Those who are truly awakened will be able to understand this, and those who are still under the spell of human-created doctrine may lash out at hearing anything that conflicts with their programming.
God isn’t a man in the sky granting wishes, choosing to help some people and punishing others.
God doesn’t stop hurricanes or help your favorite sports team win games.
God isn’t something outside of us, but only within us.
God is more than human-created doctrine allows.
Religion is a tool created by the elites to shrink God down very small and keep humans in fear.
The greatest teachers didn’t create any religions but taught spiritual truths which were twisted into religious control systems by false light entities.
God isn’t a character in a story fighting a devil.
This is a story for children.
God doesn’t have an opposite counterpart.
God is all of the stories that have ever been told, and much more.
God is the Source of all that exists.
Every living being has moral free will, therefore God allows both good and evil.
To ‘follow God’ is a meaningless phrase unless you are using your free will to choose ‘light’ or moral ‘goodness’ which aligns with the ‘unity’ that is God.
We’re all interacting with a field of consciousness that reacts to our individual intent.
Because God is only within us, and not outside of us, our thoughts and actions determine our personal experiences.
We control our reality.
In addition to this, there are positive beings from outside our planet who have chosen to assist us with their own free will.
They serve as our spirit guides and have been called ‘angels’.
The ‘fallen angels’ that many religious people so greatly fear are the angry jealous entities who called themselves “God” in ancient times.
Scriptures reflect both positive and negative contact with non-human beings, and morally confused people often couldn’t tell them apart.
Because of the guidance and protection of the powerful positive beings, the negative beings have no power to harm us directly.
They can only influence us to commit evil acts against each other.
This is what spiritual warfare is.
Our moral free will is all that matters.
No one is coming to save us.
We’re being tested by these positive beings so that we may join them.
We must save ourselves by using our moral free will to choose good instead of evil.
Is it weird that I came to this life on earth because of my love for God?
The need to help entities of this planet, and my love for all beings, including bumbling and naive human beings.
Have you ever felt God's Love? Perhaps in a dream?
As an empath I think I felt this only once in a dream. It was overwhelmingly beautiful. It is a mix of bliss, pure euphoria and absolute love for all things.
I appreciate your response. I have been shown and made to witness many energies that are present all around us, yet we ignore / forget / take for granted.
For example, we are all connected to everyone we have met in our life through thin filaments of light. These filaments are in the thousands and emanate from our head. Kind of like an inter-dimensional tree, amongst an inter-dimensional forest.
I suppose it could well be light and dream, as I hadn't thought about it taking that form; that would solve a couple physics problems. DNA isn't always acidic, is it now? Plus this whole forum communicates with light (via copper or fiberglass).
I spread love at c/Christianity, also hate. I appreciate that you accept my response. There is much on this platform that I address with different types of response. You're free to check in if you can handle the freshness of audience.
I see that you seek other entities than Grays and Reptilians. I recommend Alien Encounters by Missler and Eastman, which reveals that Jesus is such an entity.
Thank you for responding to my inquiries.
If we look at DNA, and the base pairs of genes, I find it fascinating that many beings contain much more DNA than humans do.
This forum indeed does communicate using light in the form of energy. Fundamentally, we all glow. We emanate light that is not perceivable by our eyes, yet we can sense it if we develop our other senses we aren't taught about.
Spreading love is important. After all there is nothing on the other side that isn't love. That's what makes earth so much fun, is we get to experience a life that has the full spectrum of emotion, and we feel pain and suffering.
I appreciate your invite, however, I still need to clean the inside of my cup. I respect what the entity Jesus Christ has done to curb humanity from extinction, but I don't agree with the institutionalization of our connection with God. I question many aspects of the Bible, as they seem foreign to me.
I will take a look at Alien Encounters. I have enjoyed the information that Val Valerian has presented in his Matrix Books.
Please find those books below:
Please enjoy them in good health and happiness.
Jesus came to give organ to an organism, organically, which is totally different from coming to organize an organization, orgiastically.
???? what total Arrogance ! Swampy. You continually sound like O'bummer.
Will you ever HUMBLE yourself ? & Agree ... IN Jesus being Spiritually Reborn....
just to clarify...