The Red witch/lady of the West ('Cardinal directions) is said to be 'black' in the modern occult take, and Oprah, Naomi Campbell, Beyonce et al function as candidates. Meghan seems to have been the choice as the consort to halfblood prince Harry in a take-all plot to bring the monarchy to the U.S. and the Americas.
How old is the Grey Alien Conspiracy?
The smeller is not the feller when it comes to this fire. I inform what the name Lucifer represents. That 'light' isn't false, but rather, imitative and imcomplete due to its material nature and lacking of spirit. The term 'fallen' denotes this very idea, that perfect ideation degrades into dualistic opposites and is imperfect in the material world. This perfect ideation is always the point argued, or ignored and becomes the 'tell'.
Devil worshipers are seen as inferior minions to Luciferians, as are the churches. The 'devil' is a christian godhead, whereas Lucifer is from an earlier form and the two are not the same.
Both are magic religions in place of understanding the spirit of the highest principles. Rent vs sew or harvest/cut vs sow.
The Truth both divides and unites.
I choose to understand and raise above, rather than fear and be defeated.
It's called 'The Reveal' and to ignore denotes concession. True.
Light as knowledge. Lucifer, the Lightbearer or Lightbringer as the ruler of the material world or material information/knowledge, lacking spirit.
Gaining spirit, information becomes Logos, or the Word, containing meaning, the earthly equivalent to spirit.
The Devil or Satan with horns is an anthropromorphism of the higher principle.
Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. Again, if you haven't, please check out The Strange But Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon...."
I sent a couple of tidbits to McGowen while he was alive and writing the story as a series of articles.
Each differ from God who is Unity. Hence the word 'each'.
Many denotes separation from. Words themselves do this as they attempt to conjoin in communion, no?
Oxy-moronic, like the word.....itself.
I chose to discuss rather than argue against with you, because you're always half right.
One of my favorite tunes and I'm a lifelong picky musician :)
If you haven't ....see if you can find the long version of 'Lennon and Dylan meet in a cab' or some such title of a video. You can maybe pick up various cryptic digs they make at each other concerning their nefarious handlers/teams. The Alphabet Agency gay musical shill Barry McGuire The father of Cass Elliott's baby. Ghostwriting and trading of songs. And so on. Fun stuff if you can translate it.
TPTB 'allowed' this song for their own purposes.
John dropped out when he saw just how evil his handlers could be. At first, he was a willing victim, but he paid the ultimate price after rejecting them and seeing how they were used.
His son Sean seems to be attempting to make revelations. See 'Blood and Rockets' on Youtube.
Unfortunately, you'll get little sympathy for Unity (the best word) until the lies and error have become dust.
There is an ever-changing continuing psyop within all exoteric religions and a neo-crusade that won't be agreed upon, as is planned.
The 'Children's Crusade' was cover story for a mass migration/selloff aka trafficking of children to other nations, history shows as example.
There is a deck of Illuminatti game cards showing all the methods and ploys used in their Great Deception.
Several of them denote the plans to create a fake UFO invasion which would allow each 'faction' to interpret how they will. The religionists will interpret them as 'demons' just as my parents did when they saw a disc in the sky.
Fearful, angry, confused minds are their fodder.
But he fixed things for Amber there's that.
Somebody tell Elon that half the problem was the insertion of disloyals into governmental and agency positions in the first place. And some of them were even foreigners.
"...even the Zoroastrians...."
ONLY the magi because they kept the records.
Magi is old school magick.
What you call 'homographs' are connections in language due to a root mother tongue. Learn to spell
Misguided Crusades through misunderstandings are what caused all this.
Since we coincide on the subject of using imported minds to determine things........and the difference between esoteric and exoteric...
Why were the Persian 'magi' needed to interpret the signs that determined 'heavenly events'?
Magisterim of the magi. singular magis/maga.
There is no unified field equation statement except 'God is One/Unity' or 'I Am'.
To understanding how the names were formed. Learn to spell. Gematria Meaning behind symbols, including letters and numbers. Deep subjects called esotericism vs the exoteric 'understanding'.
It's all in there. Feel free to discover it.
The Parsons name can be found in histories of the Salem witch trials.
Talcott as sociologist 'influencer'.
Albert as activist/provocateur - Haymarket Affair
The cabal has family dynasties created by intermarriage and corporations by partnership. The Gordian Knot