Meanwhile actual white supremes exist on here lol.
What a strange thing to downvote. That's literally what makes you guys so unbelievable as meatspace humans. You are a caricature the mainstream media is desperately trying to convince the NPCs actually exist, but you don't. Your kind literally died out generations ago. Own up to it kiddos.
Embarrassing. It's amazing that this passes for some sort of sociological "scholarship" enough to be published.
I keep hoping that the American public won't be as gullible as those throughout history who were victimized by the "cultural revolution," but I'm not placing any bets.
I read that first link and browsed the site for a little bit before going to work. The more I think about what is contained on that site, the more troubling it becomes. "Non US citizens need permission from DHS to take the course".
November 9th, MSNBC reports to every Democrat phone that Biden won. FOXNEWS reports to every Republican phone that Trump won. Fighting erupts in city streets. National guard are pulled in from the rurals onto the city streets.
Then the nukes hit.
No national guard, no millions of potential recruits. Only rural active duty and farmers vs the invasion who have already dispersed themselves throughout the countryside.
We see it coming but do nothing. The internet has ruined our sense of self preservation.
You're right it's not actually nukes it's neutron weapons.
But it's easier just to call them nukes because the human cost is the same and nobody seems to be able to visualize a bomb that only vaporizes organics and leaves the bricks in place.
lol @ jew faggots.
There is no way that we can live together anymore. Enough is enough.
Yup. Right on cue. Tards will fall for it. Part of the slowly building civil war narrative.
Meanwhile actual white supremes exist on here lol.
What a strange thing to downvote. That's literally what makes you guys so unbelievable as meatspace humans. You are a caricature the mainstream media is desperately trying to convince the NPCs actually exist, but you don't. Your kind literally died out generations ago. Own up to it kiddos.
They're the most likely to be Christian, and law abiding. That's what really scares these piece of shit elitists.
And not law abiding as in blindly submissive to authority, but as in self governing with a homogeneous way of life. That’s what they need to disrupt.
Embarrassing. It's amazing that this passes for some sort of sociological "scholarship" enough to be published.
I keep hoping that the American public won't be as gullible as those throughout history who were victimized by the "cultural revolution," but I'm not placing any bets.
The guy who got mein kampf published with woke buzzwords interchanged proves it's a meaningless practice.
Why do these two guys look exactly alike?
Agent Smith
Well folks……that just made this DHS/FEMA training course awkward:
I won’t be around to confirm whether or not they’ll have prison issued pajama pants at the Walmart camp either:
I read that first link and browsed the site for a little bit before going to work. The more I think about what is contained on that site, the more troubling it becomes. "Non US citizens need permission from DHS to take the course".
November 9th, MSNBC reports to every Democrat phone that Biden won. FOXNEWS reports to every Republican phone that Trump won. Fighting erupts in city streets. National guard are pulled in from the rurals onto the city streets.
Then the nukes hit.
No national guard, no millions of potential recruits. Only rural active duty and farmers vs the invasion who have already dispersed themselves throughout the countryside.
We see it coming but do nothing. The internet has ruined our sense of self preservation.
That's a good prediction, without the nukes part.
You're right it's not actually nukes it's neutron weapons.
But it's easier just to call them nukes because the human cost is the same and nobody seems to be able to visualize a bomb that only vaporizes organics and leaves the bricks in place.
Rural america is the only place left without shit on the streets.
Pot, meet kettle
That's a lot of words to say "based"