Graphenium 2 points ago +4 / -2

Rothschild = Roth Schilde = Red Shield

They absolutely are used as the classic Scapegoat just like has happened many, many times in the past.

I think the existence of the “Protocols” indicates proof of this notion.

I made a thread stating as much as one of my first threads on this site:


I don’t think the buck stops with “the israeli government” however, they’re merely another player/actor taking their direction from on high

Graphenium 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do they have mirrors in your shithole country? If so you should seriously look in one.

Graphenium -1 points ago +2 / -3

Cyber weapon

Blamed on israel

Spread across the world

Nothing happened

LOL whatever you say champ...

Graphenium 2 points ago +3 / -1


Literally already happened. And nothing happened.

Graphenium 7 points ago +8 / -1

A little lesson in how to make a map: don’t use 4 shades of grey

Graphenium -7 points ago +5 / -12

I applaud the effort post first and foremost, I would just raise a couple points:

Using the numbers you’ve provided:

~150,000 children went through the system over ~100 years, with ~4,000 dying while in the care of the system. This means approximately 2.7% of the indigenous children in the care of the RSS died.

Now, I would ask, in order to get an accurate assessment of reality, what were the rates of childhood/adolescent mortality during this same 100 year period of those children not in the RSS? I think you’ll find that mortality across the board was higher during this period. Proper sanitation and hygiene were only just being implemented during a large portion of those years.

From 1900-1950 the adolescent (5-9 yrs) death rate fell 90% for ALL AMERICANS down to only 62 per 100,000 meaning in 1900 it was ~620 per 100,000 or 0.6%. So we see some clear difference between the groups, but not much. Could that difference be explained by living in generally harsher, more remote places, less able to access medicine and other technologies which are revolutionizing lifespans?


Does that really sound like genocide? Or does it sound like something else? I think the main reason for pushback is because people are being accused of genocide, and don’t feel that’s an accurate picture of history.

Graphenium 2 points ago +4 / -2

Same, 9/11 never sat right with me. Waaaaaaaaay too convenient in so many absurd ways (all fighter jets nationwide being grounded for “training”, the pancake collapse, the psyops around it like DEWSs, hologram planes, JetFuelCantMeltSteelMemes, etc etc).

And also the “Arab Spring” stunk of yet another US led series of Coups, like they’ve been doing for going on a century now. Gaddafi like you mention, but also Egypt, Lebanon, and all the shit they threw at Syria...

I think my big “is anything they tell us real” moment was Trump. It became so obvious that this shit is scripted 6 ways from Sunday, narratives, counter narratives, psyops, all prepared years in advance. 9/11 just had me dazed and confused more than anything.

Graphenium 0 points ago +2 / -2

You hate Hancock because you think he’s making stuff up for money.

I am generally uninterested in what he has to say these days because I think he’s accepted his role as a comfortable gatekeeper for the spacejews.

We are not the same.


Graphenium 4 points ago +6 / -2

I remember watching the Wakefield doc Vaxxed a few years before the cohoax, and another one about the origin of aids (fucked up simian/human “vaccine trials” which ended up transferring a simian disease (SIV) to Humans (HIV) in the Congo, iirc). I wasn’t convinced, but I was certainly suspicious enough to be wary.

Come PsyOp Warpspeed and I had decided my body was a temple dedicated to the opposition to transhumanism lol

Graphenium 2 points ago +4 / -2

Interesting, do you apply that more broadly to geoengineering in general, or just the notion of secret chemical dispersal incorporated into all/many commercial flights?

If you’re interested, I have a paper which I think supports the notion of at least some form of nefarious atmospheric chemical dispersal (contributing to Chronic Wasting Disease plaguing deer populations - wonder what it’s doing up and down the food chain):


Graphenium 4 points ago +6 / -2

Communism is a great answer, that I personally share. When I was a kid, I was only vaguely aware of things like “McCarthyism” and “communist blacklisting”, being treated as basically absurd things from the past on par with open racism or whatever other “dumb thing people used to do”.

“So, people had their lives ruined for wanting healthcare? Like they have in Canada?”

“yes billy, they also made African Americans drink from different fountains!”

I blame the schools. I also used to love shooting Nazi Zombies.

Then 2015-2016 comes around, the whole idea of “cultural marxism” enters the discussion, and I start putting together some dots and getting pissed.

Graphenium -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hey been a while buddy nice to see you (please consider adding c/manna to your hopper)

Allow me to attempt to translate your post for some of the denser denizens here:

the “biggest” conspiracy is how we allow ourselves to be shaped and moulded by the suggestions of others, when the only truth is our own perception and comprehension of the world around us

Is that approaching what you were getting at?

Graphenium 4 points ago +6 / -2

I left it opened ended just to see the widest possible array of answers. I’m interested both in the “official narratives” people have cast off and in the “fake conspiracies” people once believed but went on to change their minds about

Graphenium 1 point ago +4 / -3

Have you ever recorded anything in the “ballad” genre? I think your lyricism combined with your respect of “forgotten” genres of music could lead to something awesome. I’ve been listening to a lot of Marty Robbin’s Big Iron lately lol, can’t get enough.

Graphenium 7 points ago +10 / -3

Are there any choirs near you not run by queers? Perhaps a local church?

You’re great man, don’t let the parasitized state of the modern world get you too down

Graphenium 0 points ago +2 / -2

Cosmology which “proceeds by inquiry”

I don’t really get what you mean?

Edit: my bad I should have searched the entire term, is this what you meant?


Graphenium 2 points ago +3 / -1

Have you ever studied the octave? The eight densities? It makes sense to me that crystals and plasma and other “simple” structures represent the first step on a staircase, one which grows to include all life (i.e. self sustaining patterns)


Graphenium 2 points ago +4 / -2

They first (?) did 9/11 back on 12/7

We’ve been in the Truman-verse for a while now I think

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never gave the man the attention I’ve heard from many he’s due - that was funny though lmao and makes me look at Tenacious D through a whole new lens (seems their entire existence is basically based on that song lol)

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