Agent Smith is your only comeback. I bet you're bald and live alone or with your parents.
Yeah, I actually do. He just delivered my pizza and I knew him from high school. Absolutely no bullshit. He's almost 400 lbs.
People say homogeneous societies are racist. They keep nice places though.
Ha, I learned that from a Greek friend who owns a Clock restaurant who was offended when I asked, "aren't you Greeks white?" I've never seen someone so offended outside of the Spanish woman I asked if she was from Mexico when I was 6. She said, "do I look like a damned Indian to you?"
Nah, I just bought one of those orange slicing tools from TV that someone donated to the thrift store. Good guess though, that's likely the original owner, thus the throwing it out with no attachment.
I mean all rap is shit, but, this is ten levels of cringe worse. It fits your personality subscription, so enjoy.
Yeah, I do think they are doing that, however, this ain't the proof you think it is chief. Song continues
Lmfao, keep sitting on your hands and hoping. Also, please read about the use of an ellipsis.
Eat beef, brats, sausage, eggs and cheese etc. The healthy fats thing is a lie outside of seed oils.
The black people attacking Asians were right.
Hi guys, my 14 year old has challenged me to find the video of Silverstein saying, "we decided to pull it." Obviously this has become a much greater challenge than it once was. Any help would be much appreciated. I will even check my inbox for a week or two. Thanks in advance.
Bill Cooper is right again!
What about those of us who cut them into slices and don't peel them at all?
Not if you ask them.
And the sky is grey. . .
I remember a video from many years ago on this, which I cannot find. It didn't look like CGI, but, what do I know. The giant in the video moved so swiftly and violently it was awe inspiring. It is nowhere to be found.
There is more to that decision than just hot ass. Always remember, the victor writes history. That is not a statement of endorsement.
We do not know. In South America there is a legend of a single white man named Quetzalcoatl. He helped them to rebuild and then disappeared.
I wish traffic would reflect these numbers. All jokes aside, the show UTOPIA on Amazon spelled the whole thing out.
Is this similar to the last time there were walls built around the White House where nothing happened?
If you really want to defeat the brain fog, I suggest getting into ketosis and doing HIIT cardio 3x a week. You will feel like a God.
Wow, that sounds quite specific to you. I've lost a bunch of weight on exactly what I described and remained in ketosis. Sausages, brats and chicken wings are also a good way to stay on.