So you voted Harris/Biden? Figures.
Not when the strong refuse to protect the weak. She's old and her husband is disabled.
She shouldn't have to apologize.
...I'll have to consult my Illuminati cards...
...I think this might work with Graphene and LED lights. Dark Knight, anyone?
I hope this lives up to the hype! The Superbowl half-time show sucked!
That's the app that comes on all illegals cellphones that tell them how to get across the border and then where to go to get free shit. Funded by the American taxpayer.
We already knew that.
This is pure evil right in our faces.
Don't watch. theres now going to be a 1 to 2 minute delay. No one except Trump is going to know what really happened. Bidens already recorded all of his talking points.
Because they were actors?
This is all fake and gay.
It's not stable though. Tens of millions of illegals running air conditioners and heaters have put the entire grid on blackout status.
They're doing what they want without regard to any laws. No one is doing anything about any of it.
It never happened.
SOmebody had to do it.
Yeah, nothings gonna go wrong here....
There's a hell of a lot more evil rituals going on in The White House than that.
You think the CIA and Mossad are going to listen to 'cooler heads'?
It stands to reason that your enemy isn't going to give you a 48 hour notice before attacking you. It kind of defeats the purpose. On the other hand, a false flag attack will give you reason to attack them without any provocation.
Once again: you're not seeing trannies taking over basketball.
THAT is the question.
Get rid of the stock market.