Noah and his wife survived along with his three sons and their wives. There isn’t much given in terms of specifics but we can understand that everything is degenerating due to sin over time. Humans now aren’t as robust as they were back then. It’s possible that the human genome was more resistant to the dangers of inbreeding at the time or God personally helped out with successful gestations for a while, manually preventing certain issues from coming about until the population was sufficiently replaced. We really don’t know.
Top loader master race 😗
Satan creates a counterfeit of Gods kingdom and it’s structure. It’s always an inversion or a substitution. In scripture, it’s Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Satan replaces this with Father, Mother, Son worship.
Makes sense when you realize the destroyers of civilization have a lot of aging dads in their ranks.
I would think that RFK is merely being trotted out as a way to cover all bases. That way, people are given a seemingly wide selection of “non-establishment” candidates to choose from. It doesn’t really matter who gets in.
Cool. I’m of the opinion that the aliens are fake, but they are actually spiritual entities and this is all Bible prophecy playing out. Satan and his fallen angels reappear near the very end, pretending to be ascended masters and aliens to attempt to unite the world against God and legitimize the mark of the beast. I’ll post some stuff about it this weekend.
I was just about to ask if anyone knew about Braun’s claims and see you already posted about it. Flat earth is baloney but the alien narrative all coincides with Alice Baileys book “The Externalization of the Heirarchy”. I’ll post some good stuff this weekend linking it all to Bible Prophecy.
You’ll have the quietest fuel around.
Have you heard of Wernher Von Braun’s secretary stating that he told her that Aliens would be the last enemy they use to unite people together?
The big secret about the titanic is that it was likely intentionally sabotaged in order to get rid of the largest opposition to the establishment of the federal reserve at the time.
Yes, I’ve studied the eastern religions and compared them to the western religions. At the end of the day, every one of them worships Lucifer. You can plainly see if you recognize the symbolism and look at their fundamental theologies.
You do know that Jesus is one of the most well documented people on the planet correct? Where is your evidence that the Bible was just back written by the flavians?
When it comes to prophecy, what do you think is going to happen, according to your sources?
Are you insinuating that I’m trying to send people to hell? Wake up dude. If you think the second coming is just an evil, vindictive act of a destroyer God then you are hilariously blind to why it’s going to happen and why that’s ultimately the best possible outcome. You understand so little of the Bible it’s baffling. Just as inverted as the gnostic teachings you ascribe to. Gnosticism worships Lucifer, it’s not some secret truth. That secret knowledge you espouse is just made up fan fiction by fallen angels meant to entice people with itching ears.
The gnostics and the Roman Catholics worship the same thing just with different verbiage.
That’s just a Jewish custom and God isn’t His name anyway. It’s a title. His name is YAHUAH. You should always be respectful when referring to the people be true God but in reality, it isn’t so important which name you use. In scripture, He goes out of His way to tell you that what’s more important is your personal relationship with Him which is maintained by your obedience. As long as you keep Jesus’s testimony and obey His commandments, you can rest assured that you know Him and it wont really matter if you say God, or Most High, or Adonai, or YAH. The name can change based on circumstance, but the moral character (the law) is eternal and unchanging.
If you’re going to use a biblical analogy, it needs to parallel the biblical example. Making an analogy that doesn’t harken to the source material isn’t a valid analogy. If it was, you could just make symbols mean whatever you want with no basis and then you have no foundation to base your beliefs on. You become a victim to whomever can make the most correct sounding argument instead of being able to verify their positions with discernment.
The fact that you are trying to prophecy using non-biblical symbols and believe in the demiurge narrative is proof in itself that you believe in gnostic fanfiction. You tell me that you’ve found truth in lies. Truth mixed with lies is still a lie and it has nothing to do with the way God gives information. God doesn’t occult the truth. The Bible is a complete work and you are able to understand the story and it’s symbols using just its texts. There are no deep, hidden truths in Christianity because God does nothing in secret. If you think I’m an orthodox Christian, I’m not.
And again, Catholicism doesn’t define Christianity in the same way the Pharisees didn’t define it. God defines His faith and the truth therein, not man or the actions of man. You are pointing to religions practiced by deceived men and are trying to say that it’s Christianity.
It doesn’t matter what you “identify” as. If you obey the teachings and edicts of someone, you belong to them. At the end, there is no middle ground, only the two sides. Satan has created what will be a confederacy of belief systems that all supposedly point to the direction of truth when it’s all a lie. There is only one path you can walk and it’s a very narrow one. It shares nothing with the other things you are studying. The Bible goes out of its way, many times, to warn that the whole world gets deceived with the exception of a small remnant that keep the faith against tremendous persecution in the end. You probably wouldn’t even believe me if I told you what the mark of the beast will end up being.
The Bible absolutely identifies America if you understand biblical symbolism and the timeline given. America is the second beast of revelation (the beast that comes out of the earth) that will eventually give power back to the first beast which is the Papacy (the beast that comes out of the sea). The final apostasy that takes over the planet, and eventually rolls out the mark of the beast, is going to start in America before spreading out over the world. My suspicion is that it will be within the decade at the rate things are going. We are currently in a period of time referred to as the hour of judgement. This is a probationary period that finds its parallel in genesis, in which 120 years passed after God declared He would destroy the earth and the flood actually came. This probationary period will continue until just after the mark gets rolled out and enforced, then the plagues will come. During this period, the final call to God’s people to come out of Babylon must spread over the world so that everyone can make their decision as to whom they will serve.
As for proof, biblical prophecy absolutely can be proven. The prophecies in Daniel give the starting date and they perfectly predict the ministry of Christ and the rule of the papacy if you just work it out.
Divine inspiration doesn’t reign in the end, Christ does. He comes back and pretty much destroys the planet. Modern Israel and the biblical Israel have nothing to do with each other. The country of Israel could be destroyed tomorrow and it wouldn’t affect biblical prophecy at all. They aren’t the Jews Jesus is talking about in Revelation. The fact that so many people of these sites rant and rave about the modern Jews like they’re the “big bad” goes to show their shallow roots in scripture.
Where the heck did you get this nonsense that the chans and voat had some pivotal role in prophetic events? The Bible or some post on the internet? What spiritual fruits does 4chan yield?
Rome does not define Christianity. The Bible defines what Christianity is. The Bible also clearly identifies and calls out what Rome is. It gives a specific timeline in its prophecies that perfectly predict the ministry of Christ, the various kingdoms that rule earth through history, and even the reign of the Catholic Church in the dark ages. It even identifies America. If you really know what the Bible actually says, you could tell me what time period we are in according to scripture and where it is paralleled in scripture. Who is America in the Bible? What role will it play? If you’ve been studying scripture your whole life and know the symbolism so well, you should be able to answer these critical questions.
Again, you are letting manmade symbolism direct your thought and not the Bible. You aren’t even referencing the symbolism of the mixed and unmixed wine correctly.
For someone who is reluctant to embrace false teachings, you certainly seem to enjoy believing in gnostic fanfiction. I reluctantly came to Christianity because I approached the subject with a completely open mind and gave each version of the story it’s own careful consideration. Coming to God essentially meant that I had to acknowledge that I had been studying lies for years.
It’s because the world powers are controlled and manipulated by Satan. Jesus warned that there would be a big uptick in extreme weather events in the last days. Somebody with knowledge of scripture recognizes that it’s Lucifer working to make these things happen. The average person gets fed the climate change narrative or, from the other side, the government sabotage narrative and doesn’t make the biblical connection.
You are incorrectly comparing Roman Catholicism to Christianity. The Roman Catholic Papacy is the little horn power. It is the first beast that comes from the sea in Revelation. It is the mother of harlots. It has been successfully identified as what most people would understand as the antichrist. Rome does in fact worship death, you can’t have mass unless you are conducting it over a crypt. It inherits its ideologies from Rome, who got it from Greece, who got it from the Medo-Persians, who got it from Babylon. The Bible warns you of Rome if you let it define its own symbols. Saying the Roman Catholics persecuted the Gnostics is like saying heretics were persecuting heretics. If you actually learn what the Papacy believes, you realize they worship the same thing as the gnostics. Lucifer always gives the same basic points and then embellishes them in a million different ways to let people pick and choose which flavor of the teachings they prefer.
You are extremely confused when you mix Catholicism with Christianity and then look to Gnosticism as the key to unlock it all. The reason why you walked into this confusion is precisely because you “do both”. Again, you can’t. The Bible is the foundation of all truth and you have to work outward. If you don’t approach it from that stance, the Bible becomes just another book and you are walking around blindly with no foundation and no way other than your feelings to discern what is true. The Bible warns against this saying to not trust your own feelings because they can be manipulated. When you learn how to spot fake money, do you study the known forgeries? No, you study the genuine article. Real Christianity is a very different religion from what you appear to believe it is.
Btw, I came to Christianity after many years of studying Gnosticism and the occult believing it to be correct. I’ve read Crowley, Blavatsky, Bailey, Pike, Hall, The Emerald Tablets, Kabbalah: I could go on and on. It leads nowhere and it all boils down to Lucifer worship in one way or another at the top. I was very reluctant to come to Christianity at first. The teachings of God go against what we find appealing as fallen man and require a lot of change and sacrifice but if you are genuinely honest and approach things logically, you will eventually arrive at the truth of Jesus Christ.
Lastly, anything that takes a higher priority in your life than God is an idol. It can be a literal statue, it can be an activity like alcoholism or gambling, or it can be a mindset like atheism in which you functionally declare yourself to be a little mini-god.
That’s… quite the hodge podge of false doctrine. I guess you get the part of Lucifer being the leader of music in heaven correct. He was a covering cherub with instruments literally built into him. The covering cherubs veil the glory of God at His throne so they are closer to God then almost anyone. That’s why there is no second chance for Lucifer like there is for us. He had first hand experience of Gods character and had no reason to ever want to do what he did, and yet he did it anyway.
They are very kind people but have some critical errors in doctrine. Primarily, they believe in works based salvation and their mindset of closing themselves off in their communities goes against the instruction to be a light unto the world and labor to wake other people up. Additionally, many of their communities teach non biblical folk magic and other secret teachings which is extremely dangerous to one’s salvation as God says to have nothing to do with it. Finally, many people who have come out of the Amish communities state that to many, the Amish lifestyle takes precedence over scripture which is idolatry. A fairly common occurrence in their churches is to only use German bibles in which nobody except the church elders can actually read and the young people don’t actually read any scripture. This is done because the older members don’t want the young people to read the Bible for themselves and come to the conclusion that they aren’t following Christ according to the Bible and then leave the community. All that being said, yes, country living is scriptural.
You are incorporating a lot of non-scriptural teachings and trying to apply them to what is stated in the Bible. This is the wrong direction. Instead, you need to start with the Bible and work outward as it is the foundation of Truth. You need to let the Bible define itself and not apply foreign definitions to biblical symbols. Doing so is considered a form of idolatry.
When I say God has nothing to do with it, I am saying that God has nothing to do with death. This is stated clearly by scripture. He is the God of the living. He is a God of creation and light. He is perfect and there is no darkness or sin in Him. As a created being, you are made with the capacity to stay in creation or leave it because you have free will. To choose the teachings of man and the world, to choose sin, is to pursue a path that cannot lead to God. Instead, you are only lead to a path that results in death as you are willingly separating yourself from the very thing that sustains existence.
Again, you’re mixing pagan thought with Christian thought. The concepts of the middle way and the notion that Christ is a state of being are deceptions meant to fool people into thinking they have found truth when in reality they are still trapped in the lie.
Both paths presented in those systems, left and right/ dark and light, or even some mysterious middle path that’s in harmony with nature (nature worship is idolatry), are lies that lead to the same place. Scripture is clear on this. At the end, there aren’t three paths, or many different paths to the same place, there are only two. One path leads to Christ which is life, every other path leads to eternal death and separation from God. It’s up to you which side you are on.
When you talk of Christ as a state of being or “Christ Consciousness” you are buying into a variation of the same lie that the serpent told Adam and Eve in the garden, that you can become like God. This is just an extension of works based salvation which is completely antithetical to what the plan of salvation actually is. Fallen man is incapable of saving himself so God had to personally don flesh and be the sacrifice in our stead. If you accept Christ and obey God, His sacrifice is applied to you and you are effectively pardoned. You are then to go and walk the Christian path in life. There is no other way out that results in you living as any sin functionally results in the death penalty.
You call on concepts from Taoism and Egypt when their religions and teachings have nothing to do with the teachings of the Bible. Instead, ancient man got those teachings from fallen angels who were trying to confuse the story by taking elements of the truth and then perverting reality. The Hegelian dialectic of using opposites to create an outcome (synthesis) is a stratagem of Satan. When you say dividers use it to their benefit, it’s more correct to look at them as people who are spiritually manipulated to do the works of Lucifer in the world.
Even your symbolism isn’t biblical. The Bible defines its symbols and nowhere does it describe the cross as a fulcrum between two opposites. Such an explanation is manmade and therefore invalid according to scripture. Instead, the cross is meant to point back to the sanctuary which itself pointed to Christ. The symbolism you reference doesn’t point to Christ and instead points to some suggested secret truth for the enlightened, completely removing Christ as the savior, thereby shifting focus to the individual saving themself. The more you study the Bible, the more plain it is that other religions explanations for biblical concepts are just the Devils fan fiction as he tries to tell a version of the story that either inverts or combines the character of God with his character.
I think the problem here is that you are looking at Christianity as being on the same level as any other religion in that they all have some aspect of the truth or any one of them can lead to the ultimate truth. In reality, you have everything else, then you have Christianity.
I highly recommend you watch the entirety of the Total Onslaught series as it addresses every single thing you’re talking about and clearly shows where the errors are, which is why I like to link to it so much.
If you actually watched the lectures I post here, you would understand that the God of the Bible has nothing to do with the “Semitic Blood God” you think you know. Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with the end of free will. In fact, it is the exercise of our free will that gives meaning to love and everything that is happening in the world. God’s not going to force you to love Him and change your ways. It’s entirely your choice. At the end of it all, there will be two groups of people. Those who look to God and say “Thy will be done”, and those whom God looks upon as He says “Thy will be done”.
You seem to be mixing alchemical principles with doctrine. For example, Satan uses Hegelian stratagems to create the change he wants to see. A lot of people make the mistake that the true path is somewhere in the middle when in actuality, biblical truth has nothing to do with either path presented by Lucifer. If you’re searching for a middle ground, you’re just walking around in the cage Satan has fashioned.
It’s part of the strategy to create two opposing factions, have them conflict, and then present what you really wanted as a compromise after the dust has settled. In reality, you’re just falling for the deception by accepting the compromise. It’s why we are instructed to have nothing to do with any of it. Instead, the only way to see what you really should be doing is to study the genuine word of God and follow its instructions. The more familiar you are with the genuine article, the better you get at spotting a forgery. That way, regardless of wether or not the devil presents the light or dark path, you will be able to recognize it and avoid it.
The notion of a balance between good and evil isn’t a biblical concept. Instead, we are told that God has nothing to do with the darkness and to have anything to do with it results in death because you are choosing to separate yourself from God. Any “light” that tries to have fellowship with darkness is a false light and only seeks to present a convenient lie to the unaware.
That’s actually a very interesting verse. I wonder if it’s referencing Job. In the old days, it was customary to walk up and down a new property of yours so when God asks Satan in Job “Where did you come from” and Satan responds “Walking back and forth”, he was arrogantly telling God that the Earth is his. So it’s interesting that the language in the verse you reference was used because it might be a reminder that mankind is in a foreign, hostile land who’s ruler wishes to kill them.
The scribes and Pharisees who had adopted satanic doctrine and fallen away from God killed Jesus. The term “Jew” in those days just meant followers of YAWEH. Even early Christians were called Jews. Today, real Christians are the true modern “Jews” and the inheritors of the Gospel.
The channel that video is on has the entire series in a playlist. It’s lecture series 200.
It’s hard to claim that. Noah would’ve come from an earlier version of humanity that would have a much higher degree of inherent genetic diversity. Just as you can get many dog breeds from their common wolf ancestor, Noah and his family likely carried all the necessary alleles to allow their progeny to adapt to whatever environment they came across.