Most people aren’t communists, and that doesn’t mean communism isn’t a psyop. I thought you were mr. logic? And afaict the thread is addressed to c/Conspiracies contributors
repeating the same mindless phrase 5 times in a single comment thread
Most people would call this spam.
Shame on you. Period.
Worship? I think you’re in the wrong community to be asking such a thing
You’re conflating the God of the universe with the war-god of a tribe of desert child sacrificers. Others are under no such obligation of conflation.
That’s all really nice, thanks for writing it out, but it doesn’t change the fact that Jesus wouldn’t support the genocidal filth who currently control israel and neither do I
Back to the tunnels Shlomo
Zionism is ethnonationalism for jews (aka Ashke-nazism), and yes you have met the definition because you’ve explicitly supported the ethnic cleansing/genocide of the locals
^This is your brain on zionism
Perfect example of your zionist bias in the first sentence, thanks for making it so easy for me and obvious for everyone else:
Palestine wasn't a state of any kind for a long time since Syria Palaestina, 390.
The fact that you think this is a valid argument is laughable. Israel didn’t exist until 70 years ago. Whatever you think of Palestinian statehood, their claim to the land is undeniably stronger than some hook nosed European terrorists who only started squatting there yesterday.
This would be a good post if you weren’t framing it as how much smarter you are than everyone else.
Where'd you get the idea that I was Zionist?
When you told me and others that palestine isn’t a “real” country and you refuse to consider the possibility that israel is genociding them.
When you banned me for calling attention to this reality.
When you told the forum that you’re a Shabbos goy who worships jews, etc etc
Don’t let me stop you, but I think you’ll find it entirely unsatisfying to discuss zionism with this guy - he’s a walking caricature of the “ jEsUS wAs a JeW” line of distraction
^ zionist shill, don’t waste your time
Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.
Sounds like he’s talking about yids in this part too… pull that ziocock out of your brain canal.
Look up saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine order - he said Jesus didn’t laugh and neither should Christians
Fuck off you forum sliding mongoloid
You gotta do and as well to get an accurate picture. The only people using are a small subset of the people who migrated here from reddit - most people are going to be using one of the other two
P.S. wtf is that 4th top keyword lmao
I think it’s incredibly telling that the hard sciences have practically stalled out in terms of advancement, only ever capable of spiraling deeper and deeper down their holes of “specialization”, while the polymaths, the true geniuses capable of bridging the gaps between these chasms seem to be so few and far between.
Rupert Sheldrake, if you haven’t heard of him, is unorthodox when it comes to the priesthood of science. A highly accomplished biochemist by training - but openly religious (Anglican upbringing) - he is one of the relative few in the scientific world who is capable of entertaining ideas without necessarily believing them which I think helps contribute to his ability to bridge these wide divides and come upon what could end up being the early markings of a paradigm shift (or even multiple).
The basic idea presented here is “panpsychism”, the idea that psyche, aka consciousness, exists in some form or another, infused throughout the entire universe. This would not only explain the “consciousness of degrees” that we observe in, for example, animals like dogs, whales, dolphins, elephants, etc (i.e. a more “limited” or different form of consciousness than our own) but also bridge a long-standing gap that has been created between “religious understandings” and “scientific understandings” of the universe, imo
If your definition of religion is “human system which attempts to confront and understand/master the unknown, spiritual, and metaphysical principles of reality” then I think Buddhism and Taoism can fit quite nicely (even Science looks more and more like a religion through this lens). But if your definition is more along the lines of “top-down hierarchy from God down to his agents down to his priests down to us”, then I could see how the eastern religions and western religions seem irreconcilable
Interesting threads, thanks for bringing them up.
I heard chatter about a head wound being part of the prophecy in revelations, is that accurate?
What are the prophesied characteristics of the anti-Christ? Which of these can be convincingly linked to Trump? I’ve seen a lot of suggestions without much context but never really seen a deep dive into the subject making the case
“You are of your father, the devil, the father of lies”
MuH aBbA zAbA