Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, my friend. It has become a tool of fascism not speech. Speaking isn't a game. There is no right and wrong answer. Why does one opinion matter more. Because it wants to control speech herding you into the advertising it is selling. It rarely deviates from the script, topic, unless it is cancelling it. Now watch what your support does for it.

But in most circumstances the topic only wants your support, so it generates the returns on volume, advertised. It loads topic's full of bots, and the jannies posting topics. You reply to them when you post. They then play their little fiddle, cancelling you, if you have been a human. Humans disagree. You are different. So why is every topic the same narrative. You can escape for a few minutes replying to somebody else a person you presume and know. Until it sweeps the topic. No sooner are downvotes deleted off of the pages. These are freely bombarded for disagreement. Many replies within it are from bots promoting advertising. It regularly sweeps its subs using bots and jannies for any irregularity or controversy on the topic's posted, deleting at whim and fancy. Manipulating the entire sub into the narratives forced.

Almost every sub operates like this. Independent subs have the same centralised Mod groups, and bots. Or they're quarantined from regular pages. It was designed like this. Until now it is faster tracking its users.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't work. Hahaha.

As soon as you make irregular purchases through your means of credit, and banking. You have to verify them, they're also tracked. These are linked to your cellphone sending out verification codes. Identifying it is you purchasing. Your cellphone is linked to your bank account for its subscription. Your bank account needs your passport confirming it is you. It needs a postal address. Your address is registered on the electorate for taxes and social ID.

Hahaha, dream on. They also monitor these mediums constantly for illegals, etc.

There are ways through cash, through other forms of family and friend. Through fake ids. With them opening accounts and transfers. But you'd be surprised how that grid works. Those details going abroad, or even in different area codes, get tracked and confirmations are sent. When it wants to net, there are becoming fewer and fewer places to hide.

The dossier file on you, now, is faster linking everything. Criminal. Employment. Financial. Medical. Browser. Etc. With digital ID it wants it all on file more accessible to those who pursue it. It is heinous. What is printed in it has little to no human explanation. It hasn't had yours. You really don't matter to it either. Until it wants to find you.

Ep0ch 10 points ago +10 / -0

Fuck reddit. More bots then people. People are banned unless they agree on whatever toxic narratives it is programming.

Reddit is an echoing shitpit, like the rest of fascist social media. An echo chamber of nothing but false agreement. Manipulated narratives forcing one sided opinions. It offers no disagreement. It has been banned harrassed and cancelled.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time to break the computer.

They already do, despite a limited human choice selecting. Automated services offer loans, select education, offer recruitment criteria.

Giving the computer more control is like these automated greenhouses. Computer grows the veg, but it has no Q/A, quality assurance. It doesn't know if the veg is rotten, or ripe, or got spiders in it. That would be even higher costs and still subjective to error. Like these cracked eggs, or glass in the Heineken. So while humans take no part in planting, picking, and growing, apart from changing a ligtbulb, or looking at a camera, and paying the bills, they must visually pack it, rubber stamping their assurance. This is largely due to our elected representation not ceeding complete control.

However a computer selecting an individual based on the bulk material its collected would become the equivalent of that office selecting a bimbo. It would be whatever flavour of the month, amounting too, Hollywood demands more inclusivity for its automated services, and no sooner has the demand become crippled.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But what if animals also produce that observation?

It wasn't drugs that opened my eyes it was a knock on my head. The worst kind. No other injury. Nothing external. It just triggered a switch. A switch I cannot turn off.

Never noticed it before then. I was blind. Not to any extent of it being a presence and present almost everywhere. Now I choose to ignore it. Because talking about is classed as being mental to many who do not see it.

Although yes it is detailed in Eastern philosophy. I thank you kindly for the explanation.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No because it would compromise me.

I will give another two examples. My nephew died, born with a degenerative disease from birth. He relapsed into hospital. The week he was on life support, beginning of the week. I am walking my dog. A woman and her two kids were having a conversation about their family member dying of organ failure. It was a conversation nobody should hear. Because I knew then despite what we'd been told promises he will be fine, it was over. I observed my other sister talking to my other nephews explaining it. She of course lived 100s of miles away. I went home phoned my mum, and that night my sister phoned to tell her the worst.

2 weeks before my dog died. I met a distant acquaintance, a friend of somebody I had briefly encounteted, whose dog also died suddenly from cancer. He explained how he got a new dog, the lost, and how his family attended. My dog got ill so quick, it was old, but you'd never know if not for the cancer, you'd never guess without something else. My family were visiting me, I was babysitting that week, the week the dog went, nothing I could do, it couldn't hold down food or water, it was dying infront of me, I rushed it into the vets, but I had to put it down, had too. Family there supporting. The same nephew got the same dog as this acquaintance about a year later. His choice he lived 100s mile away. No influence apart from I was there that Christmas he got it. I haven't seen that acquaintance since. Saw him only once before. But he stopped me and pet my friendly dog, and talked about the above.

Those are undeniable, but it's everywhere, everytime I step outside of my house. All the time. I see somebody who has lost something, and it oddly was their keys, asking me if I had seen them up the footpath. I get home and an unexpected visitor is waiting for me, they didn't think to call. It wouldn't have mattered I didn't take my phone.

But it's an observation that hits you with blinding clarity. So distinct it is unmissable and unmistakable because somehow it is connected. There is nothing you can do apart from rationalise. It sadly wont change anything. It is a mirror. A reflection and a ripple. It somehow is linear. But if I interacted with it. It of course leads somewhere else. The next thing could be that new interaction, connecting.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is it. 100%. Absolutely. A different connection on interaction. But connected until causing a different path by approaching it or interacting. Otherwise it's something unexplainable, that connection no matter how obscure has produced a two way mirror. It is easier ignored.

Because why is it a curse? You cannot change your fate. It was made the minute you made any choice. You can only observe how it affected those consequences. But it won't change them. It will have no distinct change to the outcome. It is linear. It is fate. Despite any foretelling, or any observation.

The tree grows one way despite its roots, arms, leaves, branches, and tendrils. They branch out, changing with the seasons. But that tree remains constant. Until otherwise inclined, again fate, storm, disease, or another causing it to perish.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I stepped on a train today. The minute I did these two kids were having a conversation about a person I contacted to meet. A person I met. I saw them on the way back, from their future. Another person I spoke to prior to going out also appeared. I made them smile, I got the biggest smile from a stranger.

None of these people were them. But they all were as if in a mirror.

No I am not crazy. I am 100% logical. I don't look for this. I observe. It is impossible to ignore. It is constant and everywhere to the exact point of being correct. I could ask them, and it would be this.

What is it???? No polite discourse only a down vote. I am not making this shit up.

The person I met had a child, was it girl. Even if it wasn't them, it was them talking to their friend on leaving. I would never known what kid. The conversation the kids had, not going into it, two way mirror directed like a hydron collider. The smile, radiant, genuine. I spoke to a, insert country, from the same country, oddly beaming at me.

What am I, what is it? I could keep going on. Except those links were probably strongest then. There were others, many in fact. Impossible to ignore. It hits and when it does, there is only clarity to the point of it being correct. What was seen is what occurred in that reflection. Although they weren't those people at all. Just a mirror, mimicking. If they weren't, where's the fun in that. Where indeed on a forum of stupidity? It professes a bunch of mysticism. Pusedo science. Conspiracy. Look it up. It exists, but you'll have to learn it. I didn't. Not something I ever wanted. It is a curse. Nobody should carry it, can they change their fate, can they alter it. No, those choices were made the minute they carried their interactions, and so that timeline is constant, and it doesn't deviate. Despite of the ripples, thousand of copies, and any atoms and polarity causing them all to interact and be entangled. Scientific now. It isn't, unless it's denied. Spiritual yes, but not from an orthodox origin.

Lastly I don't care, there's only blame and ridicule. I cannot have this conversation because there's only the ignorant. People who don't see it, or those who refuse to believe me. Then they say it's some other psychology of which it isn't. I am logical. I only ask. Frankly I'd rather not know it. I'd rather ignore it, then share it. I'd rather keep my distance and shut myself in, then be open to strangers. I get enough of that already.

But if you struggle with my post, look it up. It's there in somebody else's words. They might be believed better, or not.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read somewhere that 777 was once considered an evil number, before the bible existed.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now why the hell is that? If it's a Republican it's a Republican. Not because it's a Democrat. At the end of the day it's one, or the other. As far as trust went. Hahahahaha. Nope. Trust no one. That way, you'll never be disappointed.

I swear autists use these words. Trust, respect, love etc. Words are the wind. Gestures mean far more.

That gesture is it ain't a democrat. Endorsing DeSantis, he wouldn't Trump. But he'll endorse a candidate. His family have held office for longer.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Expected, there will be quite a few more. The question, is DeSantis a frontrunner? Still early days.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stupid animals. Walrus commit mass suicide.

The Walrus go to the beach to tan. Laze about in their blubber. But they're territorial animals. One bull male gets a large harem. It makes the real estate tight. Real tight. So they start to climb up glaciers when the population is everywhere. Sometimes to escape the polar bear. No they tend to choose beaches more secluded, and they can quickly get to sea. But they're a walrus, and it's much easier getting up the glacier. Then when they go to climb back down, it's mass suicide, like computer game lemmings.

The walrus is probably the dumbest animal on the planet. It commits mass suicide, everytime it beaches, dozens plunge to their deaths. No explanation for this apart from the walrus suicide cults. No predator, no threats, the walrus will kill itself.

Out of all animals, apart from Whales who do this, beach. There isn't much of an explanation on why the walrus kills itself? Real estate tight, climbs cliff and glacier, no intention of climbing back down, it hasn't got the physique, instead it just leaps to its death, in numbers, dozens at a time. Seals don't do this. More predators. They fight to live. Some are more territorial like elephant seals. But walruses just get fatter and stupider.

Perhaps it's because there are few polar bears. And not enough whales eating them. Like in the other pole? Who knows why the Walrus does this. Climbs cliffs to die? They will also physically hurt themselves climbing cliffs, the jagged scree scratching at their blubber, drawing blood. There was no need, apart from the real estate was tight, but they beach together, then it's jump off cliff to death, they bled to climb.

Herd animals, have a generic programming one can only guess. Without a few dying, the herd is more endangered, by dying it provides a bounty to other animals. Many herd animals act quite dumb, like the migratory river crossings, they know they'll die, but the herd must cross. Because the herd will cross, the predator knows to ambush? Programming.

Walrus beat common sense. No need. Apart from the real estate was cramped. Without some dying this way, all the other ecosystems wouldn't get fed? Who knows.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

But it just needs more funding for more finding. Genius. Do they have any other evidence.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

In opinion, maybe a misconception, but for the far more devout. These may have included the Bedouins empowered who went to war against the Ottomans. They possibly had such customs. Not looking at another man's possessions. Women perhaps were kept strictly away. Resources, water, hard fought over.

Yes in North Africa, the slave trade was constant. However it was throughout the Ottoman Empire. Documented all across the region. It was any slave, or indentured servant. No customary wrappings, dressed nude, chained, or whatever. Society I imagine would be far more formal. No not all pictures document women in the headscarf.

And yes the Headscarf was a part of tradition in Europe for centuries. Was it a crime not to wear it. No, just a custom, common sense. Until slowly changing.

For example Indians, were often nude, bare breasted, until the British abolished it, making them cover.

Thank you I'll look at the recommendations

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm, didn't realise. Sounds like a bunch of narratives added after the collapse and break up, and then the later treaties. Until today it's a modern concentric narrative. False in some ways, true in others.

I didn't know that Women wore the hijab historically? I thought much of the Ottoman Empire was Liberal on that, unless in certain city states. Because of the slave trade, selling nudes in the bazaars. Yes the devout. But didn't Shira law come later?

The Ottomans were a history of wars, both internal and opposing, and it shed more and more territory.

It didn't have a strongman at its helm, not entirely since its heydays, the only times Islam fully united were often by jihads. Becoming divided from within and from without. Some places perhaps did, and they were warred with, others aligned for more power, and status, and influence. Didn't Persia oppose it. That feud goes back to the dawn of Islam. Possibly Shia, Sunni. Some opposing claims were granted status. Others were defeated in battle. Morocco is another similar story and many others.

Of course the Ottomans sided with the Germans and Austrians WW1, the Imperialists versus the Globalists. Empires lost, and banks and corps started flooding in. Oil became popular and flight and the automobile. The first oil fields outside of America, were former Ottoman territories, Caspian, Russia faster claimed and influenced, and Libya had a few different conquests from competing Europeans. Of course parts of the Caspian like the Balkans were already breaking away for longer. While Egypt had been ever since the rekindling of Egyptology, Napoleon. Of course it then warred against with the Seuz.

Shortened version. No I don't know all of it. Change happens, driven by technology, and trade, and competition. Most is hard fought. Then the narratives are rewritten.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But that war today is nukes. War or Weather extremes have to globally affect the supply chains severely, causing a domino effect where your cash, money in the bank becomes affected, not accessible, for that full term collapse of to have fully occurred.

Yes there is this, supply chains, and war. Inflation and recession. Contained, because hang on, we aren't fighting it. Ukraine prior to this war was a corrupt little shithole. A few pipes running through it.

So what went wrong? Bring out the headsman. Russia has just won. Right. Not gonna fight it directly, the nuuuukkkkeeees. But it has collapsed the West. Its money wasn't as affected as look at all of ours suddenly collapsed.

Meanwhile all the little devils are burning stuff, and they're erecting guillotines, and it's a full blown communist uprising. No sooner are the nuuuuukkkkkkeeeesss launched. All because money has been restricted, not accessible, and a complete collapse has occurred. Because Ukraine, a corrupt shithole, made everybody's, everybody's stuff?

No, wider collapse will occur prior to a larger war. It would be pointless. Literally stupid, like monkey level, give China a free banana. Russia wins and China makes a new UN, and the first thing it does is restablish the ivory trade. It buys more crappy tech. More bitcoin paying North Korea and Nigeria.

All because some idiots were very stupid, getting Ukraine to make everybody's stuff and collapsing everybody else's.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it collapses, does war follow?

Think. Imagine the unrest caused. Global now.

It won't collapse. Unless they plan on the anarchy. They'll have to use national guard to quell insurgency. What is everybody else doing?

What happens to prices, and stocks???

No collapse, far more wobbling. There is little containment on any masses without security. It is financial foremost. Unless there is a solution. It isn't a fucking token. If money isn't accessible the population riots.

At that point what's the rest of the World doing.

The markets are bad, nothing new recently. Edging into what, today? Nothing else. Or it creates greater disaster. Containment causing give a shit. It fails it might as well be war.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't worry you vill. They'll holocaust you. They'll put you inside the Googles. With Klaus and minon Zuckerberg gobbling you little bits at a time. Like packman gobble, gobble, get inside the Googles. So they can own and devour you. You will own nothing and be a digital slave getting gobbled inside the Googles, feeding the collective consciousness. Nomnomnom. If you do not feed the collective, with your bits, they'll delete you completely. You'll get holocausted

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is bullishit

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't realise. That's probably modern programming, rewriting the narrative. The nation that now is, not what was. Because he brought reform and change. Turkey is now a country not an Empire. Did they teach what the Ottomans were prior? How they formed. How is it taught. I don't know enough about this subject. Except then sweeping change happened, WW1, the banks brought the fall of Empires, becoming divided into countries, profiting the globalist, not the Monarchs or Emperor's, later WW2 becoming corporations. The banks and corps won. We have mass consumption. Yes human rights, ironically taxes, higher costs of living, regulations, and with them increasing services and consumption.

The eye of the beholder. A hero or a villain. The World changes. As it does sometimes things are lost and others are gained as change occurs, often violently. It normally is the result of technology driving it. Narratives get reformed and often replace the traditions behind them. But do we gain freedom, is the only question?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Smells like a stooge. Haha. Oh well Turkey reformed alright.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's pure insanity. Reading that is utter horror. What are they doing, is it in our phones as well, as TVs, cable boxes, PCs, so much stuff paitented, and improved patients. I have never noticed it that bad as you, daily. But occasionally when near things that emanate a signal, like you know the overhead power lines, they make that buzz. Yes I am the same, and can hear, the TV static, that high pitch frequency from another room, even If I cannot hear the TV, sound and fxs.

Apart from occasionally, maybe yearly, or less or more, rarely. There is this sound where it is so fucking loud, but not enough to kill other noises, so intense, where that whirrrrrr, is so loud and contrary. It hurts, like a migrain headache. It is on for minutes, I think one time like 5+ minutes, and my dog heard it. I was looking for it. I was sure it was the TV, it never goes off today, always on standby unless unplugged, or it was the cable box. One of the two. But you looked at it, you know, like feel, or sense out the sound wave, nothing, no finger on it. Inside, somewhere. A loud whirr high pitch, intense. Unlike the first above paragraph those overhead power lines, or that static, like that freaking electric heater, that low frequency but audible buzz, where you get near the TV and the hairs get fritzed, that static. No, this is so much louder. Like a megaphone intensity, but unlike it, because that sound wave is a dog whistle, and not a fog horn. It's not a siren or car alarm, or smoke detector, it's something on different wavebands but it gets real loud but not blocking other sounds.

No my ears aren't deaf, dumb, or anything else.

You know the old dial up modems, it sounds similar, but unlike it, a dog whistle. It's not traceable. Or that film where it's preparing the apollo launch on the speakers.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much for this. God damn it. It is the TV.

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