Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +2 / -1

If Russia fails to destroy some capitals and decision centers, then they're getting what they deserve.

"You're watching a show" - Q

This is part of the show?

by DrLeaks
Hand_Of_Node 3 points ago +3 / -0

She was 12, I was 30.

Hand_Of_Node 0 points ago +1 / -1

The op would have been done by navy seals, or part of that 60K secret army run by the cia.

Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm only up to halfway, so not sure where he's heading. But there's enough of this weirdness to make it clear our history is not what's commonly believed.

Hand_Of_Node 4 points ago +5 / -1


Seems accurate. And remember the jews still strongly dislike Germans. Two birds one stone for them.

Hand_Of_Node 2 points ago +3 / -1


That guy is a flatter, but his theories about some kind of 'mud flood' and depopulation event that caused the need for hundreds of thousands of orphans in the 1800s are interesting. His voice is horrifically British. But the video is a huge effort post with fascinating pics and video. It's a bit over 5 hours, down from the 6 hours in another version. If you're looking for a bizarre rabbit hole, here it is.

Hand_Of_Node 4 points ago +4 / -0

I live in a great place... that's full of retarded people. Masks everywhere, still can't go to see my own doctor.

Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +1 / -0

Simple, eh!?

Too simple. What's the explanation for TPTB spending enormous amounts of energy ensuring population growth continues following the cancer model?

Hand_Of_Node 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Only I could tell you where I was on September 24th.

Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing is, that's exactly what I'd expect to see from a spinning planet. Our gyroscopes are usually small enough to physically overpower, but they 'want' to maintain their spin and orientation as the earth actually does. (according to ballers)

Extent the line through both poles and it should maintain that orientation for a pretty long time. Unlike a gyroscope you could move about in a room and have point to different parts of your ceiling, the distances involved are significant enough to negate the orbit around the sun.

Rotating perfectly and rotating in a spiral perfectly, so that the north star stays above a random point on our random planet? That's stupid.

Correct. What's not stupid is the extended line through the poles keeping the same orientation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihwoIlxHI3Q&list=PLHSoxioQtwZf1-8QeggXIVdZ-abyJXaO1 - The Earth Disaster Documentary

I watched all 80 minutes of that last video you linked. Here's something for you to roll your eyes at. Or to pick apart if you wish.

by DrLeaks
Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +1 / -0

But I don't think it quite works like this. Namely that timing. Every 12,000 years the sun goes poof. Just because it does. No. Sorry. I don't accept that.

Same here. Because that's not how the theory works.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0MXv1vuF_g (10:25)

Here's a review of the mechanism that replaces 'just because'. Link below is a playlist that lays out the whole shebang.


If the catastrophe cycle theory is faulty, you'll be able to detect that here.

by DrLeaks
Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well yes, you should understand the theory before completing your purchase. There's info in the playlist that lays it out, with the evidence that's claimed to support it. Maybe kook science, maybe not.

Seems far more reasonable, if not likely(?), that the next escalation tier would be direct strikes against the decision center in Kiev to simply behead the enemy. Nukes might be considered for say, a large incursion of NATO forces from the west. That would get a lot of attention.

Hand_Of_Node 2 points ago +2 / -0

You've got to do your own research

The easiest physical observation to do is the 20 miles of water to look across that's nearby. I'm expecting to miss the first 266 feet up from the beach. If I see the beach, I'm going to laugh and go have a few beers.

Agreed that 'dave' is a massive reddit douche.

Hand_Of_Node 2 points ago +3 / -1

(1) earths orbital path would mean that no single star would be able to maintain the same position above a point on our insignificant rock

Unsupported claim that sounds incorrect.

(3) we would feel changes in velocity,

Actually false.

(2) by the time you get to 10 miles, that will be an 800 inch drop. that is a 6 story building of height.

This is your one potentially valid claim. I have a 20 mile expanse over water to check one of these days. On the off chance I see the beach over there, I promise to come back and berate you for making arguments so lame that it's like you're trying to drive people away from flat earth.

20 miles - 0.05052 miles = 266.75 feet

Hotels and such on the beach should not be visible...

Hand_Of_Node 0 points ago +1 / -1

Was agreeing, but this is potentially a valid excuse. Would clearly be better if walked in and shot the entire school board. As in, reinstall the fear of God in the degeneracy promoters. But this perversion may end up having a greater net positive result. We'll see, although hanging him in the town square would be a positive too.

Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, thanks. Now I see it, but clicking context just went to all comments...

That was just a general observation from reading flatter threads. Rather than ballers and flatters exchanging random claims and insults, I believe a superior effort by flatters would be taking a professor dave video and debunking it point by point. Dave says seasons can't work as we see on a flat earth. Explain the theory and how seasons prove flat earth.

Should be easy to do if the earth is flat, and successfully debunking someone like dave would get a LOT of attention.

Hand_Of_Node 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't see a reference. I don't even see my comment. If you have it in replies, that's probably the only copy.

by DrLeaks
Hand_Of_Node 0 points ago +1 / -1

Agreed that any use of nukes would be a response to western escalation, but on Ukrainian soil would be a self-hit too.

As for the solar flare and associated phenomena, there appears to be a fair amount of evidence it recurs every 12K years. Currently, it appears the nearby stars and even our local planets are experiencing unusual activity. An interesting observation is that over the past few years, mainstream science seem to have shifted around to confirming many of the catastrophe cycle claims. (i.e. "past pole shifts seem to be associated with great extinctions")

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