$10 says it was a "Star of David".
He's clearly controlled opposition.
If your guardian angel was pissed off, you also had every right to be. They're 100% real.
Good. Fuck'em.
Worse than we thought? Bro...
(((Who))) is behind the prioritizing of the ESG scores and (((who))) scores them.
We never sent anything to Mars. It's probably just a remote area in Canada or Nevada with a lens filter on.
Next time "Our leader" is coming in on the clouds brandishing a flaming sword tongue
I ain't clickin that shit, nigga
Surrender, faggot.
He's a gay Jew raising someone else's kids in Brazil. We're not going to ignore that shit.
I hate that we have to rely on this kike faggot for common sense takes.
Bake the cake.
He blames the Catholic church, all based on word play. It's a retarded take, which also diverts away from the other group more responsible that gave us the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, as well as the head of the CDC.
Me neither. Explodes in popularity overnight, makes bold leap of logic regarding delivery mechanism (testing waste water is not even close to tainting the water everywhere in the world at the same time), and then goes on a wild rant about the Catholic church being behind it all. Fuck this guy.
The logic leaps into the water supply and blaming the Jesuits/Vatican for all of this on account of word play is a tell that this is silliness meant to figuratively (not literally) poison the well.
I listened to his entire interview with that Steel Report lady. It's a compelling argument for sure, and I hope more people dig into it.
Feels like I can't share it with anyonw though, because goes off on two tangents that he doesn't back up. First, he claims because of waste water monitoring that it must be in our water supply, and provides literally no other evidence to back up that claim. And then he goes off on a this unhinged anti-Catholic rant, blaming Catholics for the whole shebang, and complete avoids any blame for the (((cohencidence))) involving the same tribe at the top of each and every one kf the major players in big pharma mentioned throughout. It's shit like that which makes it impossible to share. This is better, thanks
Twitter is for faggots.
Yet unvaxxed Canadians remain prisoners in their country.
She has no reason to lie to me about it. In fact, she knew our stance on the vax and was hesitant to tell us she'd gotten it. More likely she got the saline.
I'm in South America, and our housekeeper was already vaxxed before we hired her. I tested it out near here, and got no results.
Never forget the 6 million.
Have you seen these alleged lawsuits? Where are they filed? What's in them?
Now go to his official website and count how many Egyptian and Masonic symbols you see on the pages.
He's controlled oppo the same way Q is... designed to lead us wild goose chases.