Extra_fox 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shell be OK. Lucky we had a good community of people who refused to comply so she's way better than a lot of kids I've seen.

I think she just won't end up as open and approachable as her siblings... which isn't the worst thing in the world.

Extra_fox 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its so sad. My middle child was born in 2020 and while we ignored all the covid rules and she's far better off than the kids talked about in this article you, you can still see it impacted her.

She's fine around family and friends though her speech isn't quite as advanced as her older sisters was at 4 (tbf the eldest was VERY advanced at 4). But she won't seek out interactions with people she doesn't know, she's stand oafish and takes quite a while to warm up to people.

I remember when everyone else was wearing masks and I'd take her grocery shopping or something she'd get upset if a masked person tried to interact with her. Would reel away from them and refuse to look at them.

It's monstrous. I feel so bad for kids who parents just went along with it all without a single care for the impact it was having.

How are these people so uncaring that they don't talk to their kids? I don't know a single mother who doesn't narrate at their kids mindlessly before they can talk.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Not all nurses where popular girls in high school, but all popular girls become nurses". This has rung true in my person experiences with both nurses and popular girls I went to school with.

In my mind it explains the mentality of the average nurse: be seen as ever so wonderful, have and abuse a level of power over those "below" you, half ass everything and leave it to the good girl in the group who actually wants to get things done and follow any trend religiously without ever thinking about the consequences.

They also fight like hell amongst themselves but close ranks as soon as one of them is criticised. Even my Mil who was a nurse for 40 years won't hear a word against any nurse ever and sees them as a monolith of virtue.... despite being one of the few "not popular" girls on the wards and telling me she'd never let her son marry a nurse.

Extra_fox 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ever heard " you don't really understand something until you can explain it to a small child?". E.g Germany for the Germans. It's so simple a child can understand it.

Leftiest don't understand their ideas well enough to explain them simply.

That's because their ideas need a bunch of theoretical beliefs that need a vacuum to exist. It's basically words salad that makes no real sense and people only accept it because they don't want to seem dumb or cruel

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

My iron levels crash when I'm pregnant. With my first they tried to get me to have iron infusions which I didn't want. I did a deep dive back then a found you can take all the iron you want but if your copper and magnesium (I think it was those two, might be wrong) are low you can't actually uptake the iron and use it. Too much iron sitting around unused in the body isn't good for a developing baby.

Instead I started having a teaspoon of black strap every evening and it fixed the problem in weeks. As he sort of mentioned it's full of all sorts of trace elements and minerals

I took it with my other two pregnancies and no iron issues. Also had way fewer pregnancy symptoms when taking it.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to know how they read in their head.

A long time ago someone asked me "if you put a human brain in a pig and raised it from birth as a pig, would it be capable of human levels of conciousness and reasoning? Or would the mind mould to fit its environment (I.e. human potential is lost and it will remain a pig forever)?

I think people without monologues care raised without learning how to reason so there's no need to develooe a monologue.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

My favourite part was when she was all like "when they first announced it I thought 'they'll never manage it. It takes at least 4 years to test a vaccine, no way they can do it faster' but then they did it."

Ladies and gentleman..... the science at work.

Bitch ignored everything she knew and her gut and is now all "Oh no, I gave this to my clients, and my kids and myself. Oh no".

Extra_fox 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah I know soooo many people who are now claiming they were "forced" to get jabbed when I know they were front of the line and wearing the stupid I got jabbed stickers.

Doesn't matter anyway. My husband lost his job rather than being forced. Your not forced if you give up your principles no matter the reason.

Extra_fox 5 points ago +5 / -0

My thoughts too. If it's not the correct brand of mouth peice they won't even consider looking at it.

Extra_fox 3 points ago +3 / -0

If only it wasn't for planned obsolescence. Then I could own a well made, long lasting product.

If only everything new coming out wasn't "smart" then I could fix it myself (or take it to a generic guy who'll fix it way cheaper with non branded parts).

If only people remembered how that used to be the expectation we had when buying big ticket items.

Can't have that, instead you can have endless bills to pay for shitty garbage. Think they'll make it better? Nope they'll make it even shittier then charge you for "damaging" it when it breaks.

Extra_fox 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. I was a security manager at a public transport hub. We had a homeless guy who wore dresses and used the women's rest rooms.

He was well touched in the head. Not sure if he actually thought he was a women and he never (as far as I know) did anything predatory but we got called pretty quick everytime he went in the restrooms and we'd drag him out.... so it's not like he had much opportunity.

Extra_fox 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moral of the story is don't ingest shit when you don't know where it's from or how it's processed. Most people here alrrady seem to get that for food and water. I don't know why tea would be surprising (also tea leaves tend to hold onto the fluoride that's in the water you use on the plants).

If you want tea, organically grow a camillia bush and some herbs.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's an article that suggests that diclofenac might be used in constructed wetlands to improve efficiency. So depending on what's in the tea maybe it gets uptaken by plants and stored in the leaves?

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is things like holodomor grief out the ones that will stand up to defend themselves and their people.

Then you're essentially left with the donkey from animal farm: they can see what's happening but don't think it can be stopped. Only endured.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your not wrong. The first words out of every shitty mother's/authority abusers mouth when they can't deny anymore is "I was doing my best". No, you did what was best for you.

I told my husband if I ever tell our kids I "did my best" he should slap me. That shit is not acceptable.

Extra_fox 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moose isn't an option where I am. And beef isn't a regular option unless I want to buy it from the shops (no thanks). Not much cattle farming where I am so can't really buy fresh from the farmer like we do with sheep

Extra_fox 3 points ago +3 / -0

anecdotally - my iron levels used to always sit at the lower end of the healthy levels and would absolutely tank whenever I was pregnant. Supplements barely helped even with a focus on iron rich food.

With my last pregnancy I said "fuck the doctors, they're help isn't doing shit" its probably some trace element I'm missing out on.

I started taking 2 tablespoons of Black Strap Molassess everyday. a few days in I felt so much better. I dropped it down to 1 or 2 teaspoons a day after about a month and have been taking that ever since. guess I wasn't far off.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recently went to a new dr and he asked what drugs I'm on. I told him none. He was surprised and asked if I was sure. I said yeah, I don't take anything. Never have.

Then he was like... "No contraception? No anti depressants? There's nothing you take that's prescribed?".

I haven't even taken over the counter pain medicines since I gave birth to my second. Apparently this guy just couldn't comprehend it.

Extra_fox 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one I know. I don't have numbers but I beleive they really only went after the noise alt media types.

There was a big stink in 2022 that almost none of the fines had been enforced. Only (I think) about 20% paid theirs fines and where complaining when caught decided to forgive the rest as contesting them was eating up too much court time (I.e. they weren't actually legal fines but they didn't want to admit it). It was in all the mainstream media.

Extra_fox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn. I guess ting mong (magic scarecrows) only protect you from covid.

Extra_fox 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doing this prevents delayed cord claiming. Thanks but I'd rather pump all my kids stemcells into them when they're born not wait on some hyperthetical situation only to find out they've been "lost" or "degraded".