Maskurbator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bingo. At some point enough is enough. Live your life as normal and deal with consequences later.

Maskurbator 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's about taxes. They don't give a shit if you sell drugs and need to launder money. I'm half inclined to say that if a cocaine dealer sent the IRS a check for million bucks the feds would probably look the other way.

Maskurbator 5 points ago +5 / -0

"prosperity" "liberal order" What they mean is the deck was stacked in their favor and they ran the show and now it looks the music is going to stop.

Maskurbator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there a secure, confidential solution? Does one already exist? If not, With proper funding, does the technology already exist to make one?

Maskurbator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ive had a ton of cavities My wife started using some hippie toothpaste made out like eggs or something and now my dentist seems equal parts shocked and bummed that I no longer have cavities as this shit literally repairs your teeth. Fillings all childhood and apparently totally avoidable and cavities reversible. We've been taught garbage out whole lives.

Maskurbator 2 points ago +3 / -1

They deliberately conflate and divorce things based on what benefits them best at the moment. Is Jewish a race? A people? A religion? A culture? Yes and no to all of the following depending on ____. Jewish/Hebrew/Judaism/Israel/Semitic what's the difference? Who knows. Only they do. Who is they? That's antisemitic to even ask. What's Semitic? You've been debanked. All your money has been seized.

Maskurbator 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll never learn.

Maskurbator 4 points ago +4 / -0

The why is obvious. You ever get annoyed at noisy neighbors? Congested freeways? Litter in parks? So did the elites, except they have all the money and power in the world to do something about it with no moral qualms. and they didn't stop at their neighbor, they're going for the whole neighborhood. They want their own ecological preserve with them being the only ones on it.

Maskurbator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair equal isn't the same as equal pay. Sometimes unequal lay IS fair pay. Not everyone does the same quality or quantity of work.

Maskurbator 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, what you're saying is the US population is going to contract to about 200,000,000 in the next decade?

Maskurbator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Capitalism isn't all or nothing. The US no doubt has elements of capitalism but it's not everything. There are elements of regulated commerce, and socialism. It's a grab bag. People have a hard time seeing things outside of dichotomies. Some regulation is bad. Some regulation is good. I don't think anyone wants Nestle dumping waste into rivers. But most people also probably think restaurants should be allowed to tie leftovers to charity or homeless (currently they can't in many cities).

The infighting over stuff like this, or at least the way people do it, doesn't help.

Now I see people who a few years ago were maga populists pushing for national socialism. Start with values and let that direct policy. People should be gainfully employed People should be productive Do we want women in the workforce or do we want to incentive family building? Do we want refugees and immigrants and asylum seekers? Do we want foreign visa workers? Do we want to prevent single entities from accumulating too much power?

Then, once we figure that out, what's the most pragmatic way to accomplish this?

For decades the lefts go-to solution for literally every problem was "increase spending" and government paying for it because they are too lazy to figure out real solutions. So they just want to throw money at it and hope it goes away magically, like a shitty parent who gets their kid a Gameboy instead of spending time with them because one is easy, even if it's not effective.

by pkvi
Maskurbator 2 points ago +2 / -0

The news would have me believe that there are vaccine reluctant people everywhere that ended up getting covid and then falling seriously ill. Usually really healthy people in their 20s and 30s.

My own life experience has shown me that has happened to literally f****** no one. Everyone that I know that didn't want to get the jab to begin with still hasn't gotten it. No one has gotten critically ill. No one has died. No one regrets it. I had one friend that did get covid supposedly and he was sick for like 4 days and now everything is perfectly fine.

It's all propaganda to scare the remaining non-vaxxers into getting the jab.

Maskurbator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Veganism is a religion, not a diet.

Think about it.

Eat vegan food. Kosher, halal.cant even accidentally eat non vegan stuff. People on diet to lose weight won't spaz out if they eat a cupcake or something. Vegans do.

Wear vegan clothes. Burka, tassels, whatever the caps are.

Vegan bands. Choir.

Usually vegan tattoos.

Vegans usually won't marry non vegans. Like Jews marry Jews, Catholics marry Catholics.

Vegans raise their kids vegan. You don't do this with basic diets. Moms in 90s didn't make their kids eat Atkins diet. It was for them only.

Not content just being vegan. Have to proselytize people to veganism and look down on non vegans. Even vegetarians. That even a thing anymore?

Look up the creepy origins of vegetarianism back a century or more ago. Was deliberately started to remove the joy from food. Make food bland. Flavorless. Unenjoyable. Corn Flakes! Mr. Kellogg. Religious zealot. Eugenics ideology. Wanted to make sex joyless too. Joy was considered a sin.

Think about today. They ruin everything you used to get joy from. Star Wars. Star Trek. Marvel. DC. Comics. He Man. Dr Who. Indiana Jones. James Bond. Ghostbusters. Terminator. Anything that was fun must be ruined. No one is that dumb to make such major failures. It's deliberate.

Maskurbator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blink released a single last year called Quarantine. Listen to it. It is the gayest shit ever a will forever be a stain on their supposedly punk musical career. It's also the biggest paranoia and strawman piece I've heard, making Greenday's music from the anti Bush days seem mild. The best part is Quarantine goes against things from other songs. Listen to Anthem and Anthem Part 2, then listen to this garbage, and you realize how big of fucking sell outs they became. The lyrics from then and now literally contradict each other. They've become the knee jerk Karen class they used to hate.

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