These bad boys took down the twin towers.
Our boy George Lincoln Rockwell tried to tell us and tried to fight it but got taken out.
The sun in it's form that has been shoved down our throats since birth doesn't exist.
It's more likely a localized light source within out "atmosphere. Not a gorillian miles away.
Fuck this guy seriously.
Go back to reddit you Zionist degenerate sodomite
Inter dimensional reptilians are taking over this reality through humans.
If gravity is an all encompassing force with enough force to hold millions of tons of ocean water to a spinning ball how can we jump up and down and birds fly. The gravity would be so strong we'd be stuck to the ground.
If the earth is spinning as fast as they claim the water would fling off like a wet tennis ball.
The infinite "vaccum of space" could not exist without a physical barrier between us. Our "atmosphere" would be ripped apart.
All praise the Holy God Gravity 🙌🙏.
Sabbatean Frankist's to be exact ☝️🤓
Fuck Tucker. Zionist degenerate sodomite.
They literally say shit like this for people to get upset and post about it. Stop falling for it.
That's the biggest cap I've heard but if truee your family member sounds like the biggest beta. He gets what deserves for taking it.
Hol Up Hol Up
You actually beleive we sent a robotic vehicle to the surface of mars.
You're on a niche conspiracy forum and you actually beleive we did that shit..
Check out the Bible verse on WVB tombstone 😏
Not worried about it, just drumming up more conversation for people to fight over.
Reddit ass nibba
The same funeral director prepared the bodies for Trayvon Martin and Kendrick Johnson.
Trayvon Martin's body supposedly couldn't be found for 4 days, allegedly around the same time Dick Cheney was in the area who needed a heart transplant..
The same funeral director prepared the body of Kendrick Johnson a year later and upon a second autopsy requested by the parents they found all his organs removed and the body stuffed with newspaper with no documentation on where his organs went... 🤨
Been waiting for the Fake Alien invasion for years. If people truly fall for this we are actually in the end times for real.
It's crazy how any story that's big like this or anything Space related I just roll eyes and think it's bullshit.
People at work actually covnersating about it and talking about Space Force and I just can't relate because it's not real to me.
We're all contributing to AI using technology, we are the AI.
All the apps and services we use is going to a major database to learn. It will be super easy for an AI to simulate human intelligence because it's getting sources from billions of real humans in real time. With a super computer brain you'll be just if not more intelligent than humans in no time.
Pretty sure it's already done and has been for a while.
Read about all this from David Icke's book The Trigger while back. Said The Illumaniti name comes from a work in the Kabbalah called the Zohar. Zohar means Radiance / Illuminate.
Inter dimensional reptilians whore are taking over this reality through humans.
Phasing out Human 1.0 into synthetic human hybrids to form Human 2.0.