Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

He'll win the acquittal. It would shock the rest of society. If a rape victim won by fantasising about rape and thinking it is sexy. Her testimony is baseless.

But who knows today. I don't think this conversation is over. I don't think it has had justice.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, but the cocaine does. It was referenced at her party. She was dancing lewdly to cocaine references during lockdown?

by pkvi
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nobody cares.

How long did her marriage last? Disgusting. It is aired. Who is she anyway. She's nobody else now. Just another shitty advert of divorce. It should be shame. Shouldn't it. She fornicated and lost office. Partied in COVID taking drugs, fucking. Does she think it wins back support? It's alright guys let's do that again? Sod off.

Somebody really cares. Look at the DV. That's not marriage material. Career driven, except she's off fornicating. This is while everybody else was. Who knows those reasons except there were probably drugs. It was a rockband with heavy references to it. As she lapdanced.

Now we are so keen to hear about how they were going through problems? It's alright guys, divorced, let me back in the gossip rags. Big gossip, what does an Ex PM even do?

Today almost nobody cares. They're generally hated.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Democracy is a lie. Nothing democratic about today. They've been rigging a host of elections. They keep shovelling pretentious narratives instead. Nothing democratic since the Internet.

How many times have they asked citizens. Seriously at what point did they give the vote to citizens. None is that answer.

Democracy is supposedly voting for assholes who change the laws that nobody else publicly voted on. More than half the laws proposed and legislated wouldn't pass public vote. Government forcing them through. On whose interests? Our increased taxes. Until even it's a lie, nobody voted for the assholes, lying to us. They've completely rigged elections recently everywhere supposedly democratic.

Democracy is a spurious statement. In fact what we have is socialism. It is closer to feudalism because corporations rule by globalism. They pass laws globally from obnoxious institutions like the UN that nobody voted for.

Since the Internet we have lost far more freedoms. Our identity our speech our property. Etc etc.

The entire narrative of democracy is actually quite dumbfounded. Perhaps at one point when people were happy with their nation. There were better points in history. Today it's quite ironic.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because Budweiser is gross. It takes shit. You couldn't give me a Budweiser to drink. I'd tip it out. There's a big difference. A colossal difference between Budweiser and any other bottled beer. Try it. They don't taste like moldy toads. Like armpit sweat. You can actually drink them. I bet you're envious of them. Name any other bottled beers. What have you found. Budweiser on the tap. God forbid. How could anybody drink a pint of it. Seriously. There are all these other beers. But there's a sweaty moldly toad. How could you

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

How genuine is the Pakistan news? There's obviously protest, and what looks to be a coup. But all those other gov buildings, are seemingly unverified. Instead fan it.

Who knows and who cares today.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Micronova already

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

At this point who the fuck cares. Might as well have shoved a donkey in the WH. It pisses and shits everywhere braying.

I mean seriously. Never seen such bullshit.

Predicting the next puppet, or barnyard animal. Nope. I'll wait to watch another horror story

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The exam has a bunch of entrance material. I presume, not American. The exam in university is a very tiny margin of your grades or doctorate. 40%. The rest is your coursework? 60%? Subject depending. Yes the exam is often multiple choice questions and answers, except when it is a test on grammar, or various subjects, also requiring written work on the exam. But the fact dumbass is isn't the coursework. It isn't homework. It has nothing to do with teacher's grading. Wrong, teacher's grading and teaching influence how a student learns, and takes their exams. It is the exam board who grade exams.

This topic again isn't higher education.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at these dumb humans. What opinion did they have. Nothing but advertising numbers providing a common poll, often of likes, showing activity. Although any data collection behind genuine posts, is doing far more. It spins it. Until everything sooner becomes an agenda driven, driving the advertising where it needs the numbers and the volume spinning it for its topics and persona's.

But yea it has become the dumbing down of civilization as it bombards advertising and narratives.

I question the humanity. Who does that, look at us in every topic. We even fight about it. We as humans have an opinion. We defend them.

We don't offer nothing.

Apart from that idiot below turning the topic into nonsense.

They are categorically bots. Or their brains were fried by them.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The automated is a bot. The person above and replied too is on larger probability a bot, linking @bobsplaining. The person above might be genuine and shadowed by bots.. Are they that stupid. They open their mouth and it's blimey. It added necessary volume. What was the conversation in reply and regards towards. But their generic commenting is causing what? Support providing the advertising volume. In case the topic needed the numbers and likes.

Explain the anomaly. They've added exactly what into the topic. Nothing, instead they literally propagate support, and the advertising volume with generic replies further marking the pages with nonsense. Why?

Humans don't, it's ignorance, there are plenty of these, but why bother commenting unless you have shit to say about it? Pro or against. Seriously. Although there are paid commentators. But if you're paid to comment, won't you attack it, or support it. Instead of, tell me this.

The immediate bottom two are bots. The first one could be but is shadowed by bots. The first could be another bot all they said was shit. Who tweets feining ignorance? Why? Support for advertising volume. Artifical likes. It needs to have the supposed numbers, showing activity.

Humans just get dumber.

No I am not guessing. Like the topic poster, I am gauging the probability. We know twitter is overrun by bots. Like the rest of social media. What are they supporting, adding the numbers and volume in? It needed to show activity. It inserts bots. They mouth breathe bullshit. Next we have John Doe being explained.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Fun butchering a language, turning it into bullshit. All because you're not creative enough, and suffer from the autism. You proceed to make up bullshit and call it words, because you didn't know what the word explaining meant. It needed to be called something else you could associate with, like an autistic retard because you're a little nigger delinquent. So fun. Real fun right. Mouths in the gibberish, onking. Your word became a stupid trend. Instead of being ignored retards turned into, look at that Bob, it has been programmed into bots. All because the word explaining isn't subjective? It needed today's piss and shit poured all over it.

It isn't a topic. It's a language niggers use. Look at those bots.

It was created by who and why. Tell me this. It was created by prejudice. A prejudice to being taught or having something explained. Instead it sought to shit on it and in hate. It knew best. It didn't respect. It had a chip on its shoulder.

Fuck off nigger

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Botsplaining. A bunch of dumbasses. I hate stupid autistic trends. They're often generated by idiots influencing the gullible. Another word created by the illiterate.

Explaining something was already subjective, if it indeed explained something factual. Instead of another useless opinion granting nothing else.

Yea it's a bot. The others are also probably bots.

Why was this a topic?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

She has no credibility. None. In her CNN Anderson Cooper interview. Look. There is no explanation for it. She admitted to fantasising about rape. She even enjoys it. Her words it's sexy. Not what Trump did???? No, bullshit. You're full of it. Acting.

Right now today. Perhaps it doesn't matter. Freaks and fetishes. The other side throwing mud and hoping it sticks. Or is there any other angle. Because nothing is an accident.

Think, there is only so much probability on what this is. It has a different agenda.

A plant to make it shambolic? Why would she get aired? It impacts think.

There is no probability on her testimony. Why was she aired?

I missed the story. She had won for all of a second. Stupid woke jurors convicted. Why indeed. Throwing shit at a wall. But no sooner will he be acquitted. Literal baggage, hanging over every case, same dumb narrative. Is it collapsing. There is almost zero fact that she was telling the truth. It is bizzare that it was sensationalised. How does it reflect on any other witch-hunts. Look at the witch.

She won. Nobody researched a schizo before prime time. They air immediately she is a liar. What gives? Why.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a bunch of theatre

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha. So it was a fantasy. Did he give her a dose of truth serum.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

ChatGPT, has hit the fan. It's literally blowing everywhere on how advanced it got in all of a few years.

It currently is writing entire thesis at the level of grad student. It can write entire movie scripts. It can write poetry. It can write novels. In the next 5 years it will be inserting pictures into its words.

That's one program of AI. A gimmick compared to the other AI advancing. As I said previously it can take your image and insert it into any background replicating your voice animating your movements. That AI is being fully developed and likely already in use look at shit like the Ukraine.

Obviously the rest of any AI has been handling a bunch of other stuff. Like facial recognition systems fully tracking. Autonomous machines of every description. Growing crops. Trading on the stock market. Transportation. Production and distribution. Bionic implants. Cultures. Genome editing. Weather modification. Weapons. Exploration. Etc etc.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope it's offshore. It's the CCP. You know about that? That program.

Education is hardwired directly into the government supercomputer. It can start indoctrination as early as a child excels. It is already preselecting roles. It goes further on those experiments. It puts shit on the child's head, an electronic device that the child must keep on a green light while it's learning showing neural activity with problem solving and memory. If it goes amber or red despite the entry level child also fails. It also penalises the parents. The data, all the records, grades, head gear, is all wired directly into the big huge commie supercomputer.

But that point is it goes to big brother. They don't put that AI anywhere else.

It is doing what? Data collecting all the homework. Doing what else.

The entire education system is hooked into a government mainframe keeping a big huge eye on children. It has much worse intent on that agenda.

I don't trust any of it. Look at it today. Innovation has turned into bullshit. Meanwhile an AI gets inserted more and more and more. It hasn't solved anything apart from more and more dystopia as it embeds itself.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're insane exams have multiple choice a percentage of the grade. The rest is written coursework. In almost every subject. It is often set essays on the topic taught. In higher education the exam is a smaller percentage of any grade. Clearly you didn't attend shit. Stop chatting crap to me.

What didn't you get through your retarded head we are talking about grading. It is also homework. It is often written work.

At what fucking point couldn't you read. I spend 90% of my time on here repeating myself to fucking niggers. I said multiple choice yes no and equations. Said it 10 fucking times. Sure. I don't like it. But I didn't disagree.

There are you are like a retarded monkey chatting utter feces. Because you cannot read. You're such a nigger you don't comprehend anything. You just sit there flicking dumb retarded shit.

Fuck off nigger.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Grading you idiot isn't an exam, also based on coursework. Coursework is a written paper.

Homework often has essays.

If you're doing art, design, cooking, music again grading the same as even sports all have written work.

Stop being an idiot.

At what point is grading strictly multiple choice yes no arithmetic.

I know you're autistic stop proving it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Multiple choice, math problems, yes and no.

Essay's, homework, course work. No. Teachers for much longer took the time. Why is AI suddenly? Don't like any of it, least of all the excuses used to implement it.

It's stereotypical Tory nonsense. Until every other public service does nothing. Never come across so many of these public services doing nothing else. It's not our job. It's the next person's. Every one of them making an excuse because you're the customer raising a concern or requiring their assistance. A nation of cannot, sweeping it under a rug. They all flob it off.

Even their next dumb proposal get pharmacies doing more. Literal madness. Why aren't the GPs. You still need GPs. Stop passing the buck. Until like everywhere else you get a worse service, and you run around back and forth, back and forth until you're also barking mad. Sick of it.

The automation. I just got robbed by Oyster as well. Such a dumb system it robbed me before my very eyes. I topped up, ample coverage, I asked what's there, topped up. Did a bus ride and tried to take a tube going all of a stop. It robbed me. Had to top up again to catch the tube. What, I had more than enough for a travel card. A week later checked it, money back on there. I didn't raise complaint, stupid automated number, hours to get through, online form not telling me anything. Left it. What the fuck happened? It wouldn't have happened using my bank card, or that's theft. So what happened? The only thing Oyster has done is put up the price every year. All it has done. In the meantime it robs you. No more station staff. They cannot find out, or reimburse Oyster. They get paid to sit there. It's Oyster job. Some AI robbing us every year.

Every single one of them. Every public service sector. Back and forth like a clown.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You must be nuts. At what point have you considered this a good idea.

Humans get much dumber, their scores get worse. AI replaces more and more, as AI supercedes and is faster adopted into teaching. But you cannot have this. No motivation to learn.

There is no motivation when AI is faster writing the schoolwork and grading it. Literal Southpark.

It as you know is on a scale of real bullshit currently and getting much worse. Your worst nightmares. It can take a person and insert them into any background fully replicating their voice. It can completely write the script of any book, film, poetry, and even song. It can compose music. It can calculate rigging its grades and profits. It can hire and fire people. It is getting better and better at it, the more it is inserted. Until it is becoming unrecognisable.

At what point, do you want it replacing us?

Every fully automated system has become worse the more it replaces humans. Name them, there are a few handling bigger numbers, but the costs have increased far more. Our costs of living today. Our consumption. Our reliance on nonsense.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sometimes yes. But what is paid today. Some are certainly paid far more and have better options than in other roles.

However. There are many who aren't. Half of one, a dozen of the other. Like everybody else in inflation are also striking. Perhaps not as justified no, as nurses etc. But neither are billionaires capitalising off it. These have profited immensely in this current crisis.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

They are in inflation getting underpaid. Since Tories. Teaching is never terribly easy. I don't envy teachers.

But I disagree with computer generated marking.

We are individuals. Unless it is simple math problems and yes no answers. No, it should be based on the individualism pertaining to the criteria.

How does a rubber stamp validate this? Only the teacher knows their students and classroom.

I disagree with AI's motives and the attitude sweeping our public services today.

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