Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Shut up. That is not the way you address anybody.

It had everything to do with the Great Depression. Less traditional means of fertiliser. Like the fucking horse. All those cars. They expanded farmland rapidly. Expanded the fields, bigger they're using tractors. Temperature rose it wasn't entirely global either. But there was drought. There was insects and there was the dust bowl. It caused a viscous cycle. Where the shit kept going wrong. Yes the dust bowl caused it. Farmers caused the dust bowl. The temperature didn't help. But crop failure was due to changing methods.

Now fuck off.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No didn't catch it. I thought Arizona was the first state to do the recounts. They found voter fraud in the presidential election. I kind of assumed this time, next vote, they'd stop it. Hence bad example. Also like Arizona only has tiny population, easier counting it.

I don't go by that shit anyway. I go by bookies. They're not in the business of getting political bets wrong, normally, not recently. It can change when it gets near to voting, but normally the banks and stock market backing them have it pretty much right,.

Currently the shares, yep shares, are the GOP is massively ahead for a majority. But it still requires your votes. Subject to change. But not day before. Like week or few days before voting sometimes the odds, flip. I don't know how it's possible. It's otherwise quite historic. Lame duck president. It would mean????

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happens if there is a majority. I am wondering this. I hope there is as a historic first. Is it a historic first, getting a lame duck president they normally fail on reelection. But it would be a really funny winter.

But yea you'd think they'll try to steal it first? If they do, won't it continue to fail anyway.

What happens if there is a majority.

Arizona not happening again there. Real dumb example.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Bad skill was rancher/farmer in the great depression. They caused the great depression. The Great Depression started from the dust bowl. The dust bowl was caused by farmers changing traditional farming methods by expanding agricultural land, huge fields, much bigger, and using non traditional fertilisers. They hacked away at the land, deforesting, and changing it. Temperature soared, drought, and the dust and plagues of insects. Great depression followed. Vicious cycle. More farmland needed to make money. More dust and more crop failure. Bad skills.

Today it might be different. Except big droughts and insects hitting farmland presently and last year in the Mid West, West, North West?

The idiot down voting should study history.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What do you mean?

Do people worship what? Greeks. Christians have for awhile. Are you saying it's all connected. Everything is connected to something. But I doubt it's Apollo.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hahaha, there are probably worst things to be afraid of this winter.

If it comes back. It is to preempt a population in protest. Because the lights are out. Powercuts. Failures of government. Potential economic turmoil ahead. Aren't they warming up a narrative that is otherwise superstition. Easier to keep you all lockdown.

Dunno how they'd pass it, it's a lame duck, but it's not impossible if things get more triggered. Plenty of scenarios they will. But by bringing back the coof to lockdown the increasing failures being served. I somehow doubt anybody will buy it again, and not if the lights go out. Who knows what crap they'll fling.

It seems that narrative is rearing again. It is fucking tedious.

I find it even more tedious the fake protests diverting from real issues. So many fake protests halting real protests at the economic bullshit. Instead we have Iran or real assholes like those climate idiots. But nobody is protesting their cunting governments. Instead give a shit about bullshit.

I swear they use counter insurgency. Paid shills. Swear it diverts and detracts from real issues. These climate idiots seem to pop up like clockwork when there should be people protesting inflation or some other failure. They use assholes to get arrested to stop other protest. Iran popped up when people should be demanding a general election or again the other bullshit today. Iran is total shills. I mean they wear that shit in the West and in a lot of the Arab world but sure enough they armed some Kurd's. What is even more laughable was Europe caused them to burqa to begin with. It wasn't in the Ottoman empire or Persia rather the desert tribes they empowered to rebel. Somehow today it's in the West but god forbid it's somewhere else. Not everywhere like Pakistan or Saudia Arabia. No sir. Just because inflation in Iran gives somebody dumb at home where there is soaring inflation something else to do. It has almost nothing to do with a face covering. Not even in Iran. Soaring inflation sparked it. They'd been protesting all year at it. Nobody blinked, until we banned it. Hahaha. No we didn't. But Iran should.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks, but weren't Greeks before Romans? Hadn't Greeks settled all over Italy before the Roman empire. Didn't they have philosophical schools in Italy and the god of it is Apollo.

Obviously it likes to distinguish these huge differences, because of the Latin.

Which famous Greek philosopher had a school in Italy? Apollo is the god of education arts philosophy poetry etc.

Yea they were there prior to the Latin. History isn't the lies told.

You always come across this shit. It presents a conundrum right. A hole in the script.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They pray to him today. He never returned. They keep praying he'll return with the chocolate and bubblegum.

Thanks for that yea.

This can happen to the primitive, has been documented by the primitive. But for that one kind influence trying to get home. There are a bunch of others with agendas. Easter Island, Hawaii, New Zealand that list is endless in its causality.

There is a real naivety that aliens are gonna be somebody else. They are going to be Christ. No.

In any event unless hell blows over, it's another fraud, and a cheesy movie. Zee alien saveth you. No, it plies you with the technology until you're paying for its welfare....

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They demand the sacrifices.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. You'd have to be buying John the American and his bubblegum. His sacred bubblegum is still being worshipped, I forget the Island you have to look it up. These people. Everywhere else they Captain, cooked. He stole their wives or something.

Bluebeam was Roswell. Now it's simply keeping the races, racing. Need to find alien first. But nobody wants to find the alien. If they did it's kumbaya.

Who'd listen to them. They'd listen to the alien. And would you go and look at that.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

They cull white people because it's where they rule from. White people in numbers are smarter and more capable, posing a direct threat to their wealth. Easier dividing them and ruling from banks and corps funnelling all the wealth who knows where.

It is far easier gaining massive wealth from services. Make it cheaper off of stupid labour making things without regulation and standards. Labor/industry causes increased birthrates. It causes population. It also halts inflation. You're producing and manufacturing away from. Soaring prices. Services cause a population to migrate and immigrate. It causes greater wealth for land owners, investment causing inflation. New condos new builds added into increasing populations, investment keeping rates high. So you're selling education and tourism, rent, investment. Prices rise. Even more dastardly is the direct decline to culture or way of life. Where today where is home ownership at. Unaffordable. No longer is the family home being passed down. Everybody else goes they done their prison time, slave system, and retires abroad. Kids are mostly debt slaves today, tuition, mortgages, parents retiring abroad. A nation of citizens funneling the wealth out. All these immigrants sending money to another nation, sure they pay some taxes or tuition but identify from somewhere else where they have another home. Home ownership is the least in history today. It doesn't suite wealth, it makes far more rent. Then government makes hidden taxes, it burrows heavily from banks, rasing their rates. Now no mortgages, pensions threatened. Culture delimitation by martial status in huge decline. Look at those adverts. No seriously. All that pick and mix is such opportunity or decline. Average it, falling quicker. Wealth becomes further divided. Where is pick a mix identifying from did parents even last the average.

Okay foreign numbers, far more profitable, where is that money from simple services per head? Larger populations who they have massively boomed. Services reaping soaring investment inflating. Inserting cheaper labor. If you're selling commodities, utilities. Look at that profit. Your own market, less, despite the absurd costs where white people are paying far higher costs, taxes, and just about everything else for it. Standards. Not if you think it is so racist to live under feudalism. It is the extent of that land and home ownership. Where today white people are faster second class citizens. Literally opportunity is funneling abroad. Culture deciminated by everybody else's opportunity foremost. White people simply pay taxes.

Okay but the trickle down affects where far more. Trickle down in white nations doesn't work except in providing inflation. But recessions in Euope and America causes what to everywhere else. It causes far worse recession. Not completely accurate as other nations adopted other methods and partners but yes they will become more affected by any decline.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha. No. It would do the opposite. Literally cause the opposite.

It's a cheesy movie. Instead of actual history like Captain Cook. Or the Nephilim.

But it has worked on an Island out in Micronesia. These idiots made a Church and a religion to John the American who fell out of the sky, he gave them the sacred chewing gum and chocolate and promised them all they'd get a bunch of nice things, if they helped him get home. His plane crashed and he parachuted then they came and took him home. Who were they the Navy. But orally they passed down on St.JOHN's day they were the gods. Because John gave them the chewing gum. Until today they think this guy was Christ. They pray to John, who never returned, but when leaving he raided the Navy stores for more chocolate to give to them. When the missionaries arrived later giving them stupid concepts like god and Jesus, they have only prayed to John the American.

There is no way people buy a hoax. It would cause any current powers to lose control.

A global religion causes zealots and cannibals. Or makes even dumber people. Look at ISIS. Zealots cause armaggedon. They start burning books, and begin the human sacrifices to their new Alien gods. Who are all outta bubblegum.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who'd believe it? I mean seriously.

With Alien contact. Nobody listens. Real simple. Our powers have lied about everything. Origin. Religion. Science. Secrets. Etc. Aliens are sooner our new leaders. Not happening.

Why would aliens come in peace? They've tipped the balance above. What happens when an advanced race meets primitives. Historically worshipped until the primative race rebels. Because an Advanced race demands what from it. Resources, rule, land?

So who on Earth buys that bullshit? It would cause anarchy, potentially war. Let's say the Aliens landed in China. Or Russia. What about America? Does the Alien speak to the Security Council? Now who listens to it. Alien says destroy nuke otherwise Alien does? Hang on Alien does what?

Bullshit. Any bluebeam already happened. Roswell. It caused the space race and a heap of dystopia.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Not at the time. Afterwards, sure. The theory of evolution only really became popular after WW1. A lot of other events caused it. Importantly the origin of the Bible.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hmm. It's not that simple. It has to be a bill. Or executive order. Bill is passed into law. Then the courts etc. Executive order can be challenged by the courts. It isn't law until it becomes a Bill. There are certain mandates outside of this allowing seizure and foreclosure, but they often have to become validated by Congress or the Courts, unless mandated under powers of various acts, but the Supreme Court can still declare it unconstitutional.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They can by lawful means. Monopoly act, or like China or hostile actors are doing shit. Or sometimes other bullshit. Like I know, let's switch off the Internet.

However the courts get involved. Because it is a public source not a government one. Government provides certain legislation, content and broadcast, but it has to be passed into a bill to become law, cannot say lynch otherwise you're banned from twitter. But what happens to it, when they do, if blocked who is gonna touch afterwards?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Congress can, they regulate it. What it can broadcast, content, and dumber laws of cannot say this or that. President not without specific clause. He can seize it under certain powers. Then it's mostly offline. There are also certain powers blocking mergers if a threat, or blocking mergers under the monopoly act. Unlikely he was being sued for not buying it. Again what happens to it.

But who in Congress is stopping it. They aren't. If the Potus does. If that happens. No more twitter. It tanks into oblivion.

The government doesn't own it either. If they attempted too. No more Twitter.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

What happens if the midterms flip? And what happens if they dont?

If they completely flipped to an opposition majority, what happens to the markets.

If they dont flip, well there's only stagnation ahead, the same rot and ruin, taxing and inflating and collapsing.

What happens when there are huge power cuts in the winter ahead under unpopular governments?

At this point it has been predestined. To what extent. Gradual. Or will it pop sooner. Gradual as in they keep slicing off their legs for the next couple years. Until the next office promise to fix by breaking it more. Prompting it. Running sky high debt while axing away at it, and inserting complete idiots. Never seen such idiotsynchronicity, like freaking Clockwork. Why. It has been purposeful. Until it, bottoms out? It must break before it becomes. They don't scream reset unless it gives

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

But he can't and technically not by law. An empty gesture.

Laughable press. Causality

Twitter sues Musks for not buying. Potus blocks Musk buying Twitter. Hang on why was any case to Musk for not buying Twitter put forward to trial. Umm Potus thinks he owns something he doesn't. Technically the Potus might be able to claim some authority, citing some other grounds like national security. However it causes Twitter to become completely redundant. It would tank overnight. Potus blocks Twitter. Not happening.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has actually. Ukraine has no airforce to speak of left. Except a few drones. However it has a lot more rockets shooting stuff down. Because Russia has S400-500 coverage, no Ukrainian airforce.

Unless Russia completely carpets it, ineffective, they bombed Syria for years, or nukes it. All those Ukrainian rockets cause much worse results. Also when Russia uses its jets, it's another warcrime.

That battlefield has evolved in this war its primary mission was to liberate. Much harder simply bombing out infrastructure, if you plan on utilizing, and making peace deals.

Density provides less cover to aircraft, when an opposing side is being armed. Not to say there isn't a lot of air support because there is. But far less than other wars where it's targeting everything like command structures, and critical infrastructure. More of it is Ukraine has a lot of air defense.

Easier using missile and drone, less expensive than jets getting targeted.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2


Pre planned collapse to cause a swing. Big swing causes bigger majority. When it does what happens next.

Because you cannot do shit today otherwise. It's a swamp. Where there a bunch of morons causing everybody and their pet dog to vote away from their current powers blundering into idiotsynchronicity.

But you actually meant they cared about what Russia does? It still hasn't won anything yet.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

He didn't. Because he's still outta work. What new film is he working on. His reputation hasn't recovered. Will it. Spacey had a lot of accussers. More than 2. Those witnesses weren't credible either. They're dead. Their word versus his. It was the fact more people said it about him. In any event those accussers change nothing. They did actually. Nobody else wants that trial, member when you got your dick out at the bar. I never. I just imagine there being millions who might have done.

Obviously Op really cares about what gay people says.

But why death, because Spacy hired a hit man. Instead of it being from anybody else, or natural.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

A load of bullshit. You're linking that crap from second hand information, and you keep repeating a book you subscribed too. It isn't fact.

It's funny how quick you keep repeating it. It's not even verified. It came from a counter argument out of a subscription service.

You are one dumb nigger.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You haven't supported your claim. Nigger. You generated the back pages of another whore. They're literally trying to get funded from the controversy, their books are another subscription

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