Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

He's claiming in the book of Daniel. A book I've read. Used to have it memorised when I went to Christian school. He claims monkeys brains get fried by electrodes? Where.

It wasn't an attitude. I said please. You however have just attacked me.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

What are you basing bullshit on? Buddhists unless they're sold by their parents into sexual slavery tend to marry for life. Western girls it's a tik tok competition, and it has led to them becoming the village bicycle younger. No not all but yea they've done it by the time they're 12, or 13. It isn't a new trend either, decades and decades of it. Whereas it's education sexualising them along with the rest of their peer groups.

But those Buddhists are selling their babies. Same as Latins and Africans. Yea those Filipinos. It has cleaned up a little now with the war on drugs over there. Poverty is poverty and it's still there.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It has already crashed. Crashes occur differently today.

You mean a big yuge crash where there's no money in the bank and then there's no food on the shelves and no gas at the pumps.

Yea that'll work for China, it'll work even better for Russia. It can still happen but larger war is almost easier.

The population what do you think they do? They will become communists and zombies. But they'll burn it to the ground as they'll set up guillotines and lynching posts and pillories then they'll get medieval. If they aren't shot. Seriously. War is easier

It has crashed way worse than 2008. Look at the price.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

No he's actually worse if there is such a thing.

It's what is implied by its notion. Obviously it was in context towards particulars, like perhaps Poland. But that's not what he said. Why indeed did he get involved? Well after saying what he said about the Russian Empire, he then goes and says it to balance the absurdity by becoming even more absurd.

Because it isn't peace he's championing here. He sanctioning war. He's specifically condoning war on Catholics or Orthodox. Calls them martyrs if they're in war, like the Ayatollah. Might as well be strapping suicide vests on them and granting them their 79 virgins.

Until like every other hypocrite it means another fallacy. It today has nothing to do with being Christian. Like it did in COVID. Or almost every other delusion.

Exactly what mass graves were found in Canada?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Populism does exist. The people versus an elite. Or the people versus their illusion of government which let's face it today are assholes who don't represent them and instead represent themselves or the banks and corps they're indebted too.

The notion of populism becomes a government so afraid of its population it simply forces dystopia instead of actually giving its people a choice.

Government today is an illusion where its paypigs sit there doing nothing else. Sure they provide a notion of opposition because it pays. But they mostly all tow the same line. It trades back n forth but any power structure never changes to the effects of its population demands. Broken promises all day every day. The back tracking of every pledge and promise. But the constant increased taxation. Constantly caring about themselves enforcing dystopia, or somebody else repressing.

It has become a complete illusion. Most representatives of government are simply content to cause a jeer in opposition, supposedly representing their constituents, but in fact are just content to sit there because it pays.

If it trades back n forth it was an agenda anyway, and if a party has a majority watch it fail, fail enough to cause a hung government giving its opposition back their seats. Causing the illusion.

Of course communism is when the military gains power, it had the support of its assumed populace. It becomes communism, a coup, civil war, or etc.

Here in the UK, I will never vote for Kier Starmer. He isn't a leader. He's the definition of a grazing sheep. I actually like Sunak far more. Even though I hate the Tories for what has happened. Kier is not a leader. He has done nothing to lead. Nothing. The only opposition he provides is a script. Which is now falling so far back on its ideals and party line there is no point. He had a vision, nationalising utilities, I'd vote for that. Until. He has become so unattractive. His policies as he had a huge majority are now providing any opposition back their seats. But what has he opposed? He had a national majority he could've led by opposing. All he did was sit there getting paid. If he becomes leader Britain won't be anything else. Instead what he did was prevent Labor, Corbyn actually opposing the Tories.

We can do the same with the GOP, and almost every government in Europe, and today.

Of course there's a lot more to the illusion. Conflict on a World stage. Interest of its elites. But. Said. Today they're doing their damnest to punish any citizens for their choice. The same the globe over practically.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn..... psychotic babble. Ukraine operating on a kill level outside of the Ukraine are largely its mafia. Otherwise it's your own or likewise national agencies where those freaking Azov, were recruited or inserted and are your own counter intelligence which had been using its agents, and personnel, like Mauripol and countless other incidences in the present conflict. So a narrative is used. Where it's always the same sponging bullshit. The same sponging bullshit, white people are to blame for everything. All because have a guess. Why is this, it polices them. It subdues any notion of populism.

But a Ukrainian kill list in America, hahaha. No.

RFK Jr attempted assassination smells like a campaign hoax. It increases the popularity of those other types he appeals too, the gullible. Nothing happened for a start. Secondly pro's don't miss. And stalkers don't dress up. You gotta be fucking dumb. How the fuck does that work? The same way if he didn't dress up. Sure it might cause a problem for the police who get blamed for two seconds. But it never even got there. So it was practically pointless. He'd have had better luck not dressing up. And actually stalking. So put those odds at what probability, it's a stonking stunt.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Weapons industry supplying guns has caused the martyrdom of its people. Correct. Otherwise there would be Peace?

By giving them guns continues war.

An oxymoron. Worse. I don't know what that message is?

They're fully conscripted because of being armed. Surely without those arms they wouldn't be martyred. They had peace until they begged for war.

But regardless, involving himself, on a level of arms when he has called previously for Americans to disarm their gun rights.

It seems absurd.

At this point it only escalates more. I didn't think an act of charity was gun running.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would they start fires? Factions within government possibly.

But didn't the area that burnt, wasn't It protected. It just had the reintroduction of previously extinct species, this decade, last 10-15 years, like the Black Vulture and a quite a few others.

Not sure if it is the area, positive. Greece has some beautiful woodland, and coastline, and mountainous areas.

Why would anybody be insane? Unless it's blaming mass migration. Where it is faster threatened. In that case perhaps.

Wasn't it a conservation area? Lots of Greece burnt, worst fire in a long time.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sainsbury, two types, is like a Walmart. Big superstore. It can sell everything in it. Not quite clothes, nobody buys clothes in Sainsbury. But tech sometimes, food related and appliances or even TVs, also pharmaceuticals. And you get a mini version where he just filmed. It's basically a rip off shop smaller, but premium prices in comparison, each item costs more simply because it's a rip off. You'll find they're understaffed, staff are overworked. The shop is still taking profit. But it leads to a bunch of Asians working inside.

It has rivals of a few other stores. Also supermarkets and superstores.

In my opinion both Tesco, a rival, and Sainsbury aren't training their staff to any degree of customer service today like they used too. It's since they've added self check outs. Unlike rivals but this is premium brands Marks&Spencer or Waitrose where their staff are still taught manners and hospitality, service, how can we help you.

It is also the location. It's a World, a globe, a different Planet when I go into Sainsbury where my sister lives. 95% white. The service is there still. This is the case at the local Asian shop all Asian not superstore, it values its customers wants their business. Not a freaking fast food self check out and couldn't give a shit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It can but when that business gets worse and worse as a result.

Sainsbury today offers the worst customer service.

It used to have a policy where it was taught how to greet its customers, making you feel valued. Now these awful self check outs, especially in certain stores are horrendous. I avoid whenever possible. They have an attitude about you using the counter, where you need staff for your alcoholic beverages or a security item like a prime steak. They have attitude when their damn self check out machine doesn't work and you have to call them to assist. Literally they never work. They have an attitude when you ask them where an item is. Horrible service especially in urban centers. Superstores have also become a travesty. No more customer service just assholes. Dumb fucking assholes. Horrible experience.

Go into M&S, Waitrose, a huge difference. It still has customer service, a smile and thank you. How can we help you.

Sainsbury's horrible at least my local, metro. And I hate going to the big Tesco's. The video is right. It becomes a nation within a nation. They often chat with other Asians, big stupid conversations, as you wait there. But that service is gone.

No it's not Asians I go into an Asian shop exclusively staffed and they have customer service, even if it's a bad day.

It's Sainsbury. That policy should've seen mixed staff to balance its horrible experience today. Those values of making you feel welcome.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha no. Not at all, hate them both. I don't hate anyone. Don't work for either. At all.

I am calling a Sponge for what it is. Tell me about this Sponge that America has become?

I was being creative and inventive and used a clever ancetode. It fits right? Look at it. Say it, it's a Sponge.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you are. Read what you wrote. Bot gibberish. No intelligence. No debate. No imagination. Just autism. Accusation. Ignorant.

The definition of a sponge. Case and point.

Absorbs everything into it until it drowns in waste. But the sponge thinks it's done such a fine job. As it rots.

It's about sponging everything from everywhere else. A sponge's job, mopping up all the waste into the sponge, as it. You tell me about this America?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Those boxes with guillotine. She'll slice him up into little pieces and he begs to be sewn back together. It's a magic trick. I swear.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. You conspiracy nut. And yes undoubtedly.

That infrastructure is systemically failing to the point of you're a fucking hypocrite.

It doesn't care about anything except telling everybody else what to do. So it profits. It was often in complete ignorance regardless.

America isn't that country becoming a superpower of citizens who believe in it. That's its rival. It's faster a joke. America is a sponge. Convince me otherwise?

No, I am not anti American. Obvious is obviously. A point of debate.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They don't. It fucks up their senses. Wrecks their migratory patterns. Wrecks their navigation. Their internal natural alignment It has fried their brains.

Where are they since cellphones? Rapidly declining to the point of.

Literal twilight zone. All those flowers the same flowers decreasing two decades ago would see them lilac lavender which would be crawling with them. Have none or so few it's a huge problem.

It isn't pesticides I asked my neighbour with these pollen rich flowers, are you using. No they assured me.

So where, what like the climate change. No. Temperature has increased yes. But not to the point, you leave your windows open in that heat. Nothing except a garden spider.

It's far far worse. So the UK went on a huge rewilding effort, huge, put out bug beds in meadows it wanted to create for them. These would have seen an abundance of activity all of a few decades ago. Non existently declining, to the point of they made no difference or hadn't caused any increase.

It isn't pesticides the dumbest excuse. It's cellphones. The two are directly linked. There's also light pollution. LED lights are very bad compared to the older lamp- posts. Things like seeding as well.

But it's specifically the signals and cancer masks from cellphones. That evidence is undeniable. It's what the EV uses and often renewables.

These fucks don't care about anything except profit and little stupid names in history. Every single one of them has gone full blown retard. Take immigration. At what point is growing a population in its extremes and populating it in another climate going to prevent climate change? It isn't. Now you're changing the entire climate dramatically. It isn't sustainable. It isn't sustainable using electronics lasting a 5 year average. But guys here's the EV. It had nothing to do with anything except full blown retards where every single time they speak today is lies. Profiting off hypocrisy, ignorance, and stupidity.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Gypsy and Beggar maybe they'll do a circus act, magic trick. Make Zelenskyy disappear.

No. They'll be on a freakshow, somewhere, demanding an attraction.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Climate Change is calling for people to break the law?

These people are the biggest idiots in all of history.

Tech has caused it. But we need more tech to beat it. Not one of them have a single braincell left in their stupid little heads.

These people welcome millions of immigrants but don't think they affect the environment because tech lasting an average of 5 years is going to fix our weather. The lifetime of a panel or turbine blade. Never mind an EV, phone, or computer. Or any other mass means of consumption causing mass transit of multi millions more idiots.

They go and attack agriculture and food. Because tech don't eat. Vegans are the best policy 70% of vegan foods use palm oil. It's the best.

They call to ban oil and gas while driving cars made out of alloys and plastic, their house has an average of about 60% plastics, and products of plastic. But it's the food guys, ban food. Because we need more plastic tech panels and turbines to beat the weather.

These people are the biggest retards in human history

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The UK doesn't go down the road spraying shit. Not like that. I've never seen that bullshit.

It uses pesticides when it sprays certain areas on a gardener level, agriculture level. Not street level.

It has banned many types, due to trying to rewild unsuccessfully. Unsuccessfully there is only decline. These dumb idiots today know it's cellphones. But they care more about money and EVs, not the environment. If a Windfarm means ripping up the countryside, so be it. It's more environmental than the countryside, putting brand new estates into forest and green land to home immigrants, because immigrants are environmental.

EVs are environmental you just need another 10 million immigrants to drive them. They operate on 5g tech, they're the best. Seeding weather is the best environmental policy.

They're all a bunch of fucking retards today every single one of them.

No. That shit this topic, is a comparison to the third world. Africa. China. India. Where swarms of locusts or mosquitoes or something cause disease. It doesn't happen anywhere else apart from Syfi.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No he wanted to be anon. Dumbass.

It ain't pesticides either. What a historic first? Hey guys it's the bullshit insect season. No. It's getting cooler. Spring/Summer that point. If there are any. I saw my first insect the other day, it was surprisingly creepy. The first insect in a decade, almost. It was a house spider. No bees, wasps, moths, mosquitoes, flies, longlegs, butterflies. First insect all year, a house spider. In almost a decade. Use to get a bee or wasp or something. Now it's the insect twilight zone. What insects?

What did they spray for the Covid, in other places?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Passage please?

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

They've known it for much longer.

They don't give one little shit. Cellphones, and seeding, probably a few other lesser reasons are the exact reason we're seeing a huge decline in insects and birds. But we need it to beat climate change, right.

Since cellphones, look at the decline caused on our environment. A few decades. No rejuvenation efforts working. It ain't pesticides, they were there for longer. It is what specifically affecting them. Read those headlines. It is the cellphone. That rate of decline has sped up astronomically. Since the cellphone. There is as much supporting evidence as your links of cancers and brain disease.

No, we need more consumption to kick-start productivity to get out of the debt driven economies reliant on the next means of profit.

At this rate, it doesn't matter. One little bit.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

USA infrastructure any better? How many rail disasters this year? How many factories? Natural disasters?

But look at that border. It still loads them in. Into some of the worst cities on this planet for crime.

The difference being you care. But do you? No, you just want to tell everybody else what to do. What's that exactly? It has become retarded joke, today.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No, we're going to war. Larger war is becoming a reality that's dawning daily.

When is that question? A few years at this rate. Could be sooner. But likely within the decade unless there's always an unless, but that probability is becoming distinct

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe it'll return to the swamp, and stop bothering everybody else

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