Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno journalists are such awful people. The reason there's censorship is because there are journalists.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It could very well be low tier information as in paper publicised to a community of personnel who need a brief overview. Not much different to other press. 'propaganda driven, often inflated, speculates, often among certain facts, prompting reaction, or outlining them'.

It could be directly fed misinformation.

It could be manipulated information.

Is it factual not entirely. Status of review. Nobody particularly takes much time over all the inflated details. Rather it's a report from a more exclusive source outside of other media.

It looked like a pretty little presentation to the point of it being a video game, made for people who don't need all the Intel and key points, rather an outlook of them.

An outlook not subjected to very many audits or indeed a changing battlefield. Just a weekly run down.

Who knows and who cares. What has it immediately caused. That information to change. Denial. Speculation. Propaganda.

Topically anybody following the press, or their government on this conflict knows some boots are on the ground to limited and clandestine activity it has been no secret. It has been stated repeatedly by many nations providing support. Mercs are operating openly. Those numbers aren't in status reports and would otherwise be inaccurate. Although perhaps they are recorded? Dubiously

How was it all audited? Any clearance becomes much higher than a weekly blog.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha. Believe what you want. Every other Liberal does. Until they've created entire ideologies claiming they're superheroes because they identify as Lucy the monkey.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

We will stop this. Because your association is deluded. I don't think you know very much about it outside of recent conspiracy claiming certain aspects you've taken out of context to propagate your bias towards. It is painfully deluded.

Mason's aren't Jews. Some of that origin is associated to Hebrews. The Bible is. Does it make them Jewish?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are you talking about, saying Jewish owned sources. The encyclopedia Britannica is far older than modern Israel.

Jew is also a modern word. It was historically Hebrew. It has been around for all of a couple recent centuries.

I won't repeat again. Reread it. Previously.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop being dumb. I am showing you that the term Aryan existed long before you ignorantly claimed it. I am claiming if you ever bothered to read and understand the philosophy it has been around for much much longer. Ancient in fact. It indeed is how I claimed for many of the reasons I have previously suggested.

Instead you're farting on about the land of Nod. It again is East of Mestopotamia. It also means to slumber. Ridiculously comes from Hebrew as it means to wander. Nod was a city Enoch built. He was Cain's son.

The land of Nod. Hahaha. Hilariously you're quoting the Hebrew.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're dumber than dogshit.

Aryans identified from Mesopotamia long before Hitler ever existed.



It means nobility

As far as philosophically Empires have used it throughout history. Please Research them.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think you understand the concept, how it was used or indeed where it originated from and why.

Instead you're making delusional statements.

Aryans weren't whites originally although they probably had lighter features, and often brighter eyes. Aryans hated whites. They were tanned. They originated not from nordic, gothic, lore.

Fundamentally and philosophically it was because of the notions a superior race causes by assuming dominance, and any claimed lineage supposedly directly descended from its gods and heritage.

Psychologically it causes what? If you have a secular society how ordered and structured is it? It becomes a tool easily wielded and forged. It remains superior. It strives to be perfect.

Through fear it causes strength. It provides order through its bloodlust. It provides ideology against its foes. The sacrifice or enslavement of another grants a purpose.

Plenty of historic societies have used it and tempered it achieving goals of secular purpose often of war or warrior. Or reigning hierarchy and hegemony. These identify iconically. Skin and lineage the easiest feature. Strategically providing dominance and principle.

Whereas in peace they tend to trade flesh as easily. In the ancient days to sacrifice, enslave, or indulge, and fundamentally to pursue.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because your diagnoses is delusional.

Unfortunately it has been virtue signalled into the cancel culture and woktavation trends? You're sooner identifying with your past life, and it was a little monkey called Lucy?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The right to lobotomise the vagrants, scopping out the delusional brain matter. So society is functional instead of hysteric?

Today you can be who you want, you're a superhero if you take the pills, and transmorph into the superstrength. You can even identify as Chinese. It just needs the tanning agents and the acupuncture.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The UK and the BBC has repeatedly aired it has special forces on the ground. Distinctly aired it. It has also been through Parliament.

Please look up Press around Boris Johnson visit.

Prior it was aired when Gavin Williamson was in Office as War minister. Specifically direct aid and training packages. Prior to Rissian direct involvement.

It has been specifically aired in regards to training. Mercs have been constantly aired. They were even exchanged. Put out in the press.

When the Prince went to Poland who did he address. Static Nato battalions. Or did they have a direct role. Hence his address.

The new tanks for example. What were they aired with?

What was the training aired with the Neptune missile? Artillery packages?

BBC are so full of it. They are right they won't give direct figures. Nobody does. Perhaps in training capacity it provides smaller descriptions. But clandestine. No. Those might have been compiled on a Ukraine or otherwise registry. But it would be stupid.

In fact similar press has been aired by the rest of Nato. France. Canada. America. So many others.

It is what it is. It has been in the press constantly.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you checking yourself into the experimental therapy? I am sure you will have a use in the next science and psychological project. It needs the volunteers.

When did you become delusional? Was it something you remember being born with? Or did you wake up with it? Wake up deciding and declaring you are somebody else. Do you think everybody else is another person?

There is hope and treatment available. You can live out your fantasy if you take enough pills and buy the cosmetic surgery.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Island, is where the schizophrenics are dropped on their head.

They take these big needles, and a club hammer, and then they pop the needle right through the center of the schizophrenic's eyeball. It produces complete unquestioning compliance to the point of a vegetative and a slobbering retard. Then they digest their pills and have their diapers changed.

This procedure happened historically for entire generations last century, they put the retards into the asylums. They donated retards to the asylums, you would easily be incarcerated. All you needed was a signed document by your family or a hospital. Then they put a hole with a needle through the eyeball of the retard so it wouldn't throw the fits. Not all of them no. Families hoped for the rehabilitation, so they'd give them the electric shocks first, or they'd waterboard them, etc etc. They hadn't completely invented the pills yet. The psychotropics. Sometimes in these asylums they'd open their brains, or once perfected they drilled holes directly into the brain and removed certain parts of it. The unsavory parts, particular brain mass associated with the delusions.

Would you like to talk about it? Do you think you're another person? Who do you think you are? Did you always think you're somebody else? Why do you think you're somebody else?

Don't worry, medicine and plastic surgery can provide your fantasy today. You just need to take lots of pills first.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Fuck off idiot. Put that into a dictionary.

Look at that link, it's laughably a low tier report. If it is indeed genuine. An online newspaper bulletin for which classification. The local community. The stuff a janitor finds clogging the toilet.

How is it verified? Quick, take a few units off the slider bar for the next report, when a Battalion of armor is destroyed in the Tank War. Please mark it with an X.

Authorise more funding for another Tank brigade, immediately.

How has it verified, allies. If they're operating in special forces?

Don't worry we just mark our own. Very important risk factor. The Ranger battalion has been marked on the map. Clearly they need the cover.

We know how many rounds they have, they keep asking for more. It's now hooked into the military phone, it keeps a record. They're connected to the data sharing, providing the causality rate. We fit them with the microchips. Beep beep.

If enemy bombs are dropped draw a map, it is uploaded to the data sharing.

There is nothing inside of it apart from conjecture and speculation. On a changing battlefield. Next week need a better headline guys. The Bakhmut brigades have fallen. Please move the slider back and reform them into the next cluster.

It looks like the stuff a computer game is made out of. How are any audits made? Who uploaded it to Pentagon? Clearly it handles all the data sharing. Did the Ukraines upload their body cams, using the new apple watches, daily munition rates are fully tagged. The new apple watches are very clever, how many trenches dug. The dog tag activity is in GPS. Did the Satellite images, it has identified and complied a glossary?

I am curious how the weekly newspaper for the top secrets is compiled with the little icons and glossary of its detailed appendix for the weekly risk assessment, any janitors found in the toilet? It contained the entire Natopian encyclopedia. I think those are very inclusive icons, with the special forces on them. Look at that tank. What model is that? Very diverse. They're completely Nato inclusive.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

You've got a flathead.

Tell me about it? Did you get dropped on your head or were you born with it? Why do you have trouble identifying circles?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

No. It isn't. If it was purposefully funnelled misinformation for a narrative.

No sooner does it want to police and sanction discord and other crosslinked platforms and games.

These have been in the media repeatedly as a way of creating opposing networks and sending code.

As far as it went. None of that information is all in one place, and in one glossary. Why would it take the time to detail all of it in that manner. It would become lower tier, despite its supposed seal, access needing a sketch, speculation, for lower clearance, needing what is this word, an encyclopedia. Making it a hoax. Propaganda for a dumb public needing a dumb narrative where they're policed or who cares or knows. There would be far more specific reports. Audits. These are for oversight committees, and senior staff, where that access if very specific, and request precise clarity. Not all of those eggs are in one basket. It compromises its integrity. It compartmentalises subjectively.

Those appendages in it are speculation. Changing daily. However they detail enough truth to cause a reaction. What is it for and what does it cause.

Convince me otherwise? I'd laugh if I saw that? https://archive.fo/gZ8Dx

Look at it. Look at all the little doodles. Guys why does it put icons on the baby report? What computer game is this? I swear it is risk.

Tank needs tank icon. Which tank, all same icon? That not an Abrams look at that tank. I'm sorry. Too much bullshit. Maybe it makes for gamers

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

No it isn't the same guy. Look at them. One has a lazy eye. The other has elf ears. The other facial dimples are significant. Nose and bridge lines different. Eyebrows and creases different. Facial hair is different.

They aren't a reincarnation.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Fuck off. It's called being retarded. Nobody wants to make sense of your life either. Reading that bullshit is absurd.

Sadly it's called having Flathead syndrome, the product of playing too much Minecraft, and some Flatheads were dropped on their head at birth. Until they live in a World without circles. Even the apples are squares. No sooner has the Internet created the flathead syndrome.

Did you want to talk about your flathead? Were you born Flatheaded? Did it develop later in your life? Was it the result of trauma? When did you notice you stopped seeing circles?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yawn. They have been for much longer. If we go back to news sources from prior to direct Russian involvement. They were operating in similar capacity.

Aired by the media continuously. Often stating in Training capacity. It has been talked about in various governments. Senate. Parliament. Possibly France. Many others.

Mercs however have left greater margins for interpretation.

I can link or you can find. Numerous sources in most Nato countries, and 5 eyes, etc.

By airing it, does it provide public acceptance of boots on the ground, causing? Or will it continue to provide more of the special training packages?


I am not linking shit speculating on a report with no precision. It's been there for ages, since MH17, the present conflict however has caused an increase of aid and support. Direct assistance. If global figure heads are constantly going there they have special forces alongside.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is concern present. What China's role could become. It can still open a flank using any present conflict to attack Taiwan. Something it is flexing towards. Or showing increasing interest. There is a lot more spillage increasing in other places as any present conflict continues escalating.

It currently has zero chance of abating. In fact it tactically drags out.

If this conflict continues at the pace and shift. It will, probability significant, become a much larger conflict.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

At its lowest in history. How many other sources are also depleting.

Isn't the Mississippi? Meanwhile the great lakes are in coastal retreat.

How many sources are feeding the West Coast?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yawn. That has been in the press since Mauripol prisoner exchanges.

It has further been claimed by almost every one of those countries airing the war, many have said their own troops are present in a 'training' capacity. Further there are an amount of mercs operating.

Outside of this it has been in the media quite a few times. Nato personnel and particular special forces.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nigger. Read your name. It definitely has the nigger in it. Iknowitsu. Servere case of the nigger. Try saying Iknowitsu. See. It sounds very Chinese.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

No. It doesn't work like that unless you're bat shit crazy.

They sacrificed as population control. It controlled the population. It also slated its bloodlust. Also necessity, culling it by ritual genocide, the condemned, hostages, sacrifices. Because any god bestows fear and is perceived as powerful when it demands sacrifices. Pretty soon you have a population of warriors? They sacrifice to their god, they probably have other blood rituals, providing a perception of power through fear.

The real conspiracy is how many did the Spaniards kill. They tortured the demons out of them in their quest for the gold. Rewrote their entire language, destroyed their religion, assimilating parts of it. Yea they probably deserved it, they were savages.

If you think it's a deal with Satan, you're mistaken, power corrupts because it can. It corrupts the innocent when they are helpless because it is the predator. What does it gain, if it can it does.

Most have a moral block. But what happens when it is severed and corrupted. What happens when it gets a taste for evil?

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