisim’s, and become a Christian. It is impossible for them to hold onto any of the vile talmud and kkkabala teachings while actually being a good person.
The message is, “we are aiming at targets so close to home, we have to reverse our scope to make them appear further away...” it does go right along with all the jewish “Americans are terrorist” and making the troops take the death jab..
I guess you would need to do this if you were in very close quarters combat with a rifle. Like so close the target is practically on top of you..
At least you know. That’s a good start, just know - you won’t ever reach your full potential while ingesting toxins designed to shut down your cognitive ability. If you keep eating it, You’re like a rile with a malfunction hammer. Or an attack dog missing a leg.
You can start eating healthy for fairly cheap. Try picking out staples you eat often and look for alternatives. Organic & glyphosate free. When you remove the poisons, you will be able to eat the same meals more often too. You won’t get sick of them. That feeling of not wanting to eat something again after just eating it is usually your body telling you it doesn’t want the poisons that come with the nutrients it needs..
If only that were true, I’d say the Scott’s found their balls again. But if she were being held hostage by anyone, it’s more likely to be some gay jew dudes while they keep the next royal in line…
But it’s more likely this is just a publicity stunt. I forgot her name until this whole thing.. a lot of pr campaigns and physops are playing on people’s distrust of the establishment. See numbazero’s comment. That’s the most likely outcome..
In a recent interview, Putin also talked about how holocaust deniers made him so sad and angry and they need to be dealt with…. The “war” in Ukraine is simply a controlled killing zone where they are sending the undesirable unkrainians to be slaughtered while they restructure more industrial aspects of the country under their monopolies.
Yeah, I think I figured out his deal. He tells a lot of truth with a lot of deserved vitriol. But all of his documentaries have had random unneeded speculation in them. Example - jews own and run the banks which push all of the problems we see on society like porn, transgender gay stuff, school curriculum. And then they add - are jews alien lizard people..
I figure his videos are good to watch. I usually learn something new. But they are not so good to share since they are obviously designed to turn normies off..