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So is this supposed to be a religious angle? What the overall moral?
Benevolent beings have aided our civilizations since our very creation.
The Grande Reveal is coming and project blue beam will be a distraction.
They are programming us to fear interstellar beings by only allowing greys and reptilians to be known.
Christians / Jews / Muslims will fear these visitors and call them demonic.
After all many Christians believe in spooky bed time stories and have the IQ of a child.
Religion is the institutionalization of our connection to our creator
Aliens = Demons
Demons aka fallen angels have manipulated all of Mankind since its very creation.
The luciferian cabal is programming you through Tell-Lie-Vision.
Because they are demonic, and their commander-in-chief Satan/Lucifer is the prince of this world.
All so called "Aliens" literally are malevolent demonic fallen beings, and only children believe in ET.
Organized Religion is a scam, and the Jesuit Pope Petrus Romanus is actually pushing the alien agenda.
Aliens aka Demons aka Fallen Angels will only lead to your demise, project bluebeam will be a major global deception!
Hey what was that video that you posted a while ago that had the timelapse of the pyramids being built to that catchy rap song? Lyrics were "I wonder" with female vocals...