Everythings 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sound Money Safe Mode Dr Daniel Kim BA/MA/PhD physics (Harvard), MBA (Yale) [other impressive accolades] BTC=bitcoin[surveilance coin] XMR=Monero He volunteers his time to do these presentations for Monero because he believes it is the killer app of Nakamoto Consensus, which is Money.

Pandemic Economy 5:08 [graph showing unprecidented times] Unemployment spiked to highest recorded U6 Gov concerned about deflation, so they printed graph shows MZMmoney supply/gdp shoot to over 100%. [unrelated thought: Mike maloony says over 70% is the end of a fiat currency] more graphs showing insane money printing He was also a doctor i guess and the uncontrolled exponential growth of cancerous tumors reminds him of these graphs. "monetary regiems and inflation" book recounts 29 times of hyperinflation. basically you don't want to be in that country. money printing foreran it ~20/29 times. It occurs when the entire population realizes they don't have confidence in the money anymore.

Independent Scarcity Digital Scarcity Networks describes the difference between centralized and decentralized systems: windowsvslinux, btc/xmrVScentral banks reminds everyone the federal reserve is supposed to say "don't look to us to print money out of thin air because that's not sustainable" little incentive to improve when centralized power is gatekept cathedral and bazaar idea Explains bitcoin's history and brilliance and shortcomings [intesne cryptographic warning, he goes deep. usually you have to pay for this] Explain's monero's improvements over bitcoin's shortcomings [smoother decrease, tail emission(still effectively a hard cap on the amount unless you live forever)

compares monero and bitcoin and fiat and gold and it paints a very dim picture for humanity.

bitcoin's algorithm is too easy and can be ASIC mined, and the makers are all in china. the only machines that can find btc now are china made.

monero took steps to avoid this with more powerful PoW algorithms. it's changed 4 times, monero will continue to evolve to be the best sound money, bitcoin has stagnated [and was taken over by blockstream, but that's a topic for another time]

buying the chinese hardware it takes months to deliver for "testing" while they mine btc with your machine. such is the peril of centralization.

monero has an adaptive block weight to solve the BTC fee problem.

Fungibility vs Mass Surveillance BTC is transparant, etched forever, every transaction, sender, receiver, amount. every address complete live balance history.

puts innocent people and businesses at risk. showstopper for wealthy clients. no one with wealth wants to broadcast to the world, it's indiscreet and unsafe. reputation transfers as well.

Valuation/Getting Involved

Everythings 3 points ago +3 / -0

this is an issue of funding, and where money comes from, and who gets to decide where the research money goes and what that research finds.

Everythings 1 point ago +1 / -0

interesting perspective. that has truth

Everythings 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good idea. I will watch it again and take notes and repost this when i have time

by pkvi
Everythings 2 points ago +2 / -0

entire funding by bill gates' eugenics program.


Everythings 2 points ago +2 / -0

damn i hate people pussying out.


Everythings 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fiat is a plague on the world. It's used to siphon off resources and consolidate power.

New tech has emerged that allows the people to make those systems obsolete.

Everythings 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect satoshi is one of the covert devs of Monero, which embodies bitcoin's original values and a lot of the more visionary tech that satoshi himself wrote of

Everythings 2 points ago +2 / -0

craig obviously can't be SN haha trying to copywrite the whitepaper has he even read it?

Everythings 1 point ago +1 / -0

A summary since i wanted one and didn't see it:

the futility of searching for the "secret conspiracy" that is too hidden, and instead addressing the open conspiracy of global depopulation.

drugs to rule by changing people's desires and satisfaction, inhibiting sexual drive to create a race of worker bees for example.

diet can be used in a similar way according to some scientist i didn't catch?

eugenics talk, huxley talks of a chicken experiment with electrodes drilled into the brain carefully with a radio receiver weighing less than an ounce, pressing a button would stimulate them, inducing stimulation or depression, fighting,I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE COPY OF THIS STUDY I'M SURE IT'S ON HIS WEBPAGE supposedly done on depressed people activiating a pleasure center with a touch of a button.

adding sterilant to water/food talked of in 1977 but claimed no research had been done

1991 global revolutionb y club of rome, "searching for common enemy to unite against"... "the real enemy the is humanity itself" holy shit they are actually going to kill antimaskers haha

david rockefeller- greatest problem is population growth

my thoughts and some devil's advocate: there's a lot of idiots in the world and they are making little to no effort to improve themselves. maybe the "elites" have a point. sterilizing the selfish ignorant fearful masses seems like a very humane way to go about it. i still think more work could be done to be excellent to each other as opposed to their gross overreach of power.

Everythings 1 point ago +2 / -1

ss: found it weird, and the weirder that it got deleted

john young being confronted about photos and being asked to swear he went to the moon decided running was a better idea, i don't understand why

Everythings 8 points ago +8 / -0

very interesting.

hopefully they get a .win

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