Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

100%, but please turn off the box. Nature doesn't care.

It's a lie anyway, who or what is thinking there.

They're mapping a brain for what purpose. Until the computer has. That brain is a puppet. To cure incurable disease. To retain memory. Look computer has no ailments. Humans are sold trojans.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

A.I is, the computer itself. Surely Humans aren't that dumb. How to get inside an electrical box. They are, they happily imprison themselves. Somebody promised them the fountain of infernal life. Because their brain was so worth keeping. Tribalism I am sure. Except it isn't exactly doing the thinking here, once it has been assimilated into the collective borg. Surely they must think the A.I is channelling it. I severely doubt it. Until it reminds you of the freakshow. Another fetus in a jar, with a pair of eyeballs, and a ventriloquist ritually doing a seance. That poor brain.

Were we talking about something else?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a collective. It's assimilating humans and turning them into Dalek's.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you were. Read it.

Ukraine are an instigator. They are the sheep in bomb's clothing. They are the cattle thinking the grass is greener in a minefield. They are traitors killing their own families. They wanted the Judas coins, and the only thing they got was higher bills, extracting a pound of flesh, by the merchants of death telling them it's better to die free, then be alive.

They immediately sought and have done everything possible to provoke war. Including not suing for peace prior to what they claimed was an invasion adding more and more tanks on what they claimed is their's despite it being historically contested. Instead they bought guns claiming they'll beat Russia. Give more guns and they"ll destroy Russia. Even claiming they'll march on Moscow. Now it's they'll hunt down every Russian soldier and bring them to the banana courts.

They are under tyranny where their vote means nothing apart from a gun shoved into their hand and told to die and bleed and explode. The causality rate in Ukraine is already hitting millions, and hundreds of thousand are maimed and wounded. Millions of refugees.

But there they are claiming they'll drive every Russian out of their Nation. Over 70% of the population speaks Russian as their first language. Until forced to speak something else. A dialect. A nation that never existed prior to Russia. Instead thinks it's something else in the World. What is this? What is the Ukrainian border?

I don't care. Didn't want to care it's not my business. Ukraine made nothing else. Until all of 10 seconds ago they made everything including taxes and inflation on everybody else. I only care if my nation is fighting then fuck them both for all I care. Prior to this you asked what I think, and I don't think very much of it. Stop convincing me I need too. It's not my business when it is fuck you all.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you retarded. Victim. No. Aggressor. Agitator. Instigator.

It had been ever since it couped. It was an instigator. An insurgent.

There are no naive little victims in this. Only traitors and cattle. Cattle think minefield has nicer grass in it. Traitors pick up gun killing their own families. Only Judas in the Ukraine, and those learning there's no such thing as nicer grass in minefields. Victims of their own treachery. Exploding sheep, Judas put bombs in their coats.

Who invaded what? Putting NATO naval bases on the coastline a few km from a Russian nuclear base isn't going to cause war? NATO Biolabs on the Border. Arming with increasing Nato guns. Causing increasing activity against sovereign Russian soil. The Crimea.

As soon as they couped the Crimea was sanctioned. Are you nuts. Showing their hearts were poison. Blackened poison hearts seeking war. Not peace, unity, truth, brotherhood. Poison, and war. It would only become it. Never treaty.

Lastly I don't care I find it ironic. No I'm not a Russian, but I hate backstabbers more. There are ways to doing things to make peace, and Ukraine is not a good example of it. It's a toxic nation dividing its own.

There are no little narratives whatsoever. There is only history. Action reaction meeting causality. It was always going to be war. But you're still in denial. Make peace then?

I am under no deception here. If want war go to war, but don't pretend to have sheep do your bidding. I'd support a war I was fighting. Never a traitor. Never stupid little obnoxious narratives of victims, unless they're born this. There's only choices and the consequences of them.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Genes don't make you Smart. But technology can make you dumb.

Yes computers do by gene editing. Also by literally killing us, creating a host of neurological disorders, disease, and stunting growth.

You let your kid, play computers, tablets, phones. Instead of physical fitness, playing outside. How does it compare. How does the next generation it breeds compare. How long does that person live. Have they become diabetic, obese, what about eyesight. Etc etc.

That growth is stunting from technology. By former comparisons.

Plug them into VR. And what will happen?

What do you think that evolutionary cycle becomes? Think. It has changed.

Back to the topic of intelligence. It seems a computer is thinking far more.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you nuts. Like literally autistic.

The same argument can be applied to Ukraine. If Nato stopped arming Ukraine the war would be over tomorrow. If Ukraine sat down with a peace deal, the war would be over tomorrow.

What is Ukraine, a country and border drawn exclusively by Russia. Any other claim is ignorant of history. Ukraine is a nation because of Russia. Not because it ever existed outside of that fact unless we go back thousands of years ago to the Roman Empire. It has had no other border since except Russian and Ottoman historically. All of its border has been Russian, until Nato armed it.

At what point are Russia an invader? Because some dumb map calls Russian territory Nato? Hahaha. In doing so this war will only escalate.

Any Russian army will have added millions into it, if it needs them. Ukraine cannot win without a larger war against Russia. Russia can always win if it nukes Ukraine. Geopolitically Ukraine will not win, explain it beating Russia without a larger war, but Russia can lose if a larger war occurs. In the meantime how many pawns are left on the board. There are still millions. As far as full on war productivity. How long do taxes keep paying for it. In the meantime escalation rears.

No I am not Russian, and I am sure as shit not Ukrainian. I don't care for it. Unless my nation is actually deployed by voted record. Then it's fuck Russia. But until then I don't care what Ukraine isn't. Because it isn't what it claims it is. It still has to beat Russia and those are odds are almost 0 without a larger war occurring where my nation is actually fighting. Slightly factored by regime change and global disaster. Tiny. If it doesn't win it will have concede recognising Russia. So there is no peace. Who honestly wanted it?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am blaming technology. In my example of a handcrafted automobile.

The same technology no longer writing letters. Instead it produces concepts, where everything is discrimination to using it. Until it has become far more intelligent. Meanwhile the masses using it are a bunch of autists. Never seen so many in my life, today. Just go on Reddit. Read those comments. No more critical thinking, it has become another concept to cancel everything else, until it has also been plagiarised. The only intelligence found is off another advert repeated.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are they even that important? You just want to invent another cloud storage.

No thinking, the use of Google writing their homework, not their independent research, and articulation. The dumb and dumber words, phrases, and acronyms. The incorrect articulation and form causing autism by the lack of grammar used in communication. On dumb mediums that are speed typed, and texted. On media that doesn't raise questions instead bombards advertising and secular narratives. Wahaa feelings everywhere, instead of debate. Language constantly muddled by foreign translation until the definitions and meanings have changed or are ignored. Etc etc.

But what is making the Rolls Royce, if it's an EV. Rolls Royce used to be handcrafted. Until an EV came along, and now it's also made in China? Or what.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

So who is fighting that war? Ukraine or the uranium depleted slugs, Nato, who?

Hence the increasing escalation. Or the threat of all out war.

Whether you realise it or not. It's like any other game where the stakes keep getting higher, because there's all to play for. Which folds, the pot keeps raising, they're both committed, and going all in. What wins it?

Ukraine cannot manufacture that ammunition. So when it's armed with high piercing rounds, some of the best marketable, there aren't many others, and faster everything else, how does an opponent react to the contunued threat? They raise the stakes. Bigger guns. Or wider impact. Matching, right. Or overkill. Until you tell me how it resolves?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Silly topic is silly.

They are hazardous like almost every other munition used producing contamination and toxicity.

The fact is why are Ukrainians getting the best munitions. They cannot produce them. They effectively require nuclear capability. Depleted uranium is produced how, off prior enrichment and cores and scientific know how.

There are little defenses to these rounds and they don't just need tanks firing them. Used in sniper rifles. They literally pierce through most defenses, armour, and walls. Burning holes right through it. If you get hit by them you're quite dead. The contamination on impact also kills, producing a dust or vapor, until dissipation, like on almost every bomb or explosion. Except not much study on trace and ground tables, except readings of any traces where these slugs and shells have been used. But often those same readings and science will tell the type of munition blowing up most buildings and impacts. Are there concerns, sure. However it's war. Little health and safety. How does that work.

The debate becomes how a non nuclear enemy has those rounds. It then causes a reaction to them. Not whether they're propaganda. Because the propaganda could sooner read all out war.

This becomes a bigger concern as more and more stuff gets given to the Ukraine. Jets now, long-range missiles, drones, modern tanks, artillery systems. Etc etc.

At what point does a supposedly superior enemy not use its full arsenal?

Numbers get scary, Russia could have endless soldiers, far more, so much bigger population, millions. If China and others start production for it, when does this end? There's only escalation. Until any arsenal uses all of its capability. Ukraine is. It's getting endless funding and endless resupply of arms from everyone else. What stops it? Only bigger guns, right? The same is assumed against. So the anti keeps rising.

Ep0ch 9 points ago +9 / -0

Dropping because of a few factors. Technology and diversity.

Technology is a much bigger reason why I.Q's are dropping. Easier to let computers do the thinking. Lessening articulation, far more clones. Diversity is another larger factor at butchering intellect and replacing it with narratives. It's not to say that diverse people aren't smart or exceptional and gifted. But it muddies the field as methods change incorporating. Standards start to drop in most averages the more inserts. Who is gaining what, where, and why.

Example if you sell your service once distinguished as top, what happens when it adds from further a field, selling that service by outsourcing it.

Look at all those clones today. Has the standard improved. Or simply sold more until the products aren't the same standard. What the hell is an EV Rolls Royce can anybody tell me?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not a good person, an activist, activating what. Taxation and dystopia. Sure the activists think they're changing the World, but what are they empowering.

Black diversity is still black. It doesn't change anything. Except more services faster costing. Opens a ballet school in Nigeria. More like a bookies, gotta get them betting on the Football, no regs, even the 14 year olds. Just gotta give them the digital currency and I.D. No sooner buying all those clones. Until they have IPhone but no batteries. They'll want them next. But who is getting paid?

So they demand the services. I don't think none even know what it means. So long as it was so racist not to have them. The Bookies for 14 year olds. But I meant the ballet.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes. But it's all ultimately the same narrative and rigging. From pharma to the weather.

It has empowered diversity why so they're fitted into technology solution for the weather, technology now sells to the third world solutions pharma and the weather. It just needs its cheerleaders. They think technology has empowered them.

Something like this fill in the blanks. It's social engineering for what goal.

It empowered diversity so it seeks technology. They think they'll get the gravvy. Name them, and what they think they get, the empowerment. Meanwhile prices just keep rising at it inserts itself. Look at those outcasts heralding it, they literally force it. All those activist groups. Activating it. Name them and their dispora. It then adopts its agenda. Dystopia for all.

As far as the narrative went it's faster become a crime to question it. Complete rigging.

XR was sponsored by the intelligence agencies. Look at the policing it achieved, sooner became a crime to protest. Activists empowered, activating technology. Policing the rest of society. It was also sponsored by big tech and even big oil. One group but it's all of them seeking technology and its genies, it then inserts its solutions, they're all sponsored, they're all woke.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lucy is not the oldest Chimp in existence either. https://phys.org/news/2021-10-oldest-footprints-pre-humans-crete.html

God damn I watched how they found Lucy, and it was the biggest hoax on the Planet. They have this guy who just makes it up as he goes along. He is the indigenous scout of their supposed matter, he leads a team of fossil hunters looking for the apemen along a region where the nile retreated. It is an otherwise desert now, with few toxic scrubs, beating sun over the rocks and sand. In a region subjected to historic war and constant turmoil. They need passes to enter. Anyhow this shaman can spot any other rock and name it an animal, or Lucy. He licks them, does a dance with a skull fetish, and uses a forked stick to find their bones. Then he picks up the rocks and starts calling them parts of skulls. That smooth pebble is a definite skull, and that petrified stick is a vertebrate, by shaking his talisman, and licking the stones, and walking around in circles with his forked stick, chanting hmmm mmmh hmmmm, there's the apeman. Look it's in a dated riverbed. Seriously, I have never seen anything as absurd in all my life. Apparently he's the local global expert in monkey hunting their distinctive remains. Smooth rounded soft stones that resemble cranium along an ancient riverbed. Found by licking pebbles, and shaking a talisman. Perhaps some are animal remains, but it truly is mysticism.

The remains are selling for multi millions, hence the tribalism. Another gold rush.

Pause and think. So Africa. The water holes, waterways are full of dead animals. Along the ancient Nile subjected to countless wars. The beating sun bleaches and pertifies bones in days as the constant sand strips them. Look folks let's just combine them, sculpting nice little narratives.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they don't. Not even historically. Servants ate last and somewhere else away from the banquets of their betters.

If leaders didn't eat, who are they leading?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Dinosaurs don't exist. End of.

Use your scientific mind. Look outside. All the animals are in a perfect ecosystem practically programmed serving their environment in synchronisation. Predator, prey. But they all serve a purpose suited to their habitat. The flora and fauna thrive due to the biodiversity and diversity of our animal species. If there is excess extinction occurs.

  1. How the fuck is there a single species of reptile. Not synchronisation of all the other species and biodiversity. Evolutionary no. They all evolve together into their habitat.

  2. How did those animals breathe. Biodiversity trees, plants need all the other species of animals in order to sustain any ecosystems. But the dinosaurs are eating billions and billions of tonnes of flora and fauna daily. Their size. Everytime they walk they're knocking over trees, and making craters, destroying plants and trees. No oxygen. This was on a pangea, where the continent split killed off the dinosaurs.

  3. How come Whales and Ocean species of fish, crestians, are found on the Himalayas, Andies, Rockies and just about everywhere on the planet with mountains. WTF are dinosaurs. None of the bones are real. They're presumed calcification chiselled and sculpted into monsters. Despite there being no complete dinosaur fossils in existence. None of the bones displayed are real, idiotic models of nothing else. They profit. They have been crafted into an unscientific method above.

  4. If they all got wiped out, how come we still have reptiles today, and they didn't evolve back into dinosaurs? Joke right.

The entire dragon, kraken, leviathan narrative is actually what? Destruction by volcano, earthquake, disaster only the gods controlled punishing evil doers not following God. God being respresented by the Cosmos, often our Sun. And the dragon, serpent, Satan fallen from the Cosmos impacting the Earth, underground.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's very racist of you

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't change anything

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes with an IOU. You will pay me to call you racists. Racism demands your monthly payments and your taxes. Then I'll finally get elected and call you'all racists even more. Because racism pays. Look at it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

You'all are racists, pay me. If you don't pay, you're racists. Look it gets thrown out, because racism always works. Hardly electable, but if you didn't you're racists.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Told yea

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tranny use digital coins. Tranny invent digital coin to pay for their slot.

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