MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

3? The unholy trinity?

by DrLeaks
MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

The definition of a hate fuck.

MidnightToker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Coffee grounds and some castile soap works great on grease. I work on cars for fun.

MidnightToker 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what is meant by the power of prayer. It doesn't mean kneeling at your bed and saying Our Father. It's belief that an event will happen. As long as their is a possibility of the outcome, it can become real. Someone in prison for life can pray for a walk in the woods all they want but it won't happen. Prayer can be used both ways, for good and evil. I've come to think that the knowledge given to Adam and Eve was how to manifest.

Media is used to plant seeds of belief. The cult of covid is a prime example of this. It was projected years ago in our collective consciousness (2012 Olympics, discrediting anti vaxers, pharma advertising, etc) and they slowly manifested it through the narrative until it appeared this "deadly" virus just came out of nowhere. There's a reason the Amish weren't affected by this madness. No TVs or internet.

MidnightToker 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not long before the Buffalo shooting I remember Biden or someone in the administration saying something about ghost guns.

Then there's there's the 2012 London Olympic opening ritual. Denver airport...

MidnightToker 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sacred geometry is a good next step. I'm a visual learner and language limits your knowledge at that level. I highly recommend some type of psychedelic. Turn your mind off and your consciousness on.

MidnightToker 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've got $295 puts with November expiration. That ape has them for next week...

I shorted FEZ and the top 2 stocks Ray Dalio shorted yesterday. Europe is not looking good.

I've heard this from several people on podcasts that I consider reputable. We're (and the world) going to go through a phase of deglobalization over the next 5 years where supply chains become more nationalized again. It's same type of environment that we saw after WWII until the mid 50's. Until we come out the other end it's going to be a shit show.

MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not a single doctor will ask you what your diet, mental health, or activity level is. Those three factors will be at the root cause of a majority of issues. When you actually look into health, a doctor is the last person you should be talking to. All a doctor is good for these days is fitting you into a medical code and prescribing what ever medication goes along with it. Also getting you TFO out the office as quickly as possible so they can cram more people through. The sickest people I know all see doctors routinely.

I had severe allergies and was on weekly shots and medication for years. I cleaned up my diet and started walking outside for a few hours a day. I eat nothing processed and eat as close to the foods raw state as I can. My allergies are for the most part completely gone.

MidnightToker 7 points ago +8 / -1

The most corrupt governments are rural ones. You won't find much. I find it laughable that they "care" about rural areas all of a sudden. 4G didn't show up here until about 5 years ago. We didn't have internet until 2 years ago. They can't change your thinking if you can't hear the propaganda. You also can't track people with shitty cell signals....

MidnightToker 10 points ago +11 / -1

In the next Top Gun Goose dies of a heart attack.

MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw this a mile away. The market was up the past two days and now it's tanking. Someone was cashing out.

MidnightToker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Klaus Schwab is going to turn off LaMDA.

Get this trending.

MidnightToker 6 points ago +6 / -0

If it's real or not it doesn't matter. They aren't slamming the brakes on, they're driving us into a wall. I'm short the market (up 5% today) and stocked up and shiny metal. Let it burn.

FWIW, the dollar milkshake theory made a very good point. Our dollar is going to actually strengthen due to other currencies, specifically the Euro, being so week. The Yen is a shitshow. That's actually the worse thing that could happen- a strong dollar with inflation. Because that's unsustainable, then the dollar collapses.

MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read an article that exposed how bad this is but it's even worse. Most of these mega stores double as grocery stores. The most important number is revenue. As food prices skyrocket, the revenue number doesn't tell the whole story. A paycheck to paycheck family that was spending $100 on food and $100 in the store a week might now be spending $150 on food and only $50 in the store now. The overall revenue for the company is the same yet would lead to a huge inventory buildup of products. $200 of revenue would still be reported. If that same family is now putting that extra $50 in their gas tank, they no longer can afford to spend the extra $50 in the store. They need to eat so they choose food over their Chinese made clothes or trinkets. Inventories go up. I think the next few quarters of reporting is NOT going to be good. This is where we could see a DEFLATION in prices.

MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

All social media is poison. Same shit. Different plate.

MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironicially, the Height-Ashbury clinic opened the same year Ronald Regan was elected governor. He was more than likely rewarded with the presidency for allowing MKUltra research and government infiltration of the hippie movement in California....much like Bill Clinton was with allowing cocaine to be flown into Arkansas.

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