This isnt how you prove the earth is round. You want to see math here is some for you. 1x2x3x4x5x6x11 or 8x9x10x11= 7920 which is the diameter of the earth. 1x2x3x4x5x6x3 or 8x9x10x3 = 2160 diameter of moon. Its sacred numbers. These math tards saw a ratio of 3:11 and used it to explain 2D shapes and the squaring of the circle then convinced non math tards to believe it can be applied to a so called sphere they live on. Here is a picture incase you dont understand.
I always point out that this guy came up with his solution 500miles away from the location where the sun shown down a well. How did he know it was noon there without some form of communication, and no universal time?
Only research i have heard of is that the graphene is showing up in people not jabbed. Could be possible the spike protein does aswell but havent heard the microchips doing this unless they have to consruct themselves fully to then leave the body. And this sounds more like an alien AI race that is planning to make our lives better to make advance tech and then kill us. Have also heard that the chips stop growing when placed within a faraday cage.
Well that was originally proposed by Von Braun. Had to be the size of the empire state building. Others stated that the ship in space would be to heavy becus it needs to be covered in lead to protect from radiation unless scientists are dumb sometimes.
The thing is psych refers to the psyche william Wundt refocused the field into a more behavioral approach with Jung, Watson, Pavlov, Skinner. ABA is the system they use with autistic kids. Can use it for your own behavior, typical kids, we even use it on animals. Thing is most arent aware of it. I have heard female practitioners say they use this on their husbands, and of course they dont know. First precept is awareness. You dont have that they will have you.
We now live in a post modernity civilization and hopefully it wont last to long. Trump was the first president of that era. In that post modernity only cares about narrative and everyones truth is their own and thus does not have to be accepted by others. You see that in bidens regime stating that we are not in a recession. This era is draining for the civilization and we need to return to truth. It was done once in the past and we can do it again. The post modernity governments will enact both left and right political ideas no matter who is leading.
Interesting. I can see the alien thing happening, but i can also see one of them looking like a human being assassinated on tv and come back to life. That will have to happen. Im not gonna fall for it. Just curious i have heard that the bible was written on a scroll and that revelations was at the beginning. is it possible the bible was put in the order it is to be a long game psy op to keep people waiting and feed into the second coming. A lot of people are or should be in the mind set of we are the help we are seeking. No one from europe or outer space is coming to save us. Christ already came and gave us the knowledge to strengthen our faith and resolve to do what needs to be done. Having revelations at the end seems like a self helplessness mindset. “Ive tried to change the world and wake people up but every time I do nothing happens or people dont wake up so why bother Christ will come after shit goes fubar and ill go to heaven.” If you believe the bible everyone for the most part is going to hell. People say you have to go through christ to get there, but what does that mean. I think it is explained in Matthew 20:25 you know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. 26 “yet it shall not so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 27 and whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave 28 just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” 23:11 but he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. So go out and be a servant. Dont be the first in line to be a slave. How do you be of service? 25:34 ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for i was hungry and you gave me food; i was thirsty and you gave me drink; i was a stranger and you took me in; i was naked and you clothed me; i was sick and you visited me; i was in prison and you came to me.’ 36 then the righteous will answer him saying lord when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 when did we see you a stranger and take you in, or naked and clothe you? 40 and the king will answer and say to them ‘assuredly, i say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me. It goes on to say anyone who does not do these acts of service 46 and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. KJV it is that simple. Now look at the world and tell me how many people are going to hell. I would say billions.
I was thinking FBI. What american other then amish want to live without electriciy to be doing this, and if power companies want to put guards at 55K locations some in the middle of no where what is the retention rate, and why no armed guards at schools.
I like that term fake binary. You see it throughout history as the thesis and antithesis to create the new norm. Christian vs atheist to create spiritualist. Axis vs allies created the rise of socialism and communism. Capitalism vs environment creates shit products and more environmental damage. Its like the concept if you take 20 people in a row looking at the same object they will have different ciews even the 2 in the middle. Everyone has their own subjective truth but some dont want you to have that truth and instead of just going your right of course (tolerance for idiots) they say your truth is wrong you we will force our truth on you. They do it through this over arching fake binary. One thing about this plandemic fake binary in the article is what are they going to do when the westerner people die and chinese die due to communism? West say more illegals and communist say glad we didn't have their iab?
What is the flu? A label, A cough, fever, weak feeling, runny nose. A type of respiratory infection that has not developed into bronchitis or pneumonia. The biggest problem is people dont start taking proactive meds when the first sign shows up. Got to get my coffee from starcucks every morning but i wont take a sinus pill. I guess people are to full of themselves to believe that they wont get sick or if they do are to proud to admit that they didnt do something sooner to prevent it. I also thought since the virus isnt real the bioweapon was the psych op and then the jab.
Link didnt work. Was interested to read this one. I get the issue, but are they not allowing people to just purchase using credit/debit? How are they forcing people into the CBDC? Is there incentive? Are they refusing to accept credit/debit, and cash?
Ive heard he didnt read the reports and went off the advice of his inner circle instead of experts in their field. He did however do more then anyone else would have. Im sure his actions were moderate or leaning left. Also backed down or lacked knowledge to support his arguments. Not sure who you would vote for. Santos is controlled. If youngkin runs hes controlled. Do we just vote in kari lake. If MTG doesn’t back McCarthy then she is controlled or just sucking dick to get a committee seat since she has done nothing in office. Institutions have fallen. We wont get our country back in a day it may take 50years. This is going to be a long battle not just for us but everyone in the world.
Yea. The false jews and their sacred numbers. Used to deceive. Some other videos ive seen have talked about the masons accept all religions and in the final ritual they are told to renounce their religion for lucifer. But 80% or more never go beyond the 3rd degree. Not sure if i believe that all these famous people are 33 degree. Im sure certain groups may have certain rituals that may have been added like sodomy for men and rape for women. Which is why the thin women that got fat are no longer in the spot light except for this lizzo fello. They probably have the spot light on stupid celebrities becus if we were fixated on scientists who some are also satanists their evil would be exposed.
If your good with electronics invest in resistors, capacitors, etc. internet may not be something of value and computers if there is electricity may be only good to store how to manuals. Atleast with electronics gear you can repair things for people that allows you to barter or scrap items to repair or maintain things. Every apocalypse movie i have seen theres some scrapper repairing functional items with a circuit. Then you have people fixing engines. Im with you on the gold. I would maybe have 1oz but what are you going to do with it? Dont need it to hunt, grow food, you just need it in relation to other people and you can get by with barter. There are only three gems upon the earth; water, food, and pleasing words. Fools consider rocks gems. ~Chanankya
Yep get engaged. Its not like local cities/towns are having meetings behind closed doors. Even some broadcast their meetings on Tv/radio. If we bring them proof of potential dangers with enough backing we can change policies.
Miles. A serach engine isnt going to change the fact that the math equals the diameter of the moon and the earth. Squaring the circle doesnt change based on what search engine you use. You know im right which is why your bringing up these two tardy statements.