Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

It's the biggest pile of bullshit the Planet has seen. Aliens are nothing but taxes and dystopia. They are fictitious narrative used to propagate revenue. A CIA mind trick.

Roswell brought nothing but imposing flight regulations, and funding for the Space Race. It also meant government agents could go onto property for reasoning as absurd as the aliens.

They've created a constant stream of revenue. But there has been no concrete proof of them. Except more taxation. Because only bullshiters and propagandists exploit funding from a narrative of what if.

Getting real tired of it. Historically there is no accuracy into the mythical and the divine only taller tales, yes I agree history remains an interpretation. But unless proved there is nothing but conjecture.

Any Aliens have and will remain nonsense unless validated by more than constant speculation. Because intelligence simply uses for their own advantages of both funding and surveillance. As any fiction sells. Until they're an oxymoron. They will never get proved if they undermine any establishment and paradigm. For aliens to exist, in almost all probabilty means war. Our species would have to unite against them, or lose its notions of control.

What indeed do the aliens want anyway. We aren't a threat to them. We haven't even proved them. Let alone found them. Or have the potential to reach them, or threaten them. Outside of our supposed worship and fiction?

If they have supposedly advanced any technology, it is also faster becoming an oxymoron. As we ceed control to it. Until it is faster the alien. Reaching further than we can.

Look at the down votes. Conmen and hucksters give us aliens, to profit off the fiction, and further any dystopia. There are zero factual sources. Only grainy images of phantoms. Most events like Roswell have been completely fabricated hoaxes.

If there are aliens, prove it, but you cannot. Nothing but speculation. Proving aliens means a paradigm shift. It means aliens have had a hand in shaping our civilizations for longer than any humans. It therefore distinctly means war, or what do any aliens want. It isn't to threaten them, if we have no means too. Providing our planet with guidance because it could, no, why would they care. They live somewhere else. Guidance for what, advancing us hastens contact. It means?

No, they don't shit in the woods. Pointlessly. Popping up where every retard can announce them claiming extortion.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they won't because Europeans welcome the trannycoins.

They invent toxic little narratives of dystopia.

Afghanistan is a prime example of Western absurdity. For 10 years they propagated the most absurd little narratives in it. Fired up their woke little reactors, at every opportunity, containing everything from national women football teams to a ballet school. In all of 5 seconds they folded like a fish out of the stagnated waters of Western decadence and dumbfounded stupidity. None resisted, unless it was dining at the tables of constant funding with two faced bombs, detonating them against the invader. Their army bought, and trained, didn't defend it. It dropped its weapons and ran. Their pilots refused to even bomb. But there they were, shouting give them the sanctuary. Historically like any other turncoat they'd be hung for having no spines. Any protest lasted seconds, wahaaa, no women in school. Like it fucking mattered to the Taliban who never taught woman, uselessly. The ones they brought back want to return, as others tried to rob and steal the first chance they got. At no point did they resist. Hell we'd be back in there if they did. If they had any resistance, after the years of otherwise stupidity, bombs constantly going off from an opposite resistance to the insanity. They took the money and bought more explosives with it. All we funded was the dumbest narratives history has seen. Even allies like the Indians supported opposing local warlords.

Because, oh yes, Africa must be allowed to roam the planet in never ending wilderbeast crossings. It is a human rights violation not to allow all of Africa to cross into the Mediterranean. A crime not to halt the invader. It must be allowed sanctuary today. It must create stupid little narratives, and trannycoins .

Ep0ch 4 points ago +6 / -2

Except that Baphomet is a hoax. Never existed. If it did it wasn't called that.

It was used to accuse the Kinght's Templars of the inquisitions.

It later resurfaced when supposed Templar artifacts, hoaxes, were sold and debates into what the Templar's worshipped. This happened later 1700s early 1800s. Then in the 1900s Alaster Crowley used it in his books.

The god's of Androgyny are much older and more widespread https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Androgynous_and_hermaphroditic_deities. That wiki clutches at strawmen arguments. Modern nonsense. Although there is certain proof, and it mainly was to do with fertility rituals. No, not half of what's there. Or that complete lineage in the rest of the pantheon. It remarkedy misses out the entire ethos, to produce controversy.

Funnily didn't Egypt curse there's? Ankhenaten

Debate faster becomes Satan and Lilith.

Down vote, yawn. Boring. The Knight's Templar were gnostics. Speculation on what version of the bible they believed or unearthed and where it all originated. But they grew more powerful than the King of France and threatened the pope, the establishment. The inquisition was invented to root them out and at its helm it needed a demon deity to accuse them of deviltry. So Baphometh was invented. But as shown above who what where? A hoax. But if we go back to Satan and Lilith. Who the fuck cares. Edgy topic. Those fertility festivals and Temples towards also catered for flesh with beasts.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brazil can cut down the Amazon now

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's your ethnicity? See.

No, I don't need to answer. Gibberish. The only liar as proved was you. We broke that mirror. Go on and have a cry now. It's another step, you're getting there. Remorse.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No you don't, and there's simple proof we don't speak the same language.

Come on over to England. Ask an Englishman what you're speaking? American. The same can be said if an Englishman went to America. English. See.

As proved you're ignorant. I actually wonder what your ethnicity is now? Say it. It's not intelligent. You built an entire argument on your prejudice. It didn't take 5 minutes to spit it back out.

You have no right to the English language. Assuming it, just made you ignorant. You aren't a native speaker, and are about as far removed from it. You speak a different language, like Scottish, Irish, or Welsh. They also speak something else, but at least they have the manners and dignity to call what it is. You'd probably never even understand them either. American. You however assumed, because you're ignorant, you just said something you're not, and most Americans fly their flag. Proudly and patriotically. They're not all sociopaths either.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you got Autism? Yea you're a sociopath. Assuming English when you speak a dialect of slang. American is called American. It isn't English. It's American. You don't speak English. You speak American.

You come from America, and not from England, or the British Isles.

American is factually quite different from English. It has its own spellings, words, and even a dictionary. It even has its own input because it's a different language, the keyboard like a Russian or a Chinese keyboard is different, it has an American keyboard. It isn't an English keyboard.

You used a word earlier, Kudos, it isn't English.

A native speaker is from England not where you crawled out of. Dumbass. Go back to your video games.

Look that mirror shattered again.

And as far as American, not English politics, laws, and legislation went, take the fucking course. Although, you never learned English.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

See you aren't English. You're on the road to recovery. Admitting you're in denial. Bravo. You better hand those guns in, before you go and hurt yourself

Anybody else can play Video-games. It takes an invention called Google, and look at that the Gun Laws and legislation is right there. But OMG why does anybody else have opinion? Why shouldn't they, well according to a Mad dragon reborn, it's because they aren't a sociopath. They assume English when they're not a native.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at that mirror before it shatters. I am not in a hole, because Dracula wants to turn me into a vampire. That's insane. I honestly had no idea what you identified as, and it probably needs therapy, not a gun. Otherwise where do you draw that line. Your comprehension has clearly failed you. You're accusing somebody else of having no fucking clue what you're talking about. Look at that, and it's the narcissism, pthd, sociopathy. It clearly struggles to relate any fantasy. When it clearly wasn't even English. Because it was indeed a character off of a video game, speaking in something else. But there you are as proved and identified as struggling to cope between the two. In your own gibberish, not an English word, Kudos.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really don't care, if it isn't English, it isn't. Name one Englishman called Kalak. They don't exist as natives. Possibly as the second son's of some other diatribe. Besides you're clearly narcissistic, sociopathic in fact, and probably shouldn't own a gun without a full psychological profile.

Your grammar and concepts lack common sense. You based a spurious, superficial argument about how everybody else, Mad, should own firearms, especially those identifying as dragon's reborn. All because of fiction.

The ruling as explained was on the seizure of firearms, and not on being permitted them.

Petty, you started this. I didn't care where a Kulak came from, until you brought English into it. Look at that. It turned out to be gibberish. You proved it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am going to guess English isn't your native language, remind me where a Kulak is from?

Magically there you're announcing how you don't comprehend it?

Psychology, it is your own ability to comprehend, that you have then accuse me of your own failing. Kulak.

Even if by some small margin you hearld from somewhere else. It wasn't England. Dumbass.

You're speaking the fuck knows. But it wasn't English. It was a dialect. Which one, American? It has its own dictionary and words and spellings. But there you are claiming it was English? No, it isn't. We fought the Kulaks.

Conceptually it's no wonder why you have struggled. No, I don't think you should own a gun either, read your name.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be really fucking impaired.

That was a ruling off a seizure. The guy went to a shrink. He already had guns, a gun collection. His Constitutional right. Suddenly a small hiccup. Some fucking shrink, his middle life crisis needed therapy. Reeerwarrr the poppers are seizing his guns, why? What was his health condition?

On the other hand current legislation is mental health isn't sold guns. The same conditions identified in that statement by the Trans community. They by law currently are not sold guns. In fact those same health and mental conditions cannot even by law work with children they're not fit for active duty.

So any ruling is on Trans status. "Rights". Gun, etc. Why are they being promoted as a sane and logical choice, when clearly if it was anybody else they'd be fucking disturbed and crazy.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. There's a lot more where this came from.

I am simply stating probafuckinbility, the law of averages.

Not some other inane forecast.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're looking at a picture of people not the article. The article is because of autism and assimilation. Humans mimick. Suddenly their creativity has hit a fucking wall called a stupid little A.I monitor. It has turned everywhere the same. Disgustingly. Sure it looks nice until it's the same and the same everywhere. It becomes vomit. No difference. Just the same pixels and a lack of creativity.

As far as those women went. There are no Blondes or Redheads. There aren't any South East Asians either. I've seen one I've seen them all. They all look bleached.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but it's whether somebody diagnosed with mental health conditions, read their response to the shooting, it has outlined why Trans shouldn't own guns, has a right to firearms to begin with.

The same current laws are mental health conditions don't. The statistic of suicidal Trans is the highest out of any demographic, and out of any event, or reason. Those numbers are above 70% of Trans have mental health conditions, primarily are suicidal.

Not seizing firearms, that landmark, after having supposed firearms. It was on a police seizure. Obviously seizing gun rights are quite concerning affecting the right to own guns. Any diagnosis was a single medical opinion. How valid was it. The reaction seems overblown.

Regardless it is concerning how nobody else is authorised with guns to begin with, if currently, they have the same mental conditions, the same Trans have. Read their own response. Their words. Yet there they are branishing them psychotically. Further they are being paraded as a sane and responsible choice, when anybody else with the same mental health conditions aren't paraded. In fact they're excluded from most roles of public service if they have those mental health conditions.

My suggestion of a Supreme Court Judgement is on their Status.

Because it is absurd. Irrationally illogical. There is a demographic of people where the medicine they take has clear warning labels on it. The health and mental conditions the majority have aren't by the same current laws fit to own guns. It is incredibly alarming they're paraded to children when they're an even bigger danger to themselves and others.

The current gun laws are medical checks, specifically mental health. You cannot purchase guns without clearance. Except Trans have invalidated this. Trans can.

The same mental conditions aren't fit to be around children, teaching, in any other capacity, outside of giving birth, or supposedly parenting kids birthed. The same mental health conditions aren't fit for any kind of active duty.

Read that response. Their words. Obviously it is the biggest oxymoron. Why have they been given status? They are in fact a danger.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1


Sick of how this topic constantly assumes 10. Further debate on if it was 13. But that source, the Torah has hundreds.

It was likely based on Hammurabi's code of law. In any event.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Computers killed innovation

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's not a concentration camp if didn't have gas chambers. That's a refugee center.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another psycho proving why they shouldn't have any guns.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, that's not what I am saying. I don't know how many camera's are in the school. Whether they were on each level, covering everything. Weird and why? Kinda pervy if they are, unless a ghetto school known for crime.

The Police were sweeping the rooms and floor. Until shots were heard.

Camera's were on the entrance. Makes sense. Carpark. Potential crime. Vehicle theft. Unwanted visitors. Possibly on in certain floors, foyers. A central hub monitoring, and perhaps called out a dispatch on breach, attack. Generally any central station is onsight, there, handled by security staff. However, now, school shootings, it is possible this is monitored remotely, and by police?

I also said the lack of cover, open, used by the shooter made 0 logical sense. It must've known. Potential dispatch. Heard the sirens. But it's out in the open. Yes stairs, hallway. Another hallway. Behind, sides of it. Look at the body cam where it went down? But they're a psycho in the wrong shoes? Lack of return fire?

Phone is having really bad typos. Edit. Predicted text. Stupid keys.

There's a lot of information there and I don't want to speculate, but what was seen, seems off. Carpark empty. Ground Floor empty. The Shooter might've had a view from those upper windows. But generally in this situation, it becomes a seige. Because an assailant picks cover and takes hostages. It from a room, has one means of access to it, and with children potentially as hostages can get messy. Not down and over, clean. The end shot, overkill. Cover, narrative. What exactly was seen? How did the women teacher know on first contact everybody else was safe? Probably a few explanations? Also why is it shooting out a front door? School yes. This is normally open. Kids turn up late.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try it. Egypt they shoot you. France they shoot you. In fact they'll just start shooting you everywhere today.

It has barely even begun. We're in all probability in for a lot of shit ahead. Seriously this year is just beginning. The last have been terrible. It's not going to get better. Meaning how much worse will it get???

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thousands are a different story. It takes some organisation. Any vendors would soon sell out, especially Amazon, prior to that volume. Meanwhile Gov starts imposing restrictions on their sale, if it gets a sniff.

It's blinded police. 1000 ppl with lasers. Against the riot police. They bring out the water cannon and tear gas. By then if you got a laser you're just a target, and then there's no such thing as peaceful protest.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

You'd get shot at. Infra-red blinds the scope pointed at you and that result is return fire. Infra-red pointers can cause partial blindness. Often classed as an attack of some description if using on the public or police.

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