BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rational thoughts.

Vote, but don't stop there. Make it more expensive still, payable in blood. As expensive as you can...

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course, but viruses tend to get milder and more infectious. Omicron is already mild so it's looking good. The only problem is due to leaky COVID vaccines: https://conspiracies.win/p/140vMD28aO/x/c/4JJgxzrtQw8

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's probably an LED screen on the set.

Stringing you along throwing Q crumbs...

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's perfect for that isn't it:

  1. Extremely rapid spread (so infects most of the population quickly which reduces the window available for the virus to mutate).
  2. Unlike vaccines, can be hopefully spread to animal populations, inducing immunity in them too (else the virus will keep mutating in animal pools and jumping back).
  3. Mild
  4. Correctly targeted to the respiratory system (respiratory antibodies are apparently distinct from internal antibodies, so an injectable vaccine fails to produce antibodies in the respiratory tract which is where they're needed to prevent catching the disease. Maybe that's why the vax fails to prevent infection).

Or it could be the virus failed to live up to its Event 201 potential (65m deaths in 18 months), and ((they)) need to wrap it up and preparing for backup plans like Cyber Polygon, Smallpox etc.




BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Those were probably promoted to produce fear in the masses, and create a justification for lockdowns.

The other possibility is that a stronger variant existed in Wuhan, and mutated to a milder but more infectious form (as viruses do) before it spread everywhere. So COVID-19 may have underperformed their expectations as elucidated in Event 201:

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.

Source: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scenario.html

by bfytw
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can add another one:

Don't worry it's only going to be used in New York...

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

See edit to my previous comment. With that in mind, let me provide a counterexample to disprove the theory in the video.

Counterexample to theory in the video: See comment by u/Jellytree above.

Galileo gravity experiment. Galileo dropped two objects shaped the same [eg: hollow steel ball and solid steel ball] but weighing different amounts. Both objects landed on the ground that the same time. This experiment has been repeated countless times (including by me) and it never fails. If it's all buoyancy, why don't they fall at different rates due to their different densities?

Meanwhile, the combination of theory of gravity and thermodynamics offers an easy explanation for buoyancy:

When water replaces a less dense object, the net potential energy (determined by distance from center of the Earth and mass of object) of the system (object + water) is lower. And due to the laws of thermodynamics, a system tends to find and stay in a state of lowest potential energy (i.e. the most stable equilibrium).

Buoyancy would fail if you take a less dense object below the water level and then freeze the water because the molecules of water are not moving far enough, and the system cannot find its most stable equilibrium until they begin moving far enough (i.e. after the ice melts).

EDIT note: u/Afks I made some edits to both comments to add clarity in case you read the previous version.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gravity doesn’t exist, it’s just density and buoyancy

Bouyancy cannot exist without gravity. In order for a denser fluid to take the place of a less dense object and push it elsewhere, it needs a force to move it into place. Where does this force come from any why does it act only in one direction (pushing the less dense object upwards)?

“Space” isn’t what they say it is and the fact that we have our gaseous atmosphere against the vacuum of space with no hard barrier violates the second law of thermodynamics

Or there is another force (eg: gravity) keeping it in place.

EDIT: A theory is said to be 'wrong' if it is inconsistent with observations. Thus, a single counterexample is sufficient to demonstrate a theory is wrong. Also thus, if two theories both are consistent with all known observations, then neither can be said to be 'wrong'. Whether even one of them is the 'truth' is unknowable from said observations. Science only tells us when a theory is wrong, but cannot tell us when a theory is the truth.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Left untouched, viruses tend to have this fate. But then we have leaky vaccines, so let's see how this goes for the generations yet to be born, who won't have immunity. Current generations are fine because the majority is probably exposed to COVID or the vaccines, so will have at least weak immunity.

Leaky vaccines producing viruses with 100% kill rate for unvaccinated animals (Big Pharma's dream):

...the researchers concluded that the vaccines developed to combat Marek’s disease were imperfect or leaky.

Marek’s disease used to be a minor ailment that did little harm to chickens in the 1950s, but the virus has grown stronger and today is capable of killing all the unvaccinated birds in poultry flocks, sometimes within 10 days.

But since nearly every chicken in agricultural production throughout the world is vaccinated, Marek’s is a relatively minor problem today.

“The most virulent strain of avian influenza now decimating poultry flocks worldwide can kill unvaccinated birds in just under three days,” Read said, because the vaccine against avian influenza is a leaky one.

Culling is a more expensive process than using a leaky vaccine, he said. But it’s safer.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/leaky-vaccines-can-produce-stronger-versions-of-viruses-072715#Preventing-More-Virulent-Virus-Strains

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reward for what he DID (rather than what he WILL do)? You only reward a pet after it does the trick.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0


This is the most mature response here. You still have to go back to family in the end. And your SO has her own family. Nurse is pushing your buttons -> you react -> feel guilty about your outburst -> comply (females are good at this eh?). Don't burn your relationships by reacting. Just politely say no if that's what you decide. She has no power to physically force you. You'll prevail if you're stronger willed.

Maybe the nurse really is convinced you will get hurt without vaccines, and is getting frustrated you're putting yourself in harm's way. People who have family members who gamble, drink etc. must go through this kind of frustration too. Men tend to fight directly. Being a woman, she's using female tactics of manipulating you through people. Just tell her the family dynamic was all good until she tried using them against you, and now she'll create a rift between you and your SO if she's doesn't stop. You should get your other family members to agree not to let something they didn't care about create a rift and that no matter what, family > ideology. She'll get mad getting sidelined, just don't take the bait.

If you prevail, and she doesn't care about you, she'll distance herself. If she doesn't distance herself, then she's was probably doing out of concern for you and you shouldn't hold it against her.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

One indirect reference to piz@gate and the shills show up. Truly one of the most brigaded topics on the net.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Theory: One of the purposes of the vaccines and vaccine mandates is possibly to eliminate the "resistors":

  • Step 1: Promote vaccines with severe adverse effects in some lots
  • Step 2: Popularize the adverse effects and conspiracy theories in right-wing groups, while promoting safety and concern for others in left-wing groups through algorithmic means.
  • Step 3: Link decision to vaccinate with political identity. Use the two as synonyms in every context.
  • Step 4: Implement mandates but legally uncertain.
  • Step 5: Those who still don't take it probably value their right-wing principles over career, money, security etc. These people are a small percentage of "right-wing" actually willing to make a sacrifice (freedom fighters), and are the only ones posing a real threat (rather than all of right-wing).
  • Step 6: Discharge all freedom fighters of Step 5 (eg: by legislating mandates or via Supreme Court). This is the purging of the opposition from all branches of government, military, media, business etc. which will make a takeover easier.
  • Step 7: Preferentially promote those who took the vaccine early rather than waiting for mandates. Their conviction is not shaken even when truth about adverse effects is presented to them.
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no situation in life where there could be a benign explanation. None.

Not true if the case is fraudulent: Suppose person A gets to see MJ naked (say he's a doctor). ((They)) ask person A about identifying marks. ((They)) instruct the boy what to say...

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nah that would be blatant. If they're going to do it, what they'd rather do is require vax for in-person voting, and everyone else votes via mail-in. That would be in line with the social distancing narrative. Then they "lose" the mail (unless there is a system to track your vote).

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

This actually happens in some third world countries. A small crime will get you in, food and water for a few days. Therefore, to discourage this the police will usually thrash petty criminals to create a disincentive for those thinking about it.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Allright. Which words exactly are code words, what do they mean and how do you know that they are code and their meaning?

Re-read my post. I go as far as logical deduction allows, but no further. If answers to your questions are not contained in there, assume I don't know either.

You are aware that for years, the 4chan code words have been parades as facts by the pizzagate crowd? Yes?

We're working from first principles here, so prior knowledge has no effect on my posts and is therefore irrelevant.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I edited previous comment to address this. Stay tuned, will be posting a lot more on Pizzagate. Looking forward to your participation :)

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

No references to 4chan were made here :)


The list of code words that the pizzagaters were peddling for years was litterally made up by some anon from 4chan.

Source needed :) The claim that code words were invented on 4chan is repeated by MSM without actually linking to the thread where this happened.

Also this is a common strawman strategy used by MSM to dismiss investigation into Pizzagate:

  1. Some 4chan users speculated about what certain words refer to. Claim: The code words were 'invented' on 4chan.
  2. Some social media users propagated it. Claim: Entire pizzagate narrative rests on said invention.
  3. Claim: Thus it is a hoax.

Whereas the truth is:

  1. False. The investigation done by one group of users irrelevant to the one done by another group, unless a direct reference is made to prior group. Each separate investigation must be answered separately. What happened on 4chan is irrelevant to what I am looking into.

    The 'code words' were not 'invented' on 4chan. They exist in the emails. The reason they were singled out is because the context they are used in does not fit with their literal meaning and implies they are code for something else (Example: See post above for usage of 'pizza').

    The 'code words' are first discussed in this post by me :) I'm "not aware" of what theories others might be peddling :) If you have concerns about their theories, kindly address it to them. I can only answer for my work.

  2. False. Again what one group of users propagates is irrelevant to what another group propagates, unless there a direct reference is made to prior group. It is a sad attempt at caricaturing the entire group, to avoid looking at details on a case-by-case basis.

  3. Keep repeating the claim "it is a hoax" while not even addressing the evidence directly does not make it true. Address the evidence directly, then we can talk. I can talk about specifics, but not vague generalities.

BlackDay2020 9 points ago +9 / -0

Two of the judges supporting mandate seem to be appointed by Trump.

Trust the plan. /s

BlackDay2020 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Here's a much better source that shows the darker intentions behind it: http://desip.igc.org/LBJLiberty.html


Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III... asserting that the U.S. and Israel colluded to provoke the war and to sink the Liberty in a false-flag attack, blaming it on Egypt. The sinking of the Liberty was to serve as President Johnson's pretext to publicly join Israel's war and to strike a Cold War blow against U.S.S.R. support for Israel's Arab neighbors.

Fatefully it was also Johnson’s decision to shield Israel from international pressure to withdraw from captured Arab territory, which opened the door to the ongoing tragedy of more than five decades of Israeli military rule over millions of Palestinians.

Hounam's subtitle, Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III, references the even more inconceivable element of his theory, namely that only the unanticipated survival of the Liberty prevented President Johnson from proceeding with his plan to initiate World War III by employing nuclear weaponry to attack Egypt.


  1. Greater Israel: A larger state of Israel, possibly encompassing all of the "promised land" from Nile to Euphrates, which is currently partially occupied by Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq etc.

  2. Yinnon Plan: https://amirmortasawi.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/isil10.pdf

    Provides one theory for America's destabilization of the Middle East. It's not for oil (oil theory could be misdirection).

  3. A common strawman used to misdirect is Israel wanted to destroy US surveillance capabilities, and attacked USS Liberty for this reason. The above source does a take down of that theory.

BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

The idea is to post snippets over time to maximize awareness (most people don't bother reading a huge info dump). I hope other people can help me out as the totality of research is huge for one person to do it all. It's also easier to debate over one piece of evidence at a time.

Probably one of the most brigaded topics on the net, Pizzagate always brings out the shills. Let's see if we can spot some in the comments.

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