posted ago by Elsest808 ago by Elsest808 +60 / -1

BLM didn’t get hash tags banned. They got promoted. BLM didn’t censored when clearly violent. They got the special “Mostly Peaceful Protests” bull shit lie to justify these clearly VIOLENT actions. There rioters were BAILED OUT OF JAIL. BLM funds didn’t dry up. THEY GOT BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF DONATIONS. BLM hasn’t been investigated by the FBI. Nor did the FBI ever GET INVOLVED. WHEN POLICE WERE VIOLENTLY ASSAULTED.

Black Lives Matter supports VIOLENT BLACK THUGS. And yet the media NEVER labels them that. Trump Supporters on the other hand get labeled Thugs, Rioters, and the FBI is busy arresting Peaceful Protesters. O and Rally gets labeled a “Insurrection”. This is backwards ass society. Then as soon as the election is over BLM riots magically disappear.