Counterfeit Internet posts, comments and replies everywhere
Twitter was more bots than humans, Elon the bot / puppet master owns the platform
Reddit turned into a bot echo chamber
fakebook is an echo chamber
Counterfeit government & business behavior
Governments are no longer accountable to their people, revolutions are snuffed out
Governments are moving in the direction of their occult planned narrative
Counterfeit movies & TV shows
Rinse and repeat the same 5 story lines over and over and over and over
TV Shows are worse than the mindless commercials that are repeated
Tell Live Vision
Movies and shows named after real events and facts to prevent searching for them.
Counterfeit doctors & veterinarians
Many veterinarians are in it for the money, $200+ just for a visit
Doctors promoting the vaccine only to die of a heart attack
Doctors kick back from the pharmaceutical industry to keep us sick
Counterfeit news stories & revelations
Repeat the same fake stories over and over again diminishing our humanity
Promote Violence while burying human invention and kind acts
Counterfeit celebrity drama
Idolization of the created vs the creator
Worshiping the selected occult members
Keeping the masses distracted with scum and low lives
Counterfeit websites & search engine results
the internet is being scrubbed and censored
Search engines promote the narrative, bury the facts
Stealing people's time and money
Counterfeit retail inventory and pricing
Sale prices vs clearance price vs Normal prices
Price gouging is legal theft
The counterfeit reality started after the last cycle ended. I would say 2010 ish
Your observations are very accurate. I appreciate your perspective.
Better shut their gold window... er I mean SANCTION THEIR ASS
Time to go Saddam Hussein mode
or they aren't releasing information to the public because these are known back doors for the NSA
Can't patch a security vulnerability that is actively being used by 5, 9 and 14 eyes surveillance countries.
Cause and effect of having senior citizen luddites in charge of a country.
Chinese Hackers > NSA
Collection of Free Energy Patents:
Hint: Start at "Energy Patents All.pdf"
This list was collected by a bunch of professors and engineers from the UK. Their website was shut down.
I have done my best to preserve these works and continue their efforts.
I would like to think that I'm more than a bundle of nerves and flesh.
I would like to think that with my free will of choice I can choose to not act on chemically driven instincts alone, and can rise above the temptations of revenge, anger or fear.
I would like to use my grey matter for reasoning and empathy.
Why would I hunt and kill an animal when I have food a plenty?
Strength is in the eye of the beholder. Many animals measure another animal's strength because they can pee higher on a tree or rock, which suggests a larger animal. Cows and bulls see our strength when we can easily open a gate that they can not.
If I'm seen as weak and profited on, so be it. If I'm disrepected so be it. Being seen as weak or disrespected is our need to have power and control over others. It's ego and the id.
Does the predator empathize with the pain of their prey? Does the prey empathize with the hunger of the predator?
I am humbled that you suggest that I am the highest soul ever, however that title I can not accept. There have been many stronger souls here on this earth before my time.
IMO our humanity shows others that we can't be taken advantage of. Vengeance / retaliation only fuels inter-generational hatred. "you killed my father, prepare to die" - Inigo Montoya
You can not threaten an animal by burning down their crops, or threatening them with an act of future violence. Animals understand the present, and can't be influenced with the fear of future events. (unlike humans)
The fish doesn't hate the eagle for eating it. Just as the mosquito doesn't hate us for swatting at it when it needs our blood for it's young.
To deter a bear from attacking all one needs is a spritz of bear spray, not a retaliation against the bear's cubs.
Comparing human behavior to animals is pointless. We were given the capacity of free will of choice, and the ability to invent with our superior brains. Thus we have the ability to empathize and feel what another being, either animal or human is feeling. (atleast many of us do)
Forgive and learn.
Not forgive and forget.
We are all here to learn something.
I have forgiven many people that have wronged me or caused me harm. Not because they necessarily deserved to be forgiven, but rather, I deserve peace.
Revenge, spitefulness or hatred only takes away from my own peace.
While retaliation may give one a temporary feeling of power, it becomes a never ending cycle of gaining power over others.
While I am guilty of retaliation, it has only brought me regret.
What will Vengeance solve?
Thank you for responding to my inquiries.
If we look at DNA, and the base pairs of genes, I find it fascinating that many beings contain much more DNA than humans do.
This forum indeed does communicate using light in the form of energy. Fundamentally, we all glow. We emanate light that is not perceivable by our eyes, yet we can sense it if we develop our other senses we aren't taught about.
Spreading love is important. After all there is nothing on the other side that isn't love. That's what makes earth so much fun, is we get to experience a life that has the full spectrum of emotion, and we feel pain and suffering.
I appreciate your invite, however, I still need to clean the inside of my cup. I respect what the entity Jesus Christ has done to curb humanity from extinction, but I don't agree with the institutionalization of our connection with God. I question many aspects of the Bible, as they seem foreign to me.
I will take a look at Alien Encounters. I have enjoyed the information that Val Valerian has presented in his Matrix Books.
Please find those books below:
Please enjoy them in good health and happiness.
If I can take a page from Free Willy's book...
If we are part of a group, it is an implied division of a whole.
Retaliation is the opposite of forgiveness. When one retaliates, it only encourages the retaliation against the one who retaliated. This creates a debt of vengeance and spitefulness that becomes inter-generational.
How can we judge another if we aren't able to experience the other's thoughts, experiences and mind?
Fundamentally we humans are all the same - we need water, air, food and clothing /shelter to survive. We all Poop. These are the levels that we all share, the experience of life through form.
If we are truly the inside of the cup and our peers are the outside of the cup, are we not of the same entity?
Are we not a thread amongst the tapestry that is humanity?
Are we the tree in a vast forest? Or are we the leaf on a single tree in a forest?
Is it weird that I came to this life on earth because of my love for God?
The need to help entities of this planet, and my love for all beings, including bumbling and naive human beings.
Have you ever felt God's Love? Perhaps in a dream?
As an empath I think I felt this only once in a dream. It was overwhelmingly beautiful. It is a mix of bliss, pure euphoria and absolute love for all things.
I appreciate your response. I have been shown and made to witness many energies that are present all around us, yet we ignore / forget / take for granted.
For example, we are all connected to everyone we have met in our life through thin filaments of light. These filaments are in the thousands and emanate from our head. Kind of like an inter-dimensional tree, amongst an inter-dimensional forest.
Life of Love
How so?
Why am I responsible for another person's evil acts?
Thank you Third Eye.
I will share this w/ others.
I needed to watch this as I had lost focus / was distracted from my mission.
The mind is the final frontier.
Thanks for sharing the video.
We are fucked.
The song was called wondering Stranger by cosmic crusader
Hey what was that video that you posted a while ago that had the timelapse of the pyramids being built to that catchy rap song? Lyrics were "I wonder" with female vocals...
Keep us dumb, sick, and poisoned.
Thank you for the video.