FishyMan420 -9 points ago +1 / -10

Perfect meme. Except there really are people who think macro evolution isn't real and the Earth is flat.

FishyMan420 -4 points ago +2 / -6

All high level politicians want to fuck over the citizens for their own gain, or the gain of whoever their puppet masters are. If somehow through some miracle a person of integrity gets elected, they are assassinated when they won't play ball with the elites. The only question is, who is the least bad? At the moment it's the right.


FishyMan420 -5 points ago +2 / -7

Not just that, but ALL studies done to test the efficacy and safety of a vaccine always has the controlled group be vaccinated but with something else. There are no studies where the control group is completely unvaccinated.

FishyMan420 -7 points ago +1 / -8

There won't be a one world government until WW3 happens and someone manages to conquer the planet. Which I highly doubt will happen.

FishyMan420 0 points ago +8 / -8

You forget, these npcs are trained to share their life story on social media every day.

FishyMan420 -7 points ago +1 / -8

That's a dude? No wonder "she" is uglier than normal.

by pkvi
FishyMan420 -9 points ago +2 / -11

Here are the thoughts of a scientist in the year 1500:

“There is no compelling, falsifiable evidence for the existence of electricity, radio waves, sound waves, radiation or any other invisible forces or energies. Just because some people claim to have seen lightning or claim to have experienced electric shocks from electric eels doesn’t mean we should believe their testimony. Until we come up with equipment or the machines that can measure these invisible forces we must assume that they do not exist. Nothing that the human brain experiences can be trusted until we verify it with some equipment and the scientific process. So for now, we must assume that invisible energies and forces do not exist.”

The above is what a real scientist would’ve thought in the year 1500.

That sounds pretty fucking stupid, doesn’t it?

Nope, it sounds logical and reasonable. What would be fucking stupid is if they said invisible forces were impossible and could never exist when they had no explanation for air and lightning. And I'm sure some did say that.

Despite the fact that we CURRENTLY DO NOT have the technical equipment that will detect or measure these fields it’s quite possible that millions of years of evolution has given us neurons that are able to access these fields of information that we don’t yet understand at a technical level.

It's not possible until you can demonstrate it. Does that mean it shouldn't be investigated? Of course not, science is all about gathering facts. To go back to god, there is not a single shred of evidence that shows a god of religion is possible let alone exists, let alone created this world/humans.

If some of that information in the quantum field is spiritual information then according the billions of people who have claimed to have had spiritual experiences we must assume the possibility that there is a field of energy or information that we haven’t yet discovered.

It’s very possible that some people are able to connect to spiritual energies or forces that other people are unable to connect to. It’s sad but just because you lack a connection to spiritual forces doesn’t mean that everyone else lacks that connection.

"Quantum field" in humans hasn't been proven to be true, "spiritual energy" has the same problem. You're making a lot of assumptions and that's not scientific.

But if you’re a true scientist you’re able to admit that we don’t know everything and that there are more possibilities than we can even imagine. If you don’t have this open frame of mind as a scientist, you’ll never discover anything new.

This is true. However I'm only open to the facts and evidences, not guesses or assumptions.

Finally, you seem to be implying that every spiritual person is retarded, so go fuck yourself.

I didn't even hint at that, not in that comment at least. Once again you make an assumption and react to it instead of reacting only to the facts.

FishyMan420 -9 points ago +1 / -10

Evolution is adaptation to the environment and other changes. Not everything about a creature must change, especially if nothing or very little about the environment changes. Sometimes nothing changes.

To address your actual picture, where does that quote come from? "Between a million to 10,000 years." Age dating is far more precise than that, going to need a source. Also going to need a source on the pictures and various expert's opinions and rationale. You know, things we can test and falsify.

In contrast here is a 50 part video series detailing the systematic classification of life, with facts and evidences you can easily look up and verify yourself, as opposed to a shitty image that means nothing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXQP_R-yiuw&list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW

FishyMan420 -9 points ago +1 / -10

Theists don't understand logic or science, that's why they're theists.

FishyMan420 -9 points ago +1 / -10

How to say you don't understand science without saying you don't understand science.



If you still don't understand, and you won't, do more research. But you won't do that either because that would shatter your world view.

by pkvi
FishyMan420 -6 points ago +3 / -9

I've found people with the greatest book "smarts" are actually really dumb when it comes to critical thinking and skepticism, especially about fields they think they already know. For example doctors are the most close minded when it comes to health because they think they already know everything and that you can't possibly know something they don't.

by pkvi
FishyMan420 -9 points ago +2 / -11

There is no compelling, falsifiable evidence for the existence of god. Religion is the greatest scam and manipulation in all of human history. https://scored.co/c/Atheist/p/141reluACp/-burden-of-proof-is-on-the-one-m/c

FishyMan420 -10 points ago +4 / -14

What's the conspiracy? Also she looks retarded.

FishyMan420 -5 points ago +1 / -6

go slice your dick off then.

I sincerely appreciate your support, truly :). However I have no desire to do that, but it comforts me to know you are supportive of my body my choice.

FishyMan420 -7 points ago +2 / -9

And that's different from Christians how?

FishyMan420 -5 points ago +1 / -6

Correction: just because you think god is true doesn't make it true. Burden of proof is on the one making the positive claim. If you can't adequately prove your claim then I'm in the right to say said claim is wrong. https://scored.co/c/Atheist/p/141reluACp/-burden-of-proof-is-on-the-one-m/c

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +3 / -4

it belongs to your Creator.

My body belongs to no one but me. My body my choice. My only creators are my parents, and they have no more right over my body than anyone else since I went over the age of 18.

FishyMan420 8 points ago +10 / -2

Freedom, bitch. As an adult they can do whatever they want to their body, just as you can yours.

FishyMan420 2 points ago +4 / -2

Well they still don't have tv and they are still unaffected by covid.

FishyMan420 9 points ago +11 / -2

It should be illegal to perform these operations on people under the age of 18 if it's not physically life threatening.

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