You'all are racists, pay me. If you don't pay, you're racists. Look it gets thrown out, because racism always works. Hardly electable, but if you didn't you're racists.
Yes with an IOU. You will pay me to call you racists. Racism demands your monthly payments and your taxes. Then I'll finally get elected and call you'all racists even more. Because racism pays. Look at it.
You'all are racists, pay me. If you don't pay, you're racists. Look it gets thrown out, because racism always works. Hardly electable, but if you didn't you're racists.
pay you with what? fiat jew bucks?
Yes with an IOU. You will pay me to call you racists. Racism demands your monthly payments and your taxes. Then I'll finally get elected and call you'all racists even more. Because racism pays. Look at it.
Kind of like sending $3.8 billion to Israel every year so that Jews can call me racist while they colonialize the west bank and murder palestinians.
It's very racist of you