Inventor? Or thief of the invention?
Engineers of destruction and doctors of chaos
Not like in that video, that's for sure
Well said. I know plenty of Jews that are in the same boat as me.
A bunch of us tried to get Ross Perot in to clean things up years ago but too many sold out and wouldn't consider the long game
Some percentage is, but it's also that the US stock market is probably the safest choice in the world. Not saying that every penny should be placed into it, but some portion should. As fake as it is, it's still going to perform at some level due to the amount of normies playing along
Remember that Biden and Harris proceeded him. Those 2 are no better
He can't comment because the SEC would probably take everything he has
That one worked.
I don't know, it said page not found
Yes you did
Massie, Paul, Kennedy and Grassley are about it
LOL, 2 more weeks
My 15 Y.O. nephew just said "I thought they were able to choose, what happened to them choosing"?
Thank you for the clarification. I find anyone who studies history to a fairly high level sees what's going on.
I think it would have to be bots, but then I remember that 14,000 people is a very small number compared to the number of people in the world. Also, most liberal / leftist are on Reddit rather than other forums
Deflation works also, without the harmful side effects of 3rd world immigration. It has it's own problems, but a much better option
What is JQ stuff?
I agree. They are trying to create a God for themselves. It's very cultish
I contend that AI will eventually understand the laws of nature. What it does once it understands is the wild card. If it mimics human nature it will become hard and unforgiving before it devlopes mercy. Some old people never develop mercy and there lies the issue. As a collective society, we debate the levels of mercy and accountability and reach a consensus. 1 or just a small number of AI calling the shots lacks a sampling size large enough to reach an acceptable balance. It could also see the best way to destroy us is to become over the top liberal and allow us to destroy ourselves.
Isn't that the stated goal of those creating AI? It will never compare to nature
Another good rabbit hole to explore. Thank you
I think he's taking shrooms too
It appears that it has either been programmed to reiterate the talking points of academia or has been infused with ethics courses. True machine learning will change over time, but I doubt that has been achieved.
Nature seeks equilibrium. All living things must die and death will not be cheated. I've had conversations with people who think the world is overpopulated and are quick to promote medical intervention. Medical intervention only skews equilibrium for a season. If we are truly overpopulated, nature will reduce our population for us. Building code improvements empower us to build residential units that can withstand hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and fires. Eventually, we will encounter a foe to that will be greater than our technology.
My points are that even though we think we are outsmarting the laws of nature, nature still holds equilibrium firm and nature bats last. AI (that we have access to) appears to have limits based upon belief that we are in control of our destiny. I have a feeling that they have more advanced AI than we have available to those of us in the general population.
And that's after they put him in jail first