My wallet is getting more damage from this war than fuckraine.
some impalements are in order.
No true Catholic is a Zionist as the Synagogue of Satan killed our King. Judeo/Christian is an illusion to enslave the goyim.
One could say Eastern Germany successfully assimilated West Germany.
Real life Nick Naylor.
Good luck finding a person with a brain worth connecting.
Actually in Matthew 3:7 is John who says that. Then he introduces Jesus in 3:11, and Jesus comes into picture in 3:13. So it starts the first Luminous Mystery.
Here's another one by John The Baptist that I like...
Progeny of vipers
they've been doing it since the beginning.
Who owned the slave ships?
[makes monkey noises]
The 5D's
Dismiss: push back against criticism by dismissing your critics. This might be arguing that the critics use a different standard for you than with other actors or themselves; or arguing that their criticism is biased.
Distort: twist the narrative. Take information, or artefacts like images, and change the framing around them.
Distract: shift attention to a different narrative or actor, for instance by accusing critics of the same activity that they’ve accused you of (e.g. police brutality).
Dismay: threaten the critic or narrator of events. For instance, threaten journalists or news outlets reporting on a story.
Divide: create conflict between subgroups, to widen divisions in a community