That’s just a Jewish custom and God isn’t His name anyway. It’s a title. His name is YAHUAH. You should always be respectful when referring to the people be true God but in reality, it isn’t so important which name you use. In scripture, He goes out of His way to tell you that what’s more important is your personal relationship with Him which is maintained by your obedience. As long as you keep Jesus’s testimony and obey His commandments, you can rest assured that you know Him and it wont really matter if you say God, or Most High, or Adonai, or YAH. The name can change based on circumstance, but the moral character (the law) is eternal and unchanging.
That’s just a Jewish custom and God isn’t His name anyway. It’s a title. His name is YAHUAH. You should always be respectful when referring to the people be true God but in reality, it isn’t so important which name you use. In scripture, He goes out of His way to tell you that what’s more important is your personal relationship with Him which is maintained by your obedience. As long as you keep Jesus’s testimony and obey His commandments, you can rest assured that you know Him and it wont really matter if you say God, or Most High, or Adonai, or YAH. The name can change based on circumstance, but the moral character (the law) is eternal and unchanging.