WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks for the correction and input sir from your experience.

In the video the gentlemen explained that the only way this AI Machine can mitigate to the Human Body is through inhalation or injection of mRNA Tech which we all know that this has traces of Metals (which was lab tested in Japan recently). Others have reveled the Pizer ingredients which is disturbing.

The body will have to absorb enough Metals, in order for this kind of Demonic Tech to corrupt any living thing it can sync into and kept locked in until the organism ceases to exist.

Subsequently, the Deep State / Global Government(s) have already injected us all with a trace of the same ions as mentioned above via Chemtrails, for years!

Next, coming to a plate near you (soon) an AI Machine by the name of IMPERIUM has already received enough funds to alter any Molecule and multiply it by Millions. Think Vast Meat (year or two) / Poultry Shortages (happening now) and this Machine converting EVERYTHING from Soy Derivatives will be our only default for Foods per the NWO Agenda.

WinterSoldier82 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for the proper input. I will look into this deeper and be objective and subjective about this matter until I have reached a conclusion.

WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for your input.

However this does not answer WHY people are putting so much of their hard earned cash into a Global Currency, hyping it to be as True as can be but evidently its becoming a Paradoxical Grift to the Masses. I strongly question any Talking Head(s) that rant about Deep State Agendas, NWO etc. but still promote One-World Currency?

by pkvi
WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

Marxist Scum!

WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

and cheapest now since pre-pandemic prices, but for how long??

WinterSoldier82 5 points ago +5 / -0

just a little though. This thing can crash and wipe your funds out. Buy organic traded goods such as Lumber, Ammo, Gold, Silver, Gas etc. Thank GOD I live in a country where I can even hoard Rain Water.

WinterSoldier82 11 points ago +11 / -0

Right! I laughed my ass off when I read this disinfo