by DrLeaks
Corporis -8 points ago +3 / -11

Considering the blatant corruption and illegal protection the deplorable hillary clinton and her friends have gotten despite major crimes committed it is a reasonable assumption that anyone connected to the corrupt clinton name would be compromised.

Also, not surprisingly that news article reads like an opinion piece instead of an actual news article. Yahoo is shit.

Corporis -7 points ago +4 / -11

If the least Musk does is break apart the censorship bubble Twitter has made that removes and harasses anything damaging to the corrupt democrat party then I say Bravo Musk!

Corporis -7 points ago +4 / -11

barak obama is the worst president the US has had, there are a myriad of scandals and major crimes he committed, warcrimes and torture for instance, but the one that stands out is SpyGate which is worse than WaterGate ever was.

Corporis -7 points ago +5 / -12

The shills keep coming here, posting false smear after false smear despite the whole corrupt democrat party not being able to find anything on President Trump despite five years of trying.

The flights were all between Palm Beach and New York City airports, with the June 1994 flight stopping at Ronald Reagan Washington Washington National Airport between Palm Beach and New York.

Misleading post by you. He flew with his family, including wife and children on at least one flight and they were all from PB to NYC.

It was also 4 years before Epstein owned the island.

You are lying.

Pictures at socialite parties mean very little. Not like the Clinton's that are photographed at the island with underage girls, or in the Lolita express with underage girls, or together with Ghislain Maxwell at their daughters private wedding.

The Real Trump-Epstein Relationship - While Former President Clinton Partied with Epstein on Orgy Island - Citizen Trump's Relationship Was Mostly Adversarial

Trump is noted on the flight logs once in 1997 only.

Once. When his plane broke down and he hitched a ride with a small plane from one US city to another US city.

Trump never went to the Epstein island, unlike the clintons that went there something like 28 times, on many of those trips bill and hillary ordered the secret service to not accompany them.

The narrative is that trump flew on the lolita express, but the logs don't prove that.

The facts are that Trump was the only one willingly cooperating with the investigators of the case surrounding Epstein. The investigators reported they got good information they could act on from him and was very pleased with the willingness to donate time and effort from Trump.

Trump also outed Epstein as a shady character and banned him from his hotels. My guess is Trump is no fan of Epstein.

Here is the lawyer for the girls suing Epstein talking about interactions with Trump in 2009

Called out Bill, Epstein and the "famous island" in 2015. Start at 22:30 -

Here's a tweet he made in 2012 - Trump tweet (2012) - Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.

Trump Was 'Only One' To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case

Fusion GPS Tried And Failed To Link Trump To Jeffrey Epstein

The documents released from the Ghislain Maxwell case also show that witnesses testify that Trump was not involved with the Epstein enterprise.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

Cause and effect. NATO, the US and europe is supporting literal nazis and the murder of over 10 000 russian speaking civilians in the Donbas Republic since 2014. Now they refused to follow the rules set by the owner and not pay for the Russian gas in a manner that is suitable to the owner and expect the tap to remain open? Fools.

Corporis -5 points ago +7 / -12

Pedophile joe biden is an illegitimate fascist president and he showcases the corruption and criminality of the democrat party.

Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

It's looking more and more like Russia is the good guy here, destroying the illegal US bio weapons research facilities that they placed on the border of Russia. If nothing else, this is the reverse of the Cuban crisis and back then the US threatened with wmd attacks for Russian bases being placed next to the US border.

No surprise, the US is the main warmonger of the world and perhaps one of the biggest badguys on the planet.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

The majority of the main stream media is in bed with the corrupt and criminal democrat party. These people have no morals and no conscience, the will lie about anything to further their control.

Corporis -3 points ago +8 / -11

The democrats are criminals with no conscience or morals, they lie about everything to falsely smear opponents. They are corrupt criminals!

Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

Oh, what President Trump did during his tenure that the corrupt democrats immediately removed once pedophile joe biden was in office in 2020? Criminal democrats afraid of the upcoming election.

Corporis -3 points ago +10 / -13

Disney has a big problem with pedophilia among their employees, they have had many cases coming out revealing this.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

Something is better than nothing, would you not agree?

Corporis -12 points ago +2 / -14

It was definitely a rigged election, or "fortified" as the criminal democrats like to call it.

Even pedo joe biden admitted to it in one of his senile rants, "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Corporis -4 points ago +8 / -12

The deplorable democrats are even trying to misrepresent the bill that is being presented as "don't say gay", when in reality it is an anti-grooming bill in addition to increasing parent participation and control over what is being taught in schools.

by DrLeaks
Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

Great news!

However, democrats have shown themselves to have neither morals nor a conscience, I doubt they will honor this if they can get away with it.

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