Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

See I just did a test.

This post had 5 up votes and 5 down votes. I just upvoted it and in seconds it got a down vote. That is really weird... if someone wanted to down vote why did they wait and watch? Or was it a bot?

There are a couple of topics this happens to... oddly enough, not covid ir lockdowns. I forget them all but one is religion/jesus and the Catholic Church.

I wonder if it is all related.

The principalities want us to think we are merely souless meat sacks, randomly evolved in a random universe. That nothing we do matters.

The theory of a flat earth implies earth is unique and that humans are special. So it begins to create a different sense of identity and purpose within people.

Back in the day, when people were Christian and had morals, they lived as through their lives mattered. People had more courage and were willing to devote their lives to an ideal. They were willing to sacrifice their lives even.

So I think it is just another way of keeping us entertained in a cave , watching shadow puppets. And never knowing what we are actually capable of.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is usually shills/bots. They aren't interested in debate as they are incredibly vicious and mean.

They are ugly and offensive so that anyone reading or lurking psychologically doesn't want to be on the team being attacked. its an old and effective psychological tactic.

Example: if I said that I believe in Bigfoot, I would not get vicious ugly personal attacks on an actual conspiracy community.

Ideally there would be discussion, proofs on both sides, and then other unique theories about Bigfoot.

But with flat earth, it is someone asking a question or providing evidence, and getting downsized within seconds, with tons of accounts activated to launch personal attacks.

This will persuade on-lookers, some of whom will become anti-flat earthers themselves. And go on to mimic the attacks they saw. When all along it could have been bots or paid shills that started it.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, fuck him. He ended up lacking the humility to apologize for the clot shots and is still pushing them.

Either he was always with them or they turned him with blackmail against his family. Either way, he is now one of them.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

They just found another way to blame conservatives and whites when their shows suck and no one watches it.

Good mental gymnastics or PR team.

In the future, this show will be referenced in universities as yet another attack by white conservatives against POC.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some tweets about his literal human trafficking https://twitter.com/seniorJAX/status/1613869437052129284?t=8hLtxYv-d6sAHovFKNOtAQ&s=19

He made fun of a dad fundraising for his son. Said he paid more for his cars and offered the dad money if he begged.


He turned Muslim. and the Tate brother said that that had received an enormous amount of support from muslims but none from Christians while in jail.

Tate in his own words https://twitter.com/LailaMickelwait/status/1609826968324964354?s=20&t=yt2IqeLtsKESmIMtU_e4wQ

And of course the many videos where tate brags about becoming a militant pimp, going onto IG to make women fall him love with him. Making false promises of love and a life together. Then getting them embroiled in prostitution. He truly is a hero.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, she claims he flew her out to talk about business... hello, every interview he has had is about just using women for seem why would he ever talk to her about business? And not her dad?

I doubt her story, I think she did something with him he is a very sexually aggressive type of male.

But she has to deny because iirc she was married to her second husband at the time.

Plus, she claims she didn't have any work done, it was just bad camera angles before. Lol.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmao this is the best description I have heard!

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly! Someone who understands!!!

Wtf, I have been aware of the manosphere people for years. Everyone from Jordan Peterson, to the Bronze Age guy, to that dude who manipulated an autistic woman into marrying him and having countless children while living off the teat of the givt and his autistic wife's family. And so many other characters. Yet this guy became an idol out of nowhere.

He only recently got his wealth as a camgirl pimp (and probably chatting to guys himself).

He has a very weak build and tbh, if I went back to weight training, had a high level trainer, I wouldn't be very scared of him.

His build is the type that requires constant roids and work-outs. Strong men like Scots and east European males put on muscle like breathing and keep it on. He is possibly fucked in prison if he can't do his workouts.

You can see the difference between real strong men, and males with curated muscles like Tate.

Anyway, here are some yt shorts with a guy who survived Romanian prison https://youtube.com/shorts/E58L9Lhe-aw https://youtube.com/shorts/Ry40z7rPfng

And there are more on that channel.

His scandals https://youtu.be/j4g2uuCeSPs

Helloworld0 0 points ago +1 / -1

Interesting. Lots of occult stuff in Lisa Marie Prestly's death, too.

And didn't her dad die on the toilet/throne, reading about Jesus?

And Lisa's son died.

Her death happened before she could testify on a high level rape case and against the head scientology guy for human trafficking. Apparently her mom sent her to scientology because Lisa was smoking Marijuana?

A post on her family would be interesting.

Her 77 year old mother looks very young..... and is a Survivor.

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good point.

Plus, from.what I understand, females have a better chance of surviving childhood or infant illnesses. For example, since women have 2 X chromosomes, if one is damaged, the other will compensate. If a male has an x chromosome with colorblindness, he is color blind. But if a woman has 1 x chromosome with that error, she is only a carrier, and will not express it (she won't be colorblind). The same can be extrapolated for other illnesses.

And women traditionally lived longer.

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would be interesting to compare this to 10 yrs ago, or whenever they started collecting this data.

Great find.

I wonder which other countries collect this data.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lady C, says poor little Charles, thought he was marrying a submissive wife who would obey and not ask questions or change his life. SHOCK! New wife wants to change the decor! Charles decides he cannot withstand this domination for fear he would disappear as an individual.

Meanwhile, Diana was inspected to ensure she was a virgin and had her first pregnancy with William induced so that Charles wouldn't miss his polo match... which was on the day she was originally due. Although, the day she was induced is also an important occult date. So it could go either way

Lady C and the other Trans people who provide gossip from within the aristocracy, always slip in barbs about Diana not being very bright. Or how she was over emotional and her death was her own fault.

Meanwhile, video from Charles's battles with pens show that Harry got his brains from Charles.

Lady C, who also worked at the Libyan embassy, is rumored to work for MI5. It would make sense that MI5 is all over the PR to curate a new imagine of Charles and Camilla.

They made an 18 month campaign with the British press after Diana's death to rehabilitate Camilla's image so that people would accept her as Charle's partner... and eventually their queen. And were hugely successful. The press traded fake positive articles about Camilla in exchange for access to William.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are so many real conspiracies, assassinations and alternative history associated with the Catholic Church, it is a pity shills immediately attack these posts with a seething hatred.

Reminder, the Vatican is very new, as is the Vatican Bank. The pope who had the Papal lands stolen from him made an enemy of the Jewish press. And then remained a prisoner in the last land remaining - the Vatican.

The Vatican Bank was created with the early version of the CIA to run money through it. Again this is actually a really important conspiracy to know about but the haters will make people turn away. 'Because Mary sucks' and 'all Catholics are pedos'. And no, I am not a Catholic, but the history and conspiracies are fascinating.

Tldr, Cardinal Pell was once high up and respected. But then he started investigating child abuse and church cover-ups. He was immediately accused of the very thing he was trying to expose and sent to jail for 13 months.

Since he was not psychopath, he was really damaged by all the hate sent to him. He had a heart and feelings. Logically, if he had been a real pedo, the church would have covered it up as they did McClarick in Washington DC. To this day his name is besmirched like Michael Jackson.

An anonymous person penned a memo against Bergoglio... which is now revealed to have been him.

Pell was very critical of Bergoglio for selling out to the Chinese, who re-wrote the Bible, and threw Chinese Catholics under the bus leaving many to be captured and tortured. Bergoglio refused to meet with Cardinal Zao about these issues.

From what I understand, the day Pell 'accidently' (like Joan Rivers) died, his article against Bergoglio come out. He recommended on how to elect a new pope.

It's difficult to follow all the Vatican conspiracies because they are usually in foreign languages and hidden in the English press.

The St Gallen/ Lavendat Mafia are glad to be rid of the conservative pope because they think it will end the surging Traditional movement... As most of the young priests and church goers are Traditional.

They want Jesuit Peronist Bergoglio, the Lavendar Mafia, the CIA etc to continue to use the church and the Vatican Bank to corrupt society.

However, the death of Pope Benedict has united the sedevacantist faction (those who believed the See of Peter has been empty since the 1960s reforms) and those that believed Benedict was the true Pope and Bergoglio the anti-pope.

Reminder, anti-pope does not mean anti-christ. There have been many anti- popes, people who have claimed to be pope but were found to be illegitimate after months/years/decades.

The human psyche seems more prone to create heros after their death. So I expect in the years and decades to come, the trads will rally around the figure of the last pope, forgetting any human flaws. Persecuted peoples cling to their faith much more strongly. Which is partly why the Jewish people have survived so well - the sense of persecution.

The Catholics used to be murdered and tortured in Great Britain, so they had some of the strongest believers. Now that everything is allowed, all Christian faiths are generally lukewarm.

The tradcaths are literally being oppressed, outcast, and punished within the church, so their faith is becoming stronger than the milquetoast progressive caths. The Lavendar madia is creating the perfect storm for the future.

(Archbishop Vigano was also really high up the ladder.... even amongst Archbishops. But then he investigated the Vatican financies and found a lot of corruption. Probably not near to everything they have hidden, but enough. He was then sent to be an Ambassador to the US and to investigate Cardinal McClarick in Washington DC). Since McClarick was obv very corrupt ajd a p3d0, in the end Vigano was hated and outcast. He has been living in hiding for years now. Just waiting for his death notice.)

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good. I approve of this.

Wyoming is on of the best place to incorporate a business.

Zero personal and corporate taxes.

I think they only have to pay 13% federal, but I could be wrong.

So this will deter the blues from invading their territory and exploiting their tax codes.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really do have so many atrocious memories from that time.

My relative was outside around 9pm so a fucking male checked her out and then CALLED THE COPS on her. So the cops came asap ofc.

Out after curfew, horrible offense. Fuck that male cunt so hard.

My elderly relative was traumatized and scared to go out after the unofficial and unannounced curfew ever again. Literally, it was never announced or official. But if you were out late you were seen as a suspicious character. Wtf, pure soviet union.

Never forgive never forget.

Helloworld0 0 points ago +1 / -1

Omg, why did you post this lol. I was having a nice day and now you triggered my CPTSD. 😅😅😅

Yep, it really unmasked white males. I did not expect this at all. I was so disappointed. Yes, the Chinese and brown shop workers had to kick me out or else lose their job.

But fellow shoppers, white males, went out of their way to assault me for not wearing a mask. As soon as they masked up, all these pissant lowly fucks felt like masked heros who could yell and abuse even elderly women.

I took my elderly relative out and told her not to wear a mask, so she didn't when I was with her. When I left to bring some stuff to the vehicle, she ended up getting harassed and abused by a fellow shopper. This happened twice, different locations and males. When I saw them I almost got in a physical altercation but they cowardly drove away.

Prior to covid I had been 100% supportive of white men and saw through the immigration and diversity agenda. I was proud of our historical accomplishments.

Now I don't give a fuck what happens. Survival of the fittest. If that is diversity, that is fine.

The white people of the past are already dead, and so is most of their greatness.

The men (even billionaires) on the Titanic valued the woman and children in their family enough to die for them. That would never happen in the modern year. (Case in point, Muslim male in a university telling the white males they were free to go because he only wanted to kill all the white women... and the males left. École Polytechnique).

I will never forget nor forgive their behavior when free to do as they chose under a mask. Blacks may have destroyed businesses and stolen merchandise as permitted, but white males turned on white women, and enforced the mask regime. They are weak and cowardly. Maybe one day I will live in a Red area, but until then they are all males until proven to be men. I felt so betrayed and angry.

Many times I got kicked out of stores, illegally, 80% of the time it was by males. Then I would go to a different coffee shop and a woman would be fine with it (or not willing to fight for the state). I will never feel sorry for them again. It was a huge apocalyptic event for me and really opened my eyes.

I feel like I got CPTSD because every time I went to a store I had to gear up for battle and social shunning.

Sometimes I would have fun with it and wear Halloween masks and outfits.

So many times they called their manager and we had to look up what the actual laws said. So much of my time wasted.

Now I am freed from caring what happens to the masses.

I will only help and care about people with the same morals and life POV.

Ok, now I have to go listen to some happy music and enjoy nature. Thanks for the memories lol. 😷🤕😖

Helloworld0 4 points ago +4 / -0

Full interview. He views normies as demons and doesn't want to be around the unwashed masses, so he flies on a private jet. 😄😄😄 Apparently, (him being elite) he recognizes we are in a struggle against the principalities/demons But his view of demons is... average humanity. 😄😄😄 makes so much sense!

The elite view us not only as cancerous viruses, but also as demons 😀😀😀 love it. Look how scared he is.


It's so funny to watch as males like him age and have even less testosterone. They become more and more cowardly, conflict avoidant, and afraid. They notice that they have become weak prey. Starts around age 40, unless you practice mind over matter. Or use test.

She could have just knocked him over and he'd be done for. I think he knows it.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0


after lowering my estimation (again) of what the average person is capable of,

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

What other things from the supply chain should we be stocking up on?

Or creating alternatives?

I am thinking greenhouses....but weather has been bad lately and local greenhouses have been trashed.

Helloworld0 5 points ago +5 / -0

11/10 boomers humor! Lots of thought went into it.

Sharing, thanks :)

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great set up. Did you create a bot to auto populate it?

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