Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you're the shill. Iknowitsu.

I can find the link. Read it. My analysis is accurate. Clever fake. Why. Who knows. Who cares.

Just looked over it. It hasn't provided much accuracy, battlefield changes. Either commonly collected Intel based off speculation, or purposeful misintel. No matter what it is all it has caused is propaganda.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nose. Different eyebrows. Dimples don't match. Eyes are different. Can't see the hair, or ears. Chin is different. Scar wrinkle above left picture, her right eyebrow.

Again who knows. Those pictures look different. Lighting. Age.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a nigger. The only schizo is you. You don't even present a logical debate. Instead all you've done is attack.

Over intel you never read. It might have contained truths but it was generated for what reason. It isn't the truth. It is subjective to change as soon as integrity was questioned. So it is speculation, and it is controversy, causing propaganda. Does it make the documents genuine. In what sense? They're official. No. Unless it's misintel or to cause disruption as a hoax.

Dumb fucking nigger. Go back to autist school. You attacked me repeatedly. Explain explain to a troll. But I am talking to somebody so stupid.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a retard. What don't you understand. Autism.

Then you down vote me. You're trying to convince me to care about it? Why?

What has changed. The Intel. Omg that's really clever. You have information. But you're committed to causing it to change? As soon as you air it. It compromises its integrity. Why would you do this if you had that genuine source?

To cause propaganda. Obviously. Making it redundant. Any truth becomes a lie. Making it a hoax or misintel.

Whatever was real becomes speculation.

Never discount the power of autists. How too anarchist cookbook. 3rd party whistle-blower. Twitter is like this. It's such a secure medium. Come on. It has only compromised the source.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is either

A) Hoax

B) Misintel

C) Real

What has changed. Nothing. The only thing that's changed is the secret spring offensive. It didn't even air. All it did, factually was add propaganda.

After establishing this. What it is. Misintel or Hoax.

If there is anything genuine it has changed. It made no definitive difference towards. Except causing any Intel to effectively change. Why because a leak occurred. Making it redundant. Except causing propaganda. For reals? Come on autism.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What do you mean it looks real? You obviously struggle with autism. You haven't seen it, and only heard the press talk about it. 5 minutes before the press talked about it, they were talking about secret spring offensives, a leak happens, and they're still talking about secret spring offensives. The dumbest.

It is either




Somehow it all makes no real difference. But it thinks too.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They've been scrubbed. Never saw them before the press was all over them.

Don't understand them. Don't want too.

The problem I have with a surprise attack. Is it ain't a surprise. It was aired and speculated on, prior to the leak. Headline the top secret spring offensive. Hit all major outlets, inserted speculation. What do you know there's a leak. Then more speculation on the Surprise Attack. It sounds like comedy because it is. The first rule of fight club is.

I mean come on.




Which ĺs it? Who cares apart from propaganda. But it sounds like bullshit.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure Bakhmut was already scorched earth.

I really don't understand this context of the Surprise Attack. Surprise. Look it caused the leaks.

But are they real? Something sounds questionable. Surprise attack plans, surprisingly leaked. Aw shucks. Next time damn you. The surprise attack. Don't worry it's coming. What the fuck?

Sounds like propaganda seasoned with misintel. The only people claiming surprises are the media. The war hasn't changed. Except Bakhmut.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes doesn't mean shit. That was then. Today how far have missiles and bombs advanced. Carpet bombing no. Fire bombing. Perhaps the Thermobaric Napalm. Except then and now.

They're splitting atoms, CERN or is that also a fake? Look at all those nuclear reactors?

Why wouldn't it be in bombs and what were the Nazis doing? They had all those factories making, what. They had the V2 rockets. They were making the heavy water. They were enriching. But oh no America and then Russia didn't advance and make the nukes. Because Space is fake?

At what point aren't nukes real? If all the Elites are all colluding, tell me why there is this topic?

Why wouldn't America right now be fighting Russia. Why wouldn't Europe. It would be easier yes right now to fight a conventional war? Why the fuck not. It would even be fun. I'd sign up. Go and kill some Russians. Hell yea. It gets you all warm and fuzzy. Because there are the nukes. If there weren't the nukes we'd go to war. Instead of watching this bullshit. It's a bunch of bullshit. We're not fighting but we're paying for it. Killing Russians is easier. I swear. God damn it.

Because the elites don't want a conventional war. Yea when? But they don't want a nuclear war. Obviously.

They're trying to fight this war from a proxy called Ukraine, if they didn't want a war why the hell are they funding it?

Becauses it causes? Speculation bullshit EVs perhaps. Except Russia still has to lose yes? Otherwise the rest of the World will still buy the Russians? Not the more expensive EVs. I swear.

But okay for the sake of conspiracy they got Russia to kill Ukraine for fun. Why not they're dumb. And it was all so they gain even more dystopia? They'd reinvent the Coldwar containing any rogue states. It advances back into space and arms races. Everybody else eats the plants and drives dumbest EVs

No, there are the Nukes. War would be simpler.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0


If a child sits the throne how much easier is it to corrupt it. It claims the child is an enlightened reincarnation. Religion speaks through it, influencing. Child comes of age. What went wrong. They'd sooner put another child back on the throne. Popular regionally Tibet, Nepal and a few other places out East, rulers and hierarchy of various descriptions, of course they claimed the lineage and godhood. Ironically. It goes back to headbinding and shoving a retard on the throne. Look it speaks to the gods and only religion can interpret them.

But the tradition didn't fair so well.

It hasn't stop children of all ages being sent to become monks. These in that religion and culturally in the region have been a spotlight of a lot of abuse.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Worse very bad. Pakistan. Afghanistan. Recently. I don't want to link stuff. Find it. Horrible stuff. Nevermind India.

There, there's a culture of it. They have the young apprentices, boys. Dress, groom, and bathe him to my knowledge as a religious practice. And it goes there. Find what's it's called. It has a description and a ceremony.

Above in the first paragraph, it is prevalent, and out in the open. Those boys sent to apprentice, or in the orphanages. It isn't just boys. But we're being specific towards it happening religiously. Not just his religion, as it's the culture. It is out in the open. In that part of the World.

It was caught out in the open due to technology. But has been happening for much longer, dawn of time.

Where when we go back in time to the age of prearranged globally what age is this they are arranged? In India what age is this today? Like in other surrounding cultures?

A culture of the assumed enlightenment when they paraded child, reincarnation, marriage, sex, enunchs, genders?

Some of these practices have stopped? No. They're still prevalent. At least it isn't a child king sitting on that throne today.

Do you understand what that religion and its justification has caused in Western cultures? Gender diaspora. Look it reincarnated. But what was it really corrupting? Because it was so enlightened and innocent?

I don't want to open this topic. It's insidious.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

No. Wrong try again. You put a bunch of cloistered monks around kids what happens. In fact it's basically what occurs like it did in feudalism. The kids were sent off to page and squire, or were offered apprenticeships as servants. No sooner are they wiping the Lordship's arse in more ways than one. No difference. They prepare the baths, dress, and groom his monkship. In a culture of prearranged, at what age? How about all the boys in Afghanistan, Pakistan. Or look at those Catholics.

He took an act of child innocence, a hug, and turned it into his sexual gratification. Why is this?

Don't ask for the links. It is topically insidious.

Where did modern new age bullshit come from. Why. Sick World. Look at how that reincarnation has been condoned.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate people and the nukes aren't real?

Why aren't we in war? It would be easier. Nukes prevent it. They prevent an easier war with Russia. Come on. All that opportunity. It would be easier. Instead there are the nukes. Damn it.

Space weapons are conjecture and autism. Space weapon you assume is the science fiction. Big lasers from space. Hahaha. Instead of it being localised to space. Where it targets other satellites, and re-entry vehicles like missiles. Tell me of this platform, big, huge in fact, yes, like the ISS that shoots the missiles from space, or the big space lasers targeting Earth. Hence an international treaty stopping that space war. Although they're being designed as re-entry vehicles, drones, or satellites killers.

I don't think there are the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment

Accuracy, costs of deployment, resupplying. Lastly any platform. Although it's a factor in space against other space vehicles


Who knows in this next age of space weaponization. We might see a bunch more. As it tries to colonise the moon and further deploys more space based platforms.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +0 / -0

Because you're a Nigger. You don't talk properly or rationally. We aren't talking if you're trolling. You assume some kind of authority. But you cannot use simple Google. The information is right there.

Now what about those links I can keep linking. When I said saturated fat what context was it in. A fucking burger the topic. Ultra processed junk food. It is also adding chemical additives. Instead I have to explain it again to a nigger trolling me.

A nigger who spewed crap all over this page and now you think you're arguing against the links? I didn't say it. The fucking links from Havard one of them all reputable sources did.

The plant burger had dramatically increased the sodium content because it tasted like shit. It was also using what type of saturated fat. Read the links and process.

Fuck off. Nigger. You insulted me repeatedly first. You are hostile. Have I. No I returned your dumb insults. Where you're down voting me. Because you're autistic. You don't research. You troll. You attack submissions by turning words you've taken out of context and further minced them up into a subject you haven't understood, because you never researched it. Autism. It's sooner your pedigree. Nobody else on the planet talks in the manner you do. Deciminating by twisting words into other meanings, they're so racist, it's not bad if you eat it, because you grasp at comprehension. Look no further at that name. Nigger. It explains it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1








You're absolutely pathetic. I don't know why I have to link shit to a nigger. But there. Sick of it. I can back those links with 50 more.

Talking isn't putting my words through a blender. Deciminating them by trolling me. I asked you to look it up. I have. Where I claimed saturated fats was on unhealthy consumption higher sodium or ultra processed and chemicals.

At the end of the day. I don't care what you eat. But I hate a vegan telling me what to eat. I hate their hypocrisy more than anything.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

We aren't talking about nutrition or you would've looked it the fuck up. Instead of trolling me.

Do you think that spam is beneficial? It is a troll. You're minicing up my words and inserting your own feces. You have no articulation. None. You made a bunch of erratic claims. On supplements. They aren't clever or scentific. You vomited crap. Your attitude is repugnant. You didn't look it up. You put my words through a blender, adding nothing else.

I provided a direct claim that plant based burgers are less healthy. They are, Google it. You tried to deny it. Now you're deflecting nutrition.

What did I fucking type? I presented a complete picture of it. Breaking down the why. You incompetently inserted, look, more chemicals. Read the fucking article. Until now it's saturated fats are healthy, like the gluten. The dumbest.

I don't have to show a nigger anything. I expected polite discourse. You trolled me. Google it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn yawn yawn. Did you want to bore me to death with why you eat plant burgers?

They are in fact less healthy look it up.

Other vegans foods aren't persay. But they're a contradiction. A contradiction that hasn't sourced locally requiring far more exotic foods to sustain any diet. The irony being most eat animal based products anyway. Unless they really read the label and it still contains insects.

A very big contradiction today. Corps are automating. Animals aren't automated. Some are. Milk, eggs in robot factories. You cannot use a phone to herd animals. But tractors can be run from a phone. Nevermind these new greenhouses where all a human does is build them and change a lightbulb effectively. So in this future what do you actually see. Your rights to keep farm animals are faster restricted.

You're nothing short of a dystopian hypocrite. It is also all do with how easy that profit is. So much easier.

What is the cost. Unless it's junk food ultra processed crap that fruit and veg costs how much currently and rising. Meanwhile it is also loaded full of pesticides. Or additives and supplements. Nothing has changed except computers growing and producing it.

But here you are telling me how it's so much better. Fuck off hypocrite. Nobody cares what you eat.

Although those burgers are less healthy. Look it up.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you're walking up the road and you wake up in a ditch. Definitely the aliens.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes but eating boogers is like that link. I don't know why I associate a booger picker with a chimpanzee. I guess it's to mentally block something so heinously gross. It's the only image that fits.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha thanks. Take care.

My power went out typing that.

I am hypothetically talking about war. Not a peaceful society. There is a choice. Except war is also necessary.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aw your poor feelings. Not sorry. We are talking about war. Not your bullshit.

Intelligently it doesn't need a reason. Because somebody else will only say it's not fair. Grow up. Talk talk, chatting shit, arm arm, but look at that. Shit happens. Then it's war.

It has nothing to do with your feelings either. It happens because it's nature. Look outside. The bird doesn't say to the cat did you wanna talk about it. It is necessary. It provides balance to a species conflicting from its natural and geographical and military and political and economical and competing differences.

Or convince of how this planet hasn't stopped warring? More wars and counting.

It hasn't stopped murdering. More people died from murder yesterday than more people died in wars a few centuries ago. Yes they should probably get a death penalty for it.

Nothing has changed from when there was Cain and Abel or whatever version you associate into that paradigm. In fact we just get more warlike. If we didn't we're on a planet conflicting. Look at that the weather. We get diseases, or have accidents. Until it doesn't make one little shit of difference talking about it. It just creates more bullshit. More people dying anyway from our nature. It isn't unique. It exists in conflict. We haven't solved anything. Nope. More conflict. Must be so exceptional.

I am glad we had this discussion there's always a bullshit reason it needs an excuse. I am too intelligent to care about it. It doesn't. It would anyway.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

This conversation has become absurd.

Why wouldn't Britain go to war. If there was a reason. I supported the war like I support every war. It's war. Simple. I don't care about dumb stupid narratives. Just the fact it's war. I don't support dumb stupid narratives.

I even had a stupid date to go to the anti war protests with, and she promised sex. I said why would I do that. Turned her down, because I supported the war. Because it's war. It doesn't even need a reason. It just needs to go to war. It's simpler that way.

The only thing I regret about it is all the shit afterwards. There has only been shit afterwards. At what fucking point does it need to think of reason for everybody else. It is tedious. A reason like there were no WMDs. Wrong there was the WMD's. Saddam was a WMD. 911 was planning permission redesigning the narrative.

You know what give a fuck. Who cares. It's war. It doesn't need to convince you.

Ukraine however we're just getting taxed for. It is an obnoxious narrative, and that's the fucking difference.

I mean seriously I am being pragmatic. At what point are you trying to convince me. We shouldn't have gone to war. We did. It won't change anything either. Gladly do it again too. Because there's nothing worse than bullshit. It doesn't need a reason.

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