ChillConservative2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any links to these forums/posts you could share?

ChillConservative2 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Why should I constantly prove what I experienced? Why am I forced to go back to the details of what I experienced for them to believe me?” another survivor, Naama Eitan, told the hearing.

Aka: we can no longer question anyone who may have witnessed what really went on that day because it could hurt their feelings. The official story has been released to the public and there is no need to question anything ever again. Hmmm

ChillConservative2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Somewhat promising…. They’re worried people are actually starting to consume the truth/wake up and are accelerating the censorship. Hopefully another site will pop up in its place. This is a sign that they’re worried about the younger generation.

ChillConservative2 0 points ago +2 / -2

Why is Palestine on all old maps but Israel isn’t? Genuine question

ChillConservative2 2 points ago +2 / -0

And not law abiding as in blindly submissive to authority, but as in self governing with a homogeneous way of life. That’s what they need to disrupt.

ChillConservative2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t understand the huge issue with a periodic decline in population (if it’s natural…). Like if you let them be, won’t everything work itself out? Eventually population will reach a equilibrium, can’t go up forever, can’t stay the same, and wouldn’t drop to zero unless there’s a much bigger issue at hand, right?

I feel like these concerns are raised solely as evidence for replacing a population aka mass immigration and forced mixing of races and cultures. Do we really need a increased population every single decade of human existence?

What will be the ripple effec of a Japanese population that takes a dip back to 1980’s numbers for example?

ChillConservative2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, insane. Yeah somewhat related but I had to use a Covid exemption letter I got from a homeopathic doctor I found when travel started getting banned. Just had to claim I was allergic to components of the drug and was written a lifetime exemption. Got me in and out of the country. No one really understood what the document was but they still let me pass thankfully and I think the language barrier worked in my favor.

ChillConservative2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can confirm. Work remotely and in summer, remote out of the city. No tv or radio after work. Just splitting wood, catching fish to eat, hiking, gardening, building, etc. with free time. It honestly is like hitting a refresh button on your mind when you do that for over a couple weeks. Working towards that disconnect but until then, it’s nice to unplug at least in extended durations as much as you can. Over time, it gets easier and easier to live without media and honesty crave a life and the overall wellness without it.

ChillConservative2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol very fitting. Was talking to my girlfriend about how essentially Canada has allowed and encouraged a “peaceful” invasion of their country. Literally changing demographics, pricing out locals, and giving a foreign country significant control over your land. Pretty scary honestly, I know it’s obviously happening in the states too but very surprising that we even allow foreigners to own land… I don’t get the benefit. Me and my friends can’t just go buying up Brazil and making a “America town” in Rio…

ChillConservative2 1 point ago +2 / -1

Could you give us your take on what off-the-charts evil you’ve seen. I am not in the know either besides bolsonaro being much much preferred by some conservative Brazilian friends during the election a few years back when I was in Brazil. Aside from communist v conservative, any specific actions this guy is guilty of? (Not that being a communist/believing in its principles isn’t evil enough)Thanks

ChillConservative2 3 points ago +3 / -0

A step in the right direction for sure. We’re active and I hate media but even we indulge in the shared family streaming every once in a while. Reacher and Jack Ryan we’re both tolerable in terms of PCness due a change. Although they still find a way to sneak it in, especially in Jack Ryan going out of their way to put women/minorities in every prominent role/power figure. At least a thought provoking/exciting plot. If it were up to me I don’t think I’d want a tv in our house at all but in moderation (and awareness of the goal of media to influence), I don’t think it’s the end of the world

ChillConservative2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! My thoughts exactly, I want good people to make as many good people as possible. Maybe an over simplification but you get the point! Just hope we’re fortunate enough to do so and like you said, crazy how that’s even common concern yet people aren’t asking why…

ChillConservative2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Holy shit. POSSIBLY IMPORTANT READ FOR FOLKS: This same thing happened to me. Long story short - saw similar post, was very interested for whatever reason and kept it buried in my mind. A year or two later, meet my current gf. She ditched the pill a year or two prior to us meeting and hadn’t had regular periods since. At that point in our relationship she HADNT HAD A PERIOD IN 7 MONTHS. I remembered the effects iodine supposedly had on the thyroid and therefore, hormones. She was seeing a gyno who was a little concerned (less than I thought they both should be but what do I know..) and wanted to try inducing a period with heavy meds. We very much want to have babies some day and I raised concerns to the gf of what these meds are exactly and what they do to her body. So I say let’s try this iodine stuff (Lugols solution, 4 drops to start in a small cup of water/day) before just to see. Also started eating a little raw beef liver. I am not bullshitting, within a week, maybe days (can’t remember exactly) she has a period… AND HAS BEEN REGULAR EVER SINCE while taking. If we forget (we’re not perfect) and she’s late, we get it back in our routine and boom- period. Actually insane. She told her gyno and gets the typical “oh good we’ll if you think it’s helping then go ahead” but my mind was blown and confirmed all of my doubts in the medical industry. Anyways for anyone who’s girl has any potential HYPOthyroidism symptoms including menstrual related, I hope this might help.

ChillConservative2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Might have already had hypERthyroidism… but yeah smart to keep an eye on those levels since everyone is different. My gf had the opposite results, I’ll type in another comment in hopes of everyone seeing it.

ChillConservative2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Turned my college friends into lazy, complacent, content with sitting there in a dark room looking at a screen all day, zombies. Was so frustrating when trying to go out and to anything active with a crew. Only thing that could rally them was booze and partying. Even with that I’ve seen them pass on going out to meet chicks because of they’re high state. For that reason, I think it’s clear that it’s a tool to sedate everyone - especially if used regularly

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