by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

yes it's true but what I'm saying is that they were working in concert. Trump was there to build the country up for the precise reason that Biden could come in and smash you down hard. So you could fall from a great height and be utterly demoralised.

Like it or not, Trump served as the 'justification' for BLM and Antifa etc. He never finished the wall and thus provided the starting pistol for and increased and accelerated illegal invasion.

His role in all of it was to lead you on, puff you up with hope but he knew all along that when you were at your most puffed up that someone would come along to burst you. That was the plan the whole time.

Never mind what Newt Gingrich says - Trump is absolutely in the club. Trump knew about COVID before it arrived - Crimson Contagion. Gates told him to do something great with vaccines and he obliged etc. Trump was like the siren, singing a song that was music to your ears, luring the country into danger until it dashes itself on the rocks and sinks and perishes.

He even admitted as much beforehand - "You knew I was a snake before you took me in"

by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

same. I'm not American so I didn't vote or anything but for a while I thought he was the dogs bollocks. I can't believe I overlooked all the disturbing stuff with his daughter and dismissed it as just a smear job.

It's amazing isn't it? The things you'll overlook on your own 'team' just because it's pointed out by the 'opposition'. Thing is - they're not oppositions at all and they all tell the truth about each other. It's just framed in a way and sensationalised so that we ignore it. We throw the baby out with the bathwater.

We think they're all liars, and they are, but at the same time they all tell the truth too. It's weird to wrap your head around and to perceive.

by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trump had to spike the ball so that Biden could come in and smash it into the sand.

They're on the same team.

by pkvi
Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

they are very much in effect. GAWs standard answer to anyone pointing out that Trump pushed the vaccines, made FDA bypass normal protocols, that he boasts that he's the father of the vaccine etc is to say that he says he believes in the right to choice!

Yes, they think that Trump saying something like that absolutely nullifies all of the above. It nullifies Crimson Contagion, it nullifies Trump vouching for their safety, it nullifies Warp Speed, it nullifies his boastfulness, it nullifies him saying he'd even had a booster.

These are people who pride themselves on being 'logical thinkers' and the 'saviours of humanity' alongside the US Military of all things!

They are very much still in effect, yes

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

You need to familiarise yourself with Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule's suggestions in their 2008 paper 'Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cures'.

Then look at what became of Cass Sunstein - he was snaffled by the UK Government in order to head up their Behavioural Insights Team which was then exported around the world.

It's always wise therefore to remember that anyone presenting as a voice of the people may simply be a government stooge in the mold of Sunstein there to mislead and deceive and to take away from the path of truth eventually. Like Russell Brand or Alex Jones. It's especially wise to consider what Frances Stonor-Saunders said about how Governments promote specific cultural icons to deliver the messages they want.

This includes the 'alternative media'. Del Bigtree was already an established TV/producer type and therefore already in the club. He hangs around with all the professional alt media who are there to lead people into the new age nonsense so beware.

As far as the vaccine being designed to fail and to cause societal rifts etc, I think Coronacircus has the right idea.

As does ProbablyAlexandra in that we are being presented with a huge threat and two possible responses - the Great Reset or the Great Awakening but neither are 'good'. The Great Awakening really just being false light made to seem like the lesser of two evils when in actual fact it's just more evil.

In order to make this deception work, the Great Reset and all its accoutrements, like the vaccine HAVE to fail. They have to come with inbuilt self-destruction or enough loose threads and 'leaks' to encourage the masses to pull on, to investigate and to eventually 'wake up' and accept the false light ready made solution and that come through the likes of Bigtree and co pointing the way...

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can you propose it be done any other way? What is it you are suggesting? Generally we work at the lowest common denominator level. This is a function of that>

I'm suggesting not to get spirited along with any particular narrative when it's presented to you by professionals with their slick production values and hammy acting. If they have to employ all that stuff it's clear that they are trying to capture you. Don't take their bait. They all work for the same goal. Remember, the vaccine nonsense was supposed to fail. We are supposed to revolt. But it's all one big controlled demolition.

Be on the lookout for fake sounding sloganeering nonsense and alliteration, such as Freedom Fest! Freedom Convoy! RealnotRare! Reclaimthesestreets! Proud Boys! Pie and Mash Squad! Occupy! Anonymous! Q! Freedom Farmers! Pride! et al

It's all state-sponsored propaganda and fake grassroots movements a la Sunstein and Vermeule

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

how can anybody give any credit to these overproduced videos?

Del bigtree is not a man of the people - he's a hollywood producer doing his bit for the dialectic too.

How can no one just see his blatant falseness/hammy acting?

by pkvi
Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

you don't pay taxes on winnings here in UK. That stings massively

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

you are the one presenting the information. I'm asking if you can vouch for the credibility?

by pkvi
Janschology 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know, right? It's everywhere. Rampant idiocy and it feels like they're taking the piss with it on purpose.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then back to my original question:

Can you vouch for credibility?

How do we know this isn’t just one random chaps conjured up ramblings, or a load of spin and conjecture adorning a basic framework of truth?

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, that's not a reason not to verify things people are passing off as factual is it?

Or do you recommend just believing everything you read and hear?

Janschology 5 points ago +5 / -0

No. It is Pharmakeia ie sorcery.

It really troubles me that people think that so-called medicinal pharmaceuticals are an indispensable part of life.

Perhaps some vaccinations for exotic diseases might be required but as a rule I don't trust the medical profession at ALL anymore after all this shenanigans.

by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

looks like movie set makeup to me.

I don't know this lassie but I do know that even 'our side', whatever that means, is being cognitively steered by state actors a la Cass Sunsteins recommendation in his paper Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cure.

Bearing in mind that there are people feeding us false info by reflecting our prejudices back at us, everyone should always be weary about things.

This may be genuine, but my first thought was that this is the work of a makeup artist.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

This article from 2003, updated in 2018 by G Edward Griffin goes over the predictability and repetitiveness of it all

Janschology 2 points ago +3 / -1

mental gymnastics in a desperate attempt to hold onto the idol worship of Trump as their "God-Emperor" who must at all times be proclaimed spotless and whose every action must be twisted in such a manner as to always have him coming up smelling of roses.

Retarded beyond belief. He begged for credit for the vaccines. He called himself the father of the vaccines as playgoyy said. Also, he told you ahead of time that he would administer the bite every time he read The Snake. Also, there's a vid of Bill Gates talking about that time he talked Trump out of his vaccine safety commission and instead encouraging him to 'do something great with vaccines', which Trump now thinks he has done.

He pushed the FDA to grant those clearances and to forego all the standard safety protocols.

A lot of people rightly bring attention to Event 201 as evidence of the planned nature of the pandemic but not a lot of people give any attention whatsoever to the much, much larger 'pandemic preparedness exercise' convened by the Trump Administration throughout Jan-August 2019 about a virus that escapes from China, which was called 'Crimson Contagion'.

Also, why did Q not mention Crimson Contagion? Why didn't Q give his followers a heads up? His connections to trump are beyond dispute. Where was the warning?

Why was Q never critical of Gates?

No, no, I'm just being foolish and seeing ghosts and making mountains out of molehills - the REAL truth is that Trump endorsing the vaccine is a strategic move so contrived, so complex, that only an infinitesimal amount of people will understand. Yeah, that's what it is - my bad.

Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

why don't you look at the title of your own post, moron.

Janschology -1 points ago +1 / -2

you're trying to be mean?

Janschology -1 points ago +1 / -2

but the Synagogue of Satan is filled with fake Jews, so why hate Jew Jews?

Rev_2:9  I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Rev_3:9  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

why bring Jews into this at all? It's an odd condition with no relevance to any of the rest of the conversation whatsoever.

You insinuate that because Trump wasn't part of the Bohemian Club that means he's not corrupt, not cabal, not controlled. But you have to overlook a vast multitude of other signs and connections and evidence which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump is in the same crooked religion as the rest of them.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

not different issues at all. The EXACT SAME ISSUE. They all have a connecting root.

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