Ever been to patriots.win
It's just all bad
It's been 4 fucking years already
I wouldn't underestimate the power of money/kickbacks, blackmail via secret societies, and useful idiots.
Nuff said. This be it
Take this copium brainrot back to patriots.lose where it belongs, bucko
No but what I have noticed is a whole lot less shilling for Trump since he won his second term.
Is it true?
Is ignorance truly bliss?
They dont get the good deal(tariffs)
Do you?
Because I don't see how they're good. Maybe you could explain to a dummy like me.
Have you considered crying about it?
What do you do for work buddy?
Illegal international bribes in 2025 be like:
Instead of making dozens and dozens of awful songs, have you considered making one decent one?
Bro what the fuck man
Sure there is.
Just not for america.
This is patriotism.
Gyna, you are one of the few here who was raising the alarm bells long ago about elomg. Credit where due
it's literally modern slavery... And it's undeniable.
Respectfully gyna, i would argue it is more akin to indentured servitude but the sentiment remains
Sacred mushroom and the cross
More billionaires and wall street executives than any other cabinet in the history of America.
Build the swamp!
You should. Start today.
I wish we could go back to before they made everyone take the shot. The time before cancer.
What are their credentials?
elevated levels of things
Like what?
Do these "things" occur naturally in that region?
Details matter, OP.
Post this at patriots.win where the people really need to see it.
You'll be banned, but your sacrifice will be a noble one