Yet the world is still in the grips of the worst food crisis in modern history, as Russia’s war in Ukraine shakes global agricultural systems already grappling with the effects of extreme weather and the pandemic. Market conditions may have improved in recent months, but experts do not expect imminent relief.
By 2022, approximately 735 million people – or 9.2% of the world’s population – found themselves in a state of chronic hunger – a staggering rise compared to 2019. This data underscores the severity of the situation, revealing a growing crisis.
Here sweaty, sources you can trust.
All you're doing by feeding generated data back in is biasing that information.
Yeah that is the point. You are telling the model that output is good and to produce more output like that. Positive reinforcement.
It's kind of like repeating something to yourself a million times
This is exactly how an AI model is trained. You repeatedly show it a dataset a number of times until it learns what you are trying to teach it.
even if it's false
What part about “good quality” don’t you understand?
The Nordics huh? Like how Sweden has gone from one of the safest countries in Europe to one of the most dangerous? Where one in 4 women can expect to be raped huh? Where grenade attacks have become common huh? Where there are Shariah zones, do you remember that clash of cultures thing?
You disregard my argument, minimize it, call me intellectually dishonest then start on going on about “hate?” You’re a hypocrite. My family assimilated because while European cultures are diverse they are far less opposed, far more compatible together than a European culture is with one from Africa.
Have you really never considered what “clash of cultures” means? Some cultures are diametrically opposed to one another. Here is an example you should be able to understand. Consider the culture in the West, where women are given autonomy over their lives, they have, at least, equal rights to men. Rape and murder of women is considered bad. Meanwhile in places like Africa and the Middle East oftentimes the local culture is the complete opposite. Women are controlled, what they wear, what they are allowed to do, where they can go. When women in those places misbehave they can expect a beating or rape or even be killed (for the family’s honor of course). When people from those cultures come to the West they don’t suddenly forget those beliefs, morals, norms they grew up in. Eventually that leads to a clash of cultures where one group believes things should be run one way and another group believes it should be done another. This can of course become violent.
That’s just idealist bullshit which I say as an idealist. You are fighting natural forces that will always win. You are making things worse. You are creating cultural conflict and racial tension with your misguided ideology. The damage is and will be immense.
Tribalism is innate in humans. In-group bias is a survival instinct. By allowing our country to be flooded with outsiders with conflicting cultures the tribal instinct is being stimulated. Not to mention all the CRT and the stoking of racial tension by the Bolshevik left.
NYPost is fake news according to this document signed by 33 intelligence officials. So this article actually proves it never happened winky face